Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 480: 480

Daddada. Dada

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A light footstep came from the silent platform. No trace ignored Chen Mo, the new address of holy array hall. With a calm look, he walked slowly towards the edge of the platform.

Gollum. Gollum

Under the platform, all the disciples of the eighteen outer doors were staring at Wu trace with great admiration. However, the disciples of the inner gate of the ninth hall had rich expressions, full of amazement, which was absolutely wonderful.

Chen Mo, the late cultivation of infant soul realm, is also a genius in the inner gate holy array. It can be seen that Chen Mo's talent and fighting power are so strong and terrifying that he can stand out from nearly a thousand outstanding disciples and become the core disciple of the holy array hall.

But even so, Chen Mo still did not get into the traceless eye. We can even use disdain to describe Wu trace's attitude towards Chen mo. after all, this guy wants to step on himself to show off. Since the other side does not want to leave green face, want to take advantage of the opportunity to host, then they have no obligation to cooperate. Fortunately, he just made it a little more so that he could have a taste of being beaten in public.

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"Ha ha, why are you afraid?" After seeing the action of no trace, Chen Mo was stunned at first, and then burst out laughing. Then, Chen Mo drew the array out of thin air with one hand, and the power of the fluctuation of Xuanli came out of his body quietly.

Boom boom. Boom boom

Several arrays of power light and shadow flicker and rise above the edge of the battlefield where no trace is located. The power of Taoist Dharma array is released from the wave, forming an invisible light and shadow thin line on the edge of the platform, which is bound together.

On every array, there is a breath of terror. The blockade formed by light and shadow lines gradually spread, and the whole platform was surrounded in a short time.

"Ha ha, if all kinds of dogs and cats go to the battlefield to challenge me, wouldn't I be tired to death here?" No trace light smile, turned around, looked at the front of the array slowly. Then, traceless deep eyes swept in front of the elated Chen Mo, voice extremely disdainful mouth back.

"Boy, how dare you insult me?" Chen Mo's Xuanli Qi soared in vain, and the whole person's eyes had obviously given birth to the intention of killing. With the help of the power of the array, an invisible pressure rises and goes to the opposite body without trace.

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"Ha ha, insult you? I don't have that hobby! You're insulting yourself, but you can't blame others... "The corner of Wu Chen's mouth rose slightly, and a symbolic evil smile appeared on the handsome company.

"Coax!" A burst of laughter came from the crowd watching the battle on both sides of the platform. All the disciples of the eighteen outer doors burst into tears with laughter, and some of the female disciples blushed with shame. And all the disciples of the inner gate of the ninth hall were forced to bear a smile, looking at Chen Mo on the platform and casting strange eyes.

"Boy, you want to die!" Chen Mo's eyes were angry and his chest was burning with anger. An array of virtual shadow flying out of thin air, quietly will directly cover the body without trace.

Puff. Puff

The power of this array is to suppress and restrain. And just after the virtual shadow of this array touched the body shape of no trace, the whole body of no trace unexpectedly jumped up and down in flames. The rising flame of terror and scorching slowly lit up, reflecting the long and traceless body to be extremely red. And the shadow of the surrounding array gradually disappeared under the terrible fire.

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Click. Click

With the force of thunder and lightning burst out of the body, the purple and gold undercurrent gushed out from the whole body. A handsome purple gold armor guards the whole body, and the power of thunder and lightning quickly turns into a leilong virtual shadow, which is the same as the little earth dragon.

"Ha ha, Lord of the temple, if I beat him, there won't be any gifted disciple of the holy array Temple who will come out and compete with me?" No trace lightly dusted his robe, as if the array had never appeared in front of him. Then, Wu trace's eyes jumped over Chen Mo, the core disciple of the holy array hall, and looked directly at Hong Tong, the deputy hall leader of the holy array hall.

"Ha ha, you are really young and frivolous, worthy of being the evil genius who came out of the outside world! But straight and easy to bend, young people should not be too arrogant Hong Tong, the Deputy master of the holy array hall, laughs and nods to Wu trace, which is a response. However, on the surface, Hong Tong's words are praise without trace, but anyone can hear the warning implication contained in his words.

"Ha ha, since the Lord of the temple said something, I'll play with him. But this game can't be so frivolous. There must be some bets between us No trace eyes look directly at the holy array hall deputy hall Lord Hong Tong, not humble and not overbearing smile to speak."Ha ha, if you are a new disciple who has been practicing in the outer gate for less than a year, and you can beat the core disciples of our holy array hall, then our holy array hall is willing to provide the same training resources for the core disciples as you need in the inner gate hall in the future. Even if you do not choose to enter the temple of our holy array, this promise is still valid! " Hong Tong was obviously enraged by the words of no trace, and even promised in front of everyone.

"Ha ha, thank you very much. If the disciple is lucky to win, all the resources obtained will be given to the cultivation needs of the two disciples of the miscellaneous service hall and the Huofang hall. If the disciple is defeated, if he wants to kill or cut, he will listen to the Lord of the temple and have no complaints. "

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Gollum. Gollum

Traceless words resounding, thick and resonant spread throughout the whole zongmen square. The master, the elder, and the disciples of the two halls were all trembling, and their eyes were extremely hot. They looked at the figure in blue on the platform solemnly.

On both sides, zongmen square, which used to be extremely noisy, quieted down immediately after the promise of no trace.

They thought that Wuchen wanted to gamble for the sake of entering the inner gate temple to practice in the future. However, Wuhen was willing to take out the training resources of core disciples and give them to the two weakest disciples in the outer gate. His action was obviously beyond people's cognition, which made all the inner disciples reexamine the traceless on the platform.

"Hum, sensationalism!" Chen Mo on the platform snorted coldly, looking at the traceless hatred that he didn't put himself in his eyes. The power of the array under him soared in vain, and the Xuanli power released by Chen Mo immediately locked the traceless on the spot.

"Well, young people are very angry, but if they are not, can they be called young people?" Traceless smile to Hong Tong Baoquan Shi a gift, and then in front of the public whispered. Words between no trace, smile, but also from time to time do not forget to look at the opposite Chen Mo nodded frequently. It's obvious that this style is a lesson from the elders, and it still makes Chen Mocheng a young man in the conversation with each other.... < br > it's a good way for the elders to teach the younger generation

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