Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 457: 457

The incessant fury of the sword came down like a storm. Buddha, who is in the whirlpool of fierce Yin and cold sword spirit, is engulfed by the terrible wave of sword spirit.

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"Whoosh!" A dark lacquer black theory of law, which is full of dark and strange black awn, flies down as a black streamer of flame rising.

The evil spirit and black smoke are surging out from the theory of lacquer black law, and a swarm of bees are rushing towards the fierce sword group. The sharp sawtooth on the dark theory of Dharma kept spinning wildly, breaking a gap in front of it.

"Jie Jie, Amina Buddha..." accompanied by a strange smile, the Buddha's whole body exudes black awn, and walks out with lacquer black Dharma theory in hand. The fierce Yin cold swords around them were like a storm. They all turned around and stabbed at the Buddha's body.

"Boom!" The endless black light is dazzling and rising, and the lacquer black Dharma theory in the hands of Buddha is rapidly and madly circling. The strange dark flame propagates, and resists all the Yin cold sword meaning from the left and right of it outside the Buddha's body.

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"Ha ha, it seems that this guy hasn't completely controlled the body of Buddha, otherwise he won't recall the Dharma tools to protect himself in the face of your sword attack!" Demon respect fire Xiao words full of smile, in front of no trace gently remind way.

"Hoo No trace heavily breathed a breath, in the body of Hongmeng chaotic gas quickly added to the body of the deficit. With the movement of heart, the silver sword falls into Wuhen's hand. The sword meaning released by Wuhen is quickly integrated with the silver sword.

"All the methods are empty, one sword has no trace!" A voice, if there is no, spits out from the mouth full of positive color. Then, he put a silver sword in front of traceless body. With the silver sword's flash, the fierce wind swept across the sky in a flash. On the rock like ground above the straight stream Road, there are clearly visible and extremely penetrating sword marks.

"Jie Jie, Amitabha!" The Buddha, wrapped in the smoke of evil intention, holds the theory of lacquer black Dharma in his hand and has a cruel and strange smile on his face all the time. When a sword moves without trace, the black smoke of evil intention covered by the Buddha's whole body is completely pierced by the fierce sword wind. At the same time, the blood stains on the Buddha's body and cheek are also visible.

"Teng!" The Buddha's figure soared into the air, and the theory of black painting in his hand came out in an instant. A steady stream of evil ideas and black smoke spread out, trying to stop the traceless sword Qi below.

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"Poof!" Just a dull sound, quietly from the ground below will be uploaded out. The sword Qi without trace dissipated in the void, as if it had never appeared before. However, the theory of lacquer black law covered with evil ideas suddenly broke into two pieces and suspended out of thin air.

"Keke, he dodged me!" No trace gently cough cough, the whole person looks a little pale up. The sword of that type just killed Wuchen, which consumed nearly one third of the Xuanli Qi in Wuchen's body. The universe will speed up its operation, and Hongmeng's chaotic Qi will rush into the purple and golden elixir field in Wuchen's body.

"Brush!" When the void is interrupted, two pieces of the suspended lacquer black theory of Dharma tremble slightly, and instantly turn into a dark sun, and the solar eclipse covers the sky.

The burning fire of the prison in the void trembled inexplicably and began to drift away slowly towards the sun and shadow after the breaking of lacquer black theory.

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"Jie Jie, asshole, you dare to break my treasure. Do you know how much effort it will take me to recover the evil wheel? You are a damned guy. I will break you to pieces, and then imprison your spirit, so that you will never be able to live beyond life! " Another strange cry came out. The Buddha's face was very gloomy, and his eyes were very cold. He looked directly at the body without trace.

The dark sun in the void constantly releases the fiery fire of the prison, which echoes with the evil spirit and dark Qi released from the Buddha.

"Ha ha, if you want to destroy my spirit, it depends on whether you old monster has that ability!" No trace smell speech light smile, can't say no to the opposite Buddha spread a hand. Then, I saw the silver sword in Wuchen's hand tremble in vain, and the sharp sword spirit rose out of thin air again.

"Jie Jie, boy, how many times can you launch an attack like that! If you can't cut me down, I'll have your body! " In vain, the Buddha's face became ferocious and terrifying, and his voice became old-fashioned.

"Ha ha, I can't launch such an attack several times!" No trace light smile, toward the face of the ferocious Buddha nodded. Then, the silver light in front of Wu Chen's body flashed in vain, and the silver sword turned into a bright belt again, which was tied on Wu Chen's waist.

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"Jie Jie, it seems that you are still pretty smart. Why don't you and I share the same body? I'll call you Kaizong lipai to be the man standing on the top of this continent! " The Buddha's ferocious face showed a smile, and he spoke to traceless and seductive people. The evil spirit and the empty voice of the Buddha are very charming, as if the future is as promising as he said."Damn, traceless boy, don't listen to this guy fart! Demon master, I am the immortal demon master, the supreme existence in the six worlds, nine days and three thousand worlds. This guy is just a ghost. He even dares to rob people under the demon lord's eyes. I can't bear it. Uncle can't bear it either... "Demon zunhuoxiao's roaring roars, and continues to bombard in traceless's mind.

"Ha ha, you don't have to say that your offer is really attractive! It's a pity that someone has got there before you With a faint smile, Wu trace ponders back to the self-confident Buddha. Then, the Xuanli Qi in Wuchen's body rises wildly and violently, and the endless Yin cold sword is intended to release from its whole body.

"Jie Jie, Amitabha. Since you want to die, I will help you. Anyway, after you die, your body is still owned by me! " The Buddha's face became ferocious again, and his dark and deep eyes were staring at no trace. Fury of laughter resounded in the silence of the void, the dark sun suspended above its head quickly and inexplicably connected with the body and fused into one.

The strange evil spirit and black smoke are surging out of the Buddha's body. Behind the Buddha, there is a magic shadow.

Strange infiltration of the devil's head law phase, slowly open closed eyes. Two deep dark eyes, as if with endless evil intention, struck on the body without mark. Then, the strange devil FA Xiang suddenly showed a bloodthirsty smile, and a black light immediately hit the body of no trace and locked the whole person on the spot< br>

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