Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 462: 462

Within the palace of Xinghe, a group of people, such as Wuhen, broke through the realm of infant soul. After the breakthrough, all the people were in the state of consolidating their cultivation, and this cultivation was a whole few months later.

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The outside world, after a few months, all the elders gave up waiting at the transmission site. And this trip to the secret world, all the sects seem to have suffered a heavy loss and got nothing.

A few months ago, his royal highness, the seven princes of the great Zhou Dynasty who had been exiled, received an edict from emperor Ji. Subsequently, the seven princes took charge of Chaoge city at the same time, which made the other four dynasties extremely nervous and speculated that there would be a major change in Zhongzhou Dazhou Dynasty.

In the mainland of China, Xuanqi is the purest and the boundary is the most hidden.

Sword Pavilion. The disciples of the seven peaks in the inner gate are still as usual. It seems that no one has ever cared about the secret environment of Xinghe palace. The principal of each peak is the same as in the past. Only the principal of the seventh peak often stares at the void and loses his mind.

In zhenbaozhai, the soul of the desert was broken by itself a few months ago. For this reason, Mo Qianli, the deputy leader of the array treasure house, was furious and killed all the disciples who participated in the secret environment training of Xinghe palace. Moreover, Mo Qianli did not hesitate to mobilize the energy he could mobilize, and sent several spies to lurk around the major forces, just to seek the real cause of Mo QingHan's death.

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After the news of wanshanhe's death came out, the whole road was shocked. It's a famous short guard. Today, the disciples of his family have been killed in the secret environment of Xinghe palace, and all the major forces have been included in the hostile target by Wan elder for the first time.

Beast temple, Bixia palace, ghosts and Demons sect, and Buddhists sect are the four most powerful sects. During this trip, all the talented demons disciples died in the secret realm. In this regard, the major forces are on guard against each other. For a moment, the atmosphere in mainland China is extremely tense and strange.

Tianyunzong, for several months without trace and little fat Zhen not just the news back. All the disciples of the outer gate gave up hope one after another, and the momentum of the inner gate was extremely low. However, fortunately, little fat Zhen Bucai's life soul jade card is still bright in the pre surgery hall. This is the last ray of hope in the hearts of the disciples who have almost died.

Outside. In the pre art hall, the handsome hall leader Zhen Youcai is standing on the hall hall with his hands down. Now only Zhuge Gongcheng is standing on the hall with his hands down.

"Master, the disciples have broken through to the early cultivation level of the baby soul realm, and will soon enter the inner gate astrology hall to practice..." ZHUGE Gongcheng, the elder martial brother of the pre art hall, with a dignified face, falls down on his knees and kowtows to the hall leader Zhen Youcai above the hall.

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"Cheng'er, the matter of Xinghe palace has nothing to do with you. You don't need to blame yourself too much. All these are the fate of talents. As for entering the astrology hall, you must remember to let go of the bad feelings in your heart, and never be dragged down by obsession, so as to avoid being attacked by the demons in your heart. " Zhen Youcai, the leader of the pre art hall, quietly watched Zhuge Gongcheng for a long time. Finally, he slowly opened his mouth and gave orders to Zhuge Gongcheng in a soft voice.

"Disciple, please obey my teacher's orders!" Zhuge Gongcheng kowtowed his head again, and a look of remorse flashed in his sharp eyes. If I didn't choose to leave the secret realm of the Star River Palace, maybe little fat Zhen Bucai and Wuhen would come back with him. However, there are not so many ifs in the world. What happens is the truth. No matter how much you regret it, you can't change the ending.

"Well, I'm a man of fortune. I'm a man of great wealth. But now, it's impossible to predict, variable, is this the disaster of our tianyunzong... "Zhen Youcai, the head of the pre art hall, stood up and ignored Zhuge's achievements. Instead, he stopped playing the art of calculation in his hands, and his deep and deep eyes stared at the empty hall in front of him and murmured in a low voice.

Boom boom. Boom boom

Within the palace of Star River, a series of violent voices resounded. Over the past few months, this kind of terrible explosion noise often resounds from time to time, which makes the demon zunhuoxiao who incarnates as the virtual shadow become familiar with.

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In a few months, no trace, no sword, Ji Ruxue, Liu Shuanger, a group of four people have completely consolidated their own cultivation. The reason why all the people have been in the palace of Xinghe and are not in a hurry to return to the outside world is that Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, was so irritated by all the people that he tried his best to practice. One month ago, he had already broken through and reached the initial cultivation level of infant soul.

"Amitabha, the baby's soul appears outside, calm and calm. It seems that his realm has completely stabilized! " A low voice of the Buddha's trumpet resounded, and the Buddhists of the Buddhists of the Buddhists of the Buddhists of the Buddhists of the Buddhists of the Buddhists of the Buddhists of the Buddhists of the Buddhists of the Buddhists of the Buddhists of the Buddhists of the Budd. At the beginning, the Buddha's spirit was swallowed by the burning sun, and only a trace of the spirit remained. Then, the father of the burning sun gave up the Buddha's body in an attempt to seize the traceless divine consciousness. I didn't expect that the demon zunhuoxiao and the little earth dragon would fight one after another, which would destroy the burning sun. But who would have thought that the Buddha's idea, which only survived for a moment, would sit on the green brick and stone floor like a normal person.On the straight corridor, the Buddha sits on the ground. By his side. No trace. The sword is nameless. Ji Ruxue. Liu Shuanger, the four of them are all unprepared. They all stand in the same place and look up at Zhen Bucai, a little fat man whose cultivation has been completely consolidated above his head.

"Ha ha, Buddha has good eyesight!" No trace to see small fat Zhen not just stable state, this just grew a tone, look at the side of the Buddha a read, smile.

"Amitabha, I read it. Now I'm exhausted in my cultivation, and only a trace of my soul is still alive. Benefactor Liu, you'd better not make fun of me!" Buddha's face is as calm as water, but his words are inexplicably shocking. A person who was once high above the world is now useless. But still can be so calm face, not humble should face the enemy of the past. Just this kind of bearing and courage, it is enough to let others admire.

"Ha ha, little master, I'm worried about it! Waiting for the meeting to come out of the Star River, no trace will keep it. If you say so, let little master Yinian go and stay! " Traceless Junlang's face was full of sincerity. He gave a big hug to the Buddha and made a solemn promise.

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Hearing the speech, the Buddha read it with a smile, his eyes slowly closed, his palms closed, and he recited the Sutra to himself.

"Haha, no trace boss, Xiaosheng has already broken through and reached the level of infant soul realm. How about no trace boss, this time I didn't disgrace you!" Void when the small and medium-sized fat man will all the Xuanli Qi in the body, the whole body fat body toward the bottom of the no trace side will fly.

"Haha, it's just so so so!" No trace white little fat Zhen not just a look, is praised back to the little fat Zhen not just a sentence. Then he walked slowly towards the end of the straight corridor. With the approach of traceless steps, the power of sun, moon, stars and three lights rises in vain on the end of the straight corridor.

In the sun, moon, stars, three kinds of Xuanli breath interweave, under the cover of painting, a mysterious and strange transmission array rises slowly. The power of the teleportation array rises rapidly. This situation is completely reflected in the sight of no trace and others< br>

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