Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 497: 497

Tianyunzong. Sutra collection Pavilion of academy.

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In the bamboo forest, on the open square, no trace is fighting fiercely with the aftershocks. Little fat Zhen Bucai and his fourth elder martial brother Xifeng are withering. The fifth elder martial brother shifuhua are all watching the battle with interest.

At this time, the aftershock and complete beast, and has a petrified soul protection, and covered with purple gold armor body protection of traceless fury in a melee.

All over the sky, the air of Xuanli burst out, shaking the two people's area. The two gave up their defense completely. They were shocked when they looked at each other.

"Suddenly Among Turks, a strange wind blows. All the purple bamboo trees above the position of the purple bamboo forest are swaying wildly. Bursts of purple light radiate out endless array power.

"Whoosh!" A quick body like a lightning flashed out, and the Third Elder martial brother appeared at the entrance of the front of the purple bamboo forest.

"Zhen Youcai, the leader of the pre art hall, came to the Sutra pavilion with the inner door's holy order to tell you something..." a steady voice floated out of the purple bamboo forest. No trace and aftershocks, which are in a deep battle, rush to both sides and quickly leave the regiment. But the fourth elder martial brother's west wind withered, and the fifth elder martial brother's poem was full of color. They all went slowly towards the purple bamboo forest and walked away quickly.

"Well, it's really the voice of my father!" Little fat Zhen Bucai's face was obviously stunned. He looked at the power of the Dharma array released by the restless purple bamboo forest and showed a faint smile.

"Third Elder martial brother, it's really the Xuanli wave of the holy order!" The fourth elder martial brother Xifeng felt the power of the Dharma array in the Zizhu forest. He lowered his voice and said mercilessly to the Third Elder martial brother Shui.

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"Please, master Zhen!" The Third Elder martial brother Shui, who always cherishes words like gold, unexpectedly added the word "please" before the master of Zhen hall. Obviously, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, has become a member of the Sutra collection Pavilion, and Zhen Youcai, the leader of Yushu hall, naturally deserves the word "please".

It can be seen that although the Sutra collection Pavilion of the academy is superior to the inner gate temple, the two major inheriting forces in the astrology hall and the Yushu Hall of the Tianyun sect are deeply admired and respected by all the disciples of the Tianyun sect.

"Brush!" The fourth elder martial brother's west wind withered his big hand, and the array power in the purple bamboo forest trembled in vain. The invisible Xuanli's power filled the air, and the violent purple bamboo forest restored its former calm again.

"Ha ha, you guys, I'm sorry!" Zhen Youcai, the head of the pre art hall, has a stern face and steps out of the purple bamboo forest. Zhen Youcai looks at the disciples of the Sutra Pavilion in front of him, and his eyes fall on the traceless figure.

"Hey, Dad, it's like three autumn after a day's absence. If I'm not talented, I'm becoming more and more like you!" With a bad smile on his face, Zhen Bucai bows to Zhen Youcai and gives him a gift.

"Go away!" Pre art hall master Zhen Youcai mercilessly whitens the little fat man Zhen Bucai's eyes, and his tone is cold and unfriendly.

"Cough, Dad, you don't like the river crab!" Small fat Zhen not just a burst of light cough, facial expression is extremely embarrassed, eyes sad swept, Zhen Youcai said.

"Mr. water, I come here to beg for mercy for a reason. King Ji of the Zhou Dynasty came to the inner temple and threatened to arrest the murderer who killed his son Ji Yun! " Zhen Youcai's clothes are floating, and his eyes are looking straight at Wu trace's words.

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Smell speech, small fat Zhen not just face in vain a change, two fists clenched silently stood behind no trace.

"Brush!" All the people on the scene were clear-minded people, and all of a sudden they followed the eyes of master Zhen Youcai.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the air was so embarrassed that everyone looked at each other, and they all looked at Wu trace and little fat Zhen Bucai.

"Ha ha, Third Elder martial brother, that Ji Yun was killed by me! However, things happen for a reason, no trace absolutely did not do anything sorry to hurt the conscience of heaven and earth No trace light smile, extremely indifferent mouth admitted.

"In that case, that's enough!" The Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless nodded slightly, and didn't even ask why Wuhen had a grudge with Prince Dazhou.

