Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 458: 458

Poop, poop. Poop, poop

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The evil intention black smoke rises, whistling, then swallows the traceless body shape to cover. In the void, a demon with a strange smile and haze rushed into the boundless dark smoke with a ferocious face.

"Amitabha..." a voice of Buddha's name, which is as if there is nothing, as if there is no way to leave, comes from the bottom of Buddha's heart.

"Jie Jie, the little monk, there is still a trace of ghost! But it doesn't matter anymore. I'll have a more perfect body in a little while! " There is a trace of disgust on the ferocious face of the Buddha. The evil spirit of the whole body is black smoke, and the sound of the Buddha's horn is dead in the bottom of my heart.

"Hum!" At the moment when the evil things in the Buddha's body were distracted, a series of buzzing sounds of sword meaning rang out at the same time. The fury and purity of the sword rose from the sky, and the nine vast golden awns glittered and lingered in the black smoke of evil intention.

"Amitabha, what's the situation?" Just after suppressing and calming down the only remnant soul of the Buddha, the evil things in the Buddha felt the crisis from the outside world for the first time. Then, I saw that he urged the Buddha's body to quickly retreat to the rear, and the dark and deep eyes, like a dead silence, scanned the front with vigilance.

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At the same time, I saw nine dazzling golden lights whirling around madly, which completely wiped out the evil spirit and black smoke in the original place. Then he saw a figure in green step out, and there were nine ancient words with the meaning of terror and surging sword around him.

"Lin, Bing, Dou, Zhe, Jun, array, line, front, line." the nine ancient words are vivid, hovering around, turning into nine golden beams, tightly protecting the traceless body shape. On the other hand, the breath and momentum of each of the nine ancient Chinese characters are different. It seems that each of the nine ancient Chinese characters contains an extremely pure and vigorous source of Xuanli.

"Roar!" A shrill roar came out of the rear of the traceless body without any sign. The evil spirit shrouded in the devil's head, Faxiang flew up, opened his mouth, showed his terrible fangs, and flew toward the traceless head.

"Jiuxiao dragon Jue, Jiuzi sword Jue, Lin!" A specious voice, floating like resounding in the death of the general silence of the Star Palace. The meaning of the nine character sword whirled wildly in front of Wu Chen's body. One of the ancient characters with the word "Lin" quickly flew from Wu Chen's body.

"Click!" A crisp dull sound came from the rear of the traceless body. Linzi ancient Chinese characters contain endless mysterious force of earth, heavy and powerful, and they are right on the forehead of the demon head. Then, I saw the golden light on the ancient characters of Linzi, and the endless golden awn enveloped it.

The heavy and dreary Xuanli of the earth filled the air and shocked the whole demon Dharma phase on the spot. With the mysterious force on the ancient words of Linzi burst out in vain, a more violent Xiaosha sword idea instantly turned into golden light scattered on the demon Dharma phase.

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Poop, poop. Poop, poop

The ancient Linzi characters are completely transformed into golden light, and the whole space covered by its golden awn is full of violent sword storm. The terrible sword storm was like a storm destroying Mullah. In an instant, it completely strangled and destroyed the demon Dharma phase who was in fear on the spot.

"Suddenly A strange cold wind blows across the sky, and the smell of the golden ancient words behind the traceless gradually turns into nothingness. And in the just imprisoned space, there was no evil intention, and the black smoke escaped.

Even the fierce prison fire compatible with the demon Dharma in his body was suppressed and extinguished in the void. It can be seen from this that jiuxiao dragon Jue and Jiuzi sword Jue are extremely powerful.

"Ha ha, this guy is so weak compared with the extraterritorial demons..." a faint smile appeared on the Junlang's face, holding his head high and staring at the retreating Buddha not far away.

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At this time, there are still nine golden lights hovering madly in front of Wuchen, but one of them is shrouded in the golden light, and the ancient Linzi is still completely disappeared.

Nine beams of light whirl wildly, and now there are only soldiers, fighters, generals, arrays, lines, front lines, and eight golden awns. The ancient Chinese characters are dazzling.

"This. This is impossible. How can this kind of skill be spread all over the world! You. Who are you? " At the foot of the Buddha, his steps were in a panic, and his ferocious face was covered with incredible words. His deep and dark eyes were full of panic. When he looked at Wu trace again, he felt as if he had seen the demon king, full of panic and fear.

"Well, don't look at me like this, my face will turn into a red apple! This guy. It's clear that you are the evil devil. What's the matter? I'm like a devil. Be a devil and get rid of you. " Traceless face a burst of embarrassment, my mind quickly sounded a familiar melody. Looking at the Buddha who retreated as if he had seen a ghost, Wu Chen felt even more depressed for a moment. Then, I saw no trace step forward gently, the whole body of nine golden streamer with a hover."Ha ha, old monster, next, it's your turn..." a symbolic evil smile appeared on Wu Chen's face, and the sword spirit surged up in an instant. And one of the bright golden ancient words, just like a meteor across the sky, flew out“ The ancient Chinese character "Bing" is full of the mysterious breath of ice cold water, which suddenly freezes and bombards the Buddha's body covered with black awn.

Kaka kaka. Kaka kaka

Bursts of subtle freezing sound came from the Buddha's body. The evil spirit of the black awn enveloped in the Buddha had no resistance under the suppression of the ancient word "Bing".

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In just a moment, the power of the ancient word "Bing" wandered down. The endless cold of yin and cold frozen the whole figure of the Buddha firmly in the original place, even the fierce prison fire covered by his body was extinguished and melted away.

"Hey, hey, where do you want to run this time, you old monster?" With an evil smile on his face, Wu Chen Ran to the frozen Buddha's body.

In front, the breath of the ancient Chinese character "Bing" in the void gradually dissipates. In a flash, the ancient Chinese characters in front of Wu Chen's body are only Dou, Zhe, Jie, Zhen, lie, Qian, Xing, which are echoed by the ancient Chinese character photography.

"Jie Jie, boy, this is what you forced me to do, the fierce prison fire!" An angry roar, mixed with bursts of people's smile will come.

In the void, a dark flame of black awn suddenly came, and a black smoke leaped out of the Buddha's body, which was completely integrated with the fierce prison fire. Then, the strange black smoke burning with black flame turned into a fuzzy shadow, and suddenly disappeared, rushing into the traceless chest

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