Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 479: 479

"Suddenly A bright silver sword light flew over the platform, and the dense forest behind the platform suddenly trembled. Then, thousands of sword Qi burst out at the same time, and the whole dense forest was blasted out of a deep groove for several miles.

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"I lost..." a very low voice came from the mouth of the red clothes with the head down. On the other side, the lotus soul returns to the body of red clothes. A silver sword with cold light is quietly standing on the choking throat of red clothes. On the other end of the silver sword, traceless is showing a harmless smile and nodding silently.

"Hoo The red dress deeply breathed a tone, looking at have already taken back silver long sword of have no trace light smile. Then, a cunning color flashed in red's eyes. She was extremely shy and gentle. She said to Wuhen again: "giggle, thank you for your stay. Today I owe you! In the future, if you have any needs, you can come to Shengzhuan hall at any time and ask me... "

"Damn it, you pit master!" No trace looked at the blushing look of red clothes, and immediately realized that something was wrong. As expected, after the words of Hongyi were said, not only the male disciples of Shengzhuan hall were indignant, but also the male disciples with high accomplishments in the other inner gate temples threw hostile eyes at Wuhen.

"Hey hey, beauty is a disaster, beauty is a disaster. You are just as popular as the demon master when you were young. You, sooner or later, will die on a woman... "Demon zunhuoxiao shakes his beard and strong cheek back and forth, and tells Wu no trace.

"Ha ha, it turned out that you died for the sake of a woman. I don't know which woman is so unsophisticated that she can fall in love with such a stingy man like you!" Traceless cold smile, extremely disdainful white demon respect fire Xiao one eye. For this guy who often brags to himself about his past, Wu hen really dares not give him half a good face. Otherwise, once this guy's interest is aroused, he will nag you for three days and three nights. Let alone no trace, he will be driven crazy by the demon zunhuoxiao on the spot even if he is changed into anyone who is afraid of immortality.

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"Suddenly On such a big platform, red clothes threw a wink at Wu Chen and then turned to leave. And no trace is dumb to eat Coptis has bitter, can't say, had to stand on the stage, silently bear the hostile eyes of all the male compatriots.

"Ha ha, if you can defeat the old disciples of Shengzhuan hall, you are qualified to enter the inner gate temple to practice directly! I heard that you have a very high attainments in the way of Dan Dao. I'm willing to accept you as my disciple in the temple of Dan. Besides, I promise you to enjoy the resources of the master's disciples. I don't know if you are interested in it! " Chen Li, the deputy head of the Shengdan hall, opened his mouth to solicit. He did not care about Zhu Xing, the deputy head of the Shengzhuan hall, who was extremely embarrassed.

Smell speech, on the scene of a group of outside disciples each look excited, for no trace hanging heart all instantly put down. When many disciples of the ninth Hall of inner gate heard that Wuhen could get the treatment of cultivation resources from the master's disciples, they were so angry and jealous that they wanted to eat Wuhen alive on the spot, so that they could replace him.

Li Qiufeng, the leader of danmen hall, is even more smiling. He seems to have known for a long time that the inner door of Shengdan hall will recruit Wu trace.

"Ha ha, yes, Lao Li, there is no lack of effort behind it!" The master of the medicine refining hall, Hua Ti Tang, with a smile on his face, joked with Li Qiufeng.

"Ha ha, I'm just such a precious apprentice. Of course I have to pay attention to it! If it wasn't for my girl's failure, I'd like this boy to be my son-in-law! " Li Qiufeng has no taboo to burst out laughing, and his eyes are not far away from Li qiangshui.

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All the disciples of danmen hall could not bear to smile, and no one dared to talk too much. It is Li weak water listened to Li Qiufeng's words, blush, glared at Li Qiufeng, then turned into the crowd.

"Ha ha, you are so shameless!" See Li weak water run away, flower Ti Tang blame white Li Qiufeng one eye. Immediately, Hua Ti Tang seems to sweep her daughter's flower bud intentionally or unintentionally, and then turns her eyes to Zhen Bucai, the little fat man in the pre surgery hall team. Then she unconsciously shakes her head and sighs.

"Keke, maybe if you enter the inner door of the holy medicine hall, your treatment can be the same as that of the holy Dan Hall!" Among the team of the holy medicine hall, sun Qing, the deputy hall leader, with a white beard and a kind smile on his face, looked at the no trace on the platform and nodded his head with great satisfaction.

"Brush!" As soon as the words came out, the nine Hall of the inner gate exploded in a flash. All the disciples of the inner gate looked at the figure in green on the platform enviously.

Gollum. Gollum

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The eighteen disciples of the outer gate all looked silly. No one thought that no trace World War I had such unexpected results. People are happy for no trace, at the same time, they also find their own motivation and goals in the future.

"Ha ha, this son really has the qualification to enter the inner gate temple to practice, but I'm afraid the matter about the resources of the main disciples of the temple is too hasty!" An extremely disharmonious voice appeared, which was Zhu Xing, the deputy chief of Shengzhuan hall. The talented core disciples who came to the top of the saint seal hall this time were already impatient, and they would go to the stage with Zhu Xing's command."Ha ha, what does this matter have to do with your Shengzhuan hall?" Sheng Dan Dian vice Dian main Chen facade color slightly trembled, extremely unhappy coldly back to wish star road.

As soon as the words came out, the restless zongmen square was silent. The dialogue between the two main levels of the temple is full of gunpowder. No one on the scene dares to disturb. Otherwise, if one of them could set himself on fire, it would be a fight between gods and mortals.

"Ha ha, you two guys are old and angry. You are not tired after fighting for most of your life." On one side, Hong Tong, the deputy chief of the holy array hall, gave a smile, and with a wave of his big hand, he interrupted their gunpowder filled eyes. Immediately, I saw a young figure flying up from the front of the holy array hall. There were many arrays in front of the battle platform. Then, the light of the array appeared slightly, and the figure of the young man appeared in the center of the array.

"In the temple of holy array, Chen Mo, the core disciple, is on the stage to ask for advice. You and I can just order it. I hope younger martial brother Liu will not be afraid of fighting..." as soon as the smiling young man on the stage said this, the faces of the other disciples of the inner gate changed. Many people looked at the young man's gentle face, and their hearts were shivering unconsciously.

There are hundreds of inner disciples, most of them are in the early and middle cultivation level of infant soul realm. The core disciples of the inner gate are the highest level of the inner gate's main temples.

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Every core disciple's cultivation must be in the later stage of infant soul realm, and the number of core disciples in each temple will never exceed 50.

However, there are only a few close disciples above the core disciples, which shows that the status of the core disciples in the inner gate can be described as one person below ten thousand people above.

"Suddenly On the platform, a cold wind swept by. Chen Mo, the core disciple of the holy array hall, smiles and looks at the no trace standing on the opposite side with interest.

"Idiot!" No trace white Chen Mo one eye, unexpectedly ignore, turn round to walk. In the air, Chen Mo's smile still condenses on his face. Without trace, he throws down such a sentence and goes to the battlefield in full view< br>

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