"Hum, that big prince Ji Yun once persecuted the no trace elder brother in Chaoge city. The harm of no trace boss tutor self explosion spirit, but also forced no trace boss to enter the forbidden area, almost died! If it wasn't for Wu Chen's great fortune to come to tianyunzong, I'm afraid he would not have met us for a long time! " Small fat Zhen not just full of resentment, mention the second prince Ji Yun to still a stomach angry. If Wuchen hadn't killed him, little fatty Zhen buchai would have killed Ji Yun 80 times.

"Damn, if you dare to do harm to my no trace boss, I'll kill him with an axe!" The huge aftershock stomped its feet, and a huge heavy axe with rust stains appeared in its hands.

Before the aftershock, Wu Chen was always called sixth martial uncle, but after a few days of getting along with each other, he was taken away by the little fat man Zhen Bucai, and he was very intimate."Ha ha, great Zhou Dynasty, a little interesting!" The fourth elder martial brother is withered by the west wind, his face is very gloomy, and a scornful smile appears on the corner of his mouth.

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"Well, it seems that the secular imperial power has been sitting for a long time, which will really make people's heart swell!" The fifth elder martial brother Shifu Hua's mouth rose slightly, patted the little fat man gently and comforted him on the shoulder.

"Uncle Zhen, since Ji Huang has come to ask for people, I will go with you to confront him!" Traceless face calm as water, in front of the pre art hall master Zhen Youcai gently clasped his fist and gave a salute. No matter from the perspective of identity, or the relationship between Yanyu's life and little fat Zhen Bucai, Zhen Youcai can be called uncle.

"Good!" Zhen Youcai, the master of the pre art hall, nodded slightly, and now his attitude towards traceless has become more moderate.

"Cluck, the Zhou Dynasty, when did it come to my tianyunzong! If you don't give me an account of this, I'm not going to be a senior sister like this. I'm going to be good at it. I'm willing to rest! " A burst of silver bell like laughter, two elder martial Sister Feng Feifei don't know when has appeared in front of everyone.

"It's up to me!" Third Elder martial brother water mercilessly looked at second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei one eye, the facial expression extremely solemnly heavy key point nodded.

"Cluck, I'll take care of you! Lao Liu, if you have any grievances, tell your elder martial sister that the Sutra Pavilion is your home. I don't believe you can be bullied in our own home! " The second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's face was full of flattering smile. She touched her traceless head as if she were very gentle to a child.

"Cough, thank you, second elder martial sister!" No trace a burst of light cough, complexion Teng suddenly red up. The whole person completely did not have the previous aggressive state of war, just like the little boy next door, slightly shy.

"So let's go!" With a faint smile, Zhen Youcai, the master of the pre art hall, unexpectedly arched his hand to Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister. Then, Zhen Youcai, the leader of the pre skill hall, walked into the purple bamboo forest with a big stride, and his line disappeared in the array.

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Seeing this, the Third Elder martial brother Shui, with no trace, also stepped into the purple bamboo forest and disappeared. In the purple bamboo forest, the west wind of the fourth elder martial brother withers. The fifth elder martial brother Shifu Hua is full of envy, obviously very envious of the flowery world outside the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy.

"Cluck, everyone practice together. If Lao Liu doesn't come back, you will practice until you die today!" A burst of pleasant laughter, like a warbler, was more terrifying than the devil's laughter.

In the field, the west wind of the fourth elder martial brother withers. The fifth elder martial brother Shifu Hua looks at each other, and quickly selects an empty place, where the fierce fight is.

After a short period of stupefaction, the aftershock immediately raised the huge heavy axe in his hand and rushed to the body of the little fat man not far away.

"Ouch. Shit, asshole, you murder martial uncle!" A scream like killing a pig rang out, and Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, even cried and howled like a wild beast. The fierce aftershock was in one place.

Seeing this, the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's anger calmed down. Looking at the lively scene, she nodded with satisfaction.

In the distance, on the boundary at the end of the purple bamboo forest, an old man in sloppy clothes was holding an old wine pot in his hand. Looking at the three figures in front of him, there was a piercing chill in his deep eyes

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