Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 460: 460

The four gates of the Star River Palace are closed. The whole galaxy palace seems to be isolated from the world, once again falling into a state of isolation and stillness.

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At this time, on the straight corridor inside the palace, there were several momentum rising at the same time. The air of Xuanli contained in the surrounding void is all agitated and disordered at the same time, and rushes to several directions.

The sword is nameless. Ji Ruxue. Liu Shuanger. While practicing, they all let go of the divine consciousness. The divine consciousness no longer has any danger. They put down their guard completely.

I saw three people no longer suppress the power of the elixir in their bodies, and madly urged refining the pure and vigorous power left in their bodies. The three men's momentum, which was already furious to the extreme, ascended all of a sudden and surpassed the bottleneck of the highest cultivation state of Dan soul state.

Boom boom. Boom boom

A series of violent blasts rang out one after another, and the air of Xuanli, which was surging in the void, was more madly jubilant. The disordered Xuanli's spirit seemed to be free of money, and he fought desperately to be the first to attack the three men.

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On the straight and silent corridor, the unparalleled Epee is tightly suspended on the side beside the nameless sword. On the nameless forehead of the sword, there is a golden sword sign.

Not only that, on the unknown chest of the sword, the skin made of flesh and blood turned into a golden hole made of a golden whirlpool. And on the mysterious and strange golden cave, there is a golden villain with the size of several feet.

The golden villain slowly opened his eyes, which showed a touch of cold in vain. No matter from the appearance or temperament, the golden villain is no different from the sword in the ontological state.

Just as the golden villain opened his eyes, the sword nameless's whole body trembled. On one side of the Epee, there was a loud and clear sword sound, and then the intention of killing and cutting sword in the void was accompanied by a number of Xuanli attributes. Qi Qi moved towards the golden figure above the sword's nameless chest.

Not far from the two sides of the sword's nameless figure, these strange and spectacular scenes also happened on the figures of Ji Ruxue and Liu Shuanger.

I saw Ji Ruxue's whole body was shrouded by the cold air, and there were a few holy and white floating snowflakes around her.

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In the void, the air of Xuanli with several attributes is attracted by the chill sent out by Ji Ruxue, and rushes towards her chest.

On Ji Ruxue's chest, there is a beautiful woman in white at this time. The woman's appearance, height and clothes are exactly the same as Ji Ruxue's, and the woman in white is slowly opening her eyes at the moment, absorbing the mysterious air of heaven and earth surging into the surrounding void.

Click. Click

Just as Ji Ruxue broke through her cultivation and reached the realm of infant soul, at the same time, in the deepest part of her mind's consciousness of divine consciousness, there were several clear breaking sounds in the Turks, and the magic seal sealed in Ji Ruxue's brain broke up in a flash. All of a sudden, the memory fragments flashing blue light rush into Ji Ruxue's mind.

"Brush!" With the memory of the past emerging again, Ji Ruxue, who is in the state of breakthrough epiphany, is suddenly stunned. Then, the air of endless mysterious force of heaven and earth surged to his chest. On the cold cheek of the little man in white looming above his chest, two lines of tears fell at the same time.

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"Suddenly Bursts of cold wind, all hit on the side has broken through the completion of Liu Shuanger body. Liu shuang'er, dressed in black and cold, became even colder after breaking through.

Liu shuang'er is absorbing the mysterious air of the surrounding world, and a touch of rudeness appears on her shy face. On his chest also appeared a black dressed villain with the same appearance, invisible cold killer breath spread around his body.

This murderous atmosphere is quite different from Liu shuang'er, who usually shows the image of the little sister next door. It seems that this little man in black is born to be the killer of killers, which is in sharp contrast to Liu Shuanger, who is cute and flexible in people's memory.

"I rely on it. The soul baby is born. This is the symbol of the baby's soul. These guys, are they all freaks? They even lead a group to break through the promotion, which makes me live... "Zhen Bucai, a little fat man who has been quietly guarding the crowd, is really trampling on thousands of horses in his heart at this time.

Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, looks at the three people who have broken through to the baby's soul. His chubby little eyes are rolling back and forth, and they almost get angry at him on the spot.

You know, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, is not only a disciple but also the only son of Zhen Youcai. He has always been smiling on the surface and proud in the heart. After entering the Star River Palace, he was repeatedly shocked. For Zhen Bucai, who has always regarded himself as the second person of Tianyun sect, this trip to the secret world has absolutely played a crucial role in his self-cultivation and maturity.Boom boom. Boom boom

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Just as Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, was about to cry, a series of violent roars came from the void at the end of the straight corridor. With the spread of this terrible explosion, the whole Star Palace was shaking up.

Straight corridor at the end of the void, only in the state of epiphany in the body without trace impressively slowly floating up. The light of the five elements' Xuanli shines continuously on the body of no trace. The power of thunder and lightning and its purple and golden light linger on the body of no trace.

Above the no trace head, there are three signs of virtual shadow, namely, sun, moon, star, and so on. In addition, the three signs of virtual shadow indicate the surroundings, and there are still three distinct breath of Xuanli, namely, wind, rain and fog, in the air.

Wuhun was stunned by the momentum of the highest cultivation state of Dan soul state, and the air around him was full of mysterious force. Then, he just heard the strange sound of creaking on Wu Chen's body, and his cultivation level jumped to the cultivation level of infant soul level.

"Suddenly A strange wind blows out of the traceless body. The mysterious light and shadow of a black and a white meet on the traceless chest. As like as two peas in the black and white, the same figure is completely seen.

At the same time, the air of Xuanli in the void of Xinghe palace all trembled inexplicably. Except that part of the air of Xuanli was divided into three parts, and rushed to the body shape of the unknown sword, Ji Ruxue and Liu Shuanger, the rest of the Xuanli all rushed to the body shape of traceless< br>

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