Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 461: 461

Boom boom. Boom boom

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Suspended on the empty traceless chest, black and white light surged wildly, turned into a shadow image of yin and Yang Taiji, and wrapped the traceless soul baby in the center.

The power of sun, moon, star and three lights flashed and disappeared above the head of traceless. When the power of three lights turned out again, it had already turned into sun, moon, star and three shadows suspended in the body of traceless soul baby, constantly rotating and hovering.

In the void, there was another burst of Xuanli's fury. The five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, rain, thunder, electricity, fog and five kinds of special mysterious forces in the world are all turned into streamers and converged on the traceless chest at the same time.

For a moment, the Wu trace in the Epiphany is just like a sweet cake, and endless Xuan Li's Qi rushes into his body. Pure and exuberant Hongmeng chaos of the gas, exuberant self covered in the traceless body on every skin. Make no trace the whole person look, give a person's momentum feeling suddenly become more dignified and mysterious.

With the breakthrough of the cultivation of no trace to the realm of infant soul, the second level of refreshing determination of heaven and earth in no trace's body naturally came into being, and it broke through to the level of Dacheng realm at one stroke.

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"Eternal Heaven and earth decision. The second refreshing decision. The spirit knows the sea. Magnificent..."

"It's a double refreshing decision. Anyone who is successful has the spiritual power to protect and defend the sea. Moreover, it can also make its own spiritual power outside, and sense the power of unknown risks. It can also attack the opponent's mind and hurt the opponent's mind. It's a combination of attack and defense. The gods and demons are terrified. Beware of the sharp weapon that will be used to protect your life... "

"Hoo A mouthful of turbid Qi slowly spits out from the no trace mouth in the Epiphany state, and the little man in green on the no trace chest slowly closes his eyes again. The virtual shadow of the little man in green, with the Qi of Xuanli of various attributes, began to gradually move towards the body without trace.

"Hum!" With the sound of a loud sword, the jade belt around the no trace waist appears dazzling silver light. The incessant Yin cold sword spirit rushed out of Wuchen's body. In a moment, it completely covered the distance within tens of meters around Wuchen's body.

The invisible Yin cold sword spirit spreads, and the continuous sword light rises within tens of meters around the traceless place. The continuous sword light will be in one place, and even completely block and cover the space within tens of meters around no trace.

"I rely on the power of the field to condense, transform and grow, imprison the empty field! This. Is this the power of domain space... "On the straight corridor, little fat Zhen Bucai stood in the same place, and was suddenly awakened by the fierce sword in the surrounding space on the end of the corridor in front of him. The little fat man Zhen Bucai couldn't believe it, just like looking at a monster, staring at the body in the field of space.

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"Haha, it's not bad to break through the baby's soul realm and feel the space in the field of generation. It's worthy of being the chosen inheritor of the immortal demon Zun of the six realms and nine heavens!" Demon respect fire Xiao Xu Ying a strength of shaking non-stop, its fiery red face on the rough outline is not scrupulous laughter more than up.

If no trace wakes up at this time and hears the words of demon zunhuoxiao, he will scold at the first time and say: "your sister's old demon, when is your chosen successor. It's obvious that you are the old man who is weak and explosive, so you will follow me all the time. I hope God can give me a chance to live again. I will choose a drifting elder sister to accompany me all my life until I die. "

Boom boom. Boom boom

At the time of the creation of space around the body, on the other side of the channel at the end of the straight corridor. There are three more blasts coming out, which makes the Star River Palace, which has just recovered a little quiet, restless again.

The golden sword spirit of the nameless sword is released, which completely imprison and block the space of tens of meters around the sword. Endless killing power is full of its confinement space, and new killing field space will be created in a flash.

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On both sides of the sword nameless, Ji Ruxue's space of tens of meters has long been blocked and imprisoned by the power of the blue ice, and the space of the ice field is gathered here.

On the other side of the boundary, Liu Shuanger was within the range of tens of meters. At this time, it was completely dark and silent. This space is clearly in the palace of Star River, but it seems to be independent. People can't easily capture its real place.

"Eh, space blockade, hidden breath, hidden void. Isn't this the hidden space that people who are good at assassinating dream of?" Demon zunhuoxiao fire red virtual shadow flash out in vain, toward the field of Liu Shuanger released by the formation of space and direction. When Liu Shuanger's domain space is really detected, even the demon zunhuoxiao can't help but shiver a few times."Damn it, there's no mistake. How about not playing with people like this? You guys break through cultivation together, and now you still work together to understand the domain space. Get rid of, ask you to consider fat Ye's feeling good! My fragile and soft heart is about to tremble in the next second, ok... "Little fat Zhen Bucai's fat face has long been numb and has no expression, staring at the straight corridor to generate a complete number of fields of space.

Click. Click

At this moment, the successful breakthrough in the promotion of the soul of no trace baby, mind suddenly flashed a golden message. The golden light of the ancient Chinese characters filled with information, and all of a sudden, they were engraved in the deep mind of Wu trace.

"Jiu. Xiao. Shen. Long. Jue. Is the ancient five character sword formula. This five character sword formula symbolizes the most powerful and the most successful sword method in the six realms. "

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"Xiao Zi Jian Jue can break the way of all the ways of the common people. A sword like thunder breaks the sky. The sword points to the sky, and the power is supreme

Jiuxiao dragon Jue is the supreme skill. The ancient information of Xiaozi sword Jue rises out. No trace only felt the pain of divine consciousness in his mind, and the information of golden ancient words turned into Dao Dao sword Qi moves in a flash, which evolved and operated by itself.

The informatization of golden ancient Chinese characters has been developed for the purpose of flowing light, and the skills of Xiao Zi Jian Jue have been constantly practiced and changed in Wu trace's mind.

Just a few seconds later, the practice of Xiao Zi Jian Jue was completed. Then, Dao Dao's golden Jian Jue became the golden ancient word information again. The information of golden ancient Chinese characters gradually changed from clear to fuzzy, and gradually became shallow. After a while, it disappeared and became nothingness. It was integrated into the deepest place of the sea in the traceless mind... < br > the golden ancient Chinese characters' information became vague

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