Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 498: 498

Tianyunzong, inner gate hall.

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At this time, three figures came slowly from far to near outside the inner gate hall.

Zhen Youcai, the leader of the pre skill hall, is indifferent. His three elder martial brothers, shuimerciless and in green clothes, are indifferent. They walk into the inner gate temple with square steps to meet the people's eyes.

"Disciple Shui is merciless. I've met Mr. Zhen!" Came to the hall, the water mercilessly indifferent look around the people, eyes a little cold swept eyes, dressed gorgeous Ji Huang. Then, he saw that the water was merciless, and the face full of positive color showed a deep respect.

"Disciple Liu Wuhen, I've met the master of Zhen temple!" See always turn a blind eye to everyone's water merciless, unexpectedly in front of the old man in the temple so convergence. No trace suddenly guessed the identity of the old man, so he also bowed forward and gave a salute.

"Ha ha, Liu Wuchen..." in the middle of the main hall, Ji Huang was stunned when he heard the name of Wuchen. Then, he set his eyes on Wuhen. This was the first time Wuhen met Ji Huang so close.

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His majesty, the imperial concubine of the Zhou Dynasty, is the supreme existence of the monarch. The Five Dynasties coexisted in the mainland of China. For the once traceless emperor, that was heaven, and he was a character who could not disobey God.

At the beginning, Ji Wuchen could only gaze up from afar. Wuchen also wanted to concentrate on practicing martial arts, form a couple with Ji Ruxue, and even help the great Zhou Dynasty unify the mainland of China, and live a happy life like an immortal.

It can only be that this is often the case in the world. Ji Yun, the second prince, wants to win over Wu trace for his private life. This leads to Yan Yu's life and Su Ji's tutor's death. Wu trace broke into the strange fire forbidden area and got away with it.

Later, when Xinghe palace met, Jiyun, the second prince, was killed by traceless sword, and the feud between him and the Zhou Dynasty was deeply rooted.

No trace originally intended to end the enmity with the great Zhou Dynasty. After reaching the level of the soul emperor in the legendary soul realm, it was also a disguised compromise for Ji Ruxue to eradicate the people who had participated in the murder of Yanyu and Suji.

But now, regardless of the imperial power, Ji Huang did not care about his status, so he went to tianyunzong in person, and even wanted to fight for no trace. This action will inevitably cause no trace of anger.

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It must be that the arrogance and arrogance of Ji, the second prince of junior high school, is inseparable from the words and deeds of Ji. Every time I think of this place, the determination in Wu hen's heart becomes more firm. Even if he and Ji Ruxue are willing to make a decision, he will go to the Zhou Dynasty to get justice for the death of Yanyu and Su Ji.

"Hard work!" On the bench in the middle of the hall, the master of Zhen Laodian, who had been sitting steadily, waved his hand mercilessly to the water in the hall. It is obvious that the master of Zhen Shengcai's old hall also attaches great importance to the disciples of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy.

The water is merciless, the complexion is calm like water, nodded slightly to the Zhen old man, then stood aside quietly, the cold vision extremely disdained fell on one side Ji Huang's body shape.

"Brush!" Feel the water ruthless indifference cold eyes, Ji Huang body will have no reason for a Zheng. An invisible chill surged up and down Ji Huang's body, which made Ji Huang have to reexamine the indifferent young man in the palace.

"Eh!" Looking at the water mercilessly for a long time, Ji Huang was stunned to find that he couldn't see through each other's accomplishments. In addition, even if the other side did not release the slightest bit of Xuanli, it still gave itself a sense of extreme threat.

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This kind of feeling, even when Ji Huang faced the other major dynasties, he never had such a strange feeling. Therefore, there are only two possibilities. One is that this person has the treasure of hidden cultivation, or he is good at hiding cultivation to confuse his opponent, thus creating the illusion of fear of war.

Second, this man's real strength level has far exceeded Ji Huang's cultivation level. However, Ji Huang would feel a little afraid when facing water ruthlessness. Judging from the age of water ruthlessness, she is definitely no more than 40 years old. For Ji Huang, she surpasses Ji Huang in the realm of cultivation at such a young age, which is not far from admitting to killing him.

Therefore, Ji Huang is more willing to believe in his own judgment. Shuimerciless is bluffing to help Wu trace. Naturally, his purpose is self-evident. He just wants to let himself retreat. This can also be understood as a kind of protection made by Tian Yun zongbian to Wu trace.

"Ha ha, master Zhen, since I've brought it here, I'd better take it back to Dazhou for disposal! This kindness will be remembered by the royal family of Dazhou. From now on, the royal family of Dazhou will be willing to be loyal to our tianyunzong... "With a smile on her face, Ji Huang bows to Zhen Shengcai, who is sitting in the hall. Obviously, the meaning of Ji Huang's words is beyond expression, and no trace is still a small role for Ji Huang. Looking at the comparison between the great Zhou Dynasty and Wuhen Dynasty, it is obvious that as long as they are not fools, they will choose the great Zhou Dynasty."Ha ha, Ji Huang was so anxious that he became the leader of Tianyun sect without authorization. If that's the case, what's the dignity of tianyunzong in the future? " In the main hall, Mr. Zhen's face was still wearing a kind smile, and the laughter from his mouth fell on everyone's ears, but it was so cold.

"Ha ha, I think it's not right. Please ask Mr. Zhen Haihan!" Ji Huang quickly bowed to give a gift again, and even the smile did not weaken at all.

Seeing this, Mr. Zhen no longer has half of the crap with emperor Ji. Instead, he turns his head and looks at Wu Chen standing in the main hall and asks softly, "Liu Wu Chen, the second prince of the Zhou Dynasty, Ji Yun, was killed by you?"

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"So it is There is no fear and tension on the indifferent face. The loud voice spread all over the hall in an instant, which made the inner hall master, the elder and the outer hall master on both sides tremble.

Silence. Dead silence. In the hall, people could hear even a hair drop. Everyone's eyes seemed to be looking at idiots. They secretly asked if this guy's head was sick, so they didn't admit it so easily.

"Ha ha, good. Mr. Zhen, you heard that. This guy dare to be so arrogant in the face of our emperor. It seems that it's time to take him back to our emperor and discipline him well! " Ji Huanglang laughs, and his explicit words are unavoidably arrogant in the hall.

"Why do you want to kill Prince Dazhou? Aren't you afraid of the crime of regicide?" Zhen old son as if didn't hear Ji Huang's words general, still see to have no trace complexion amiable ask a way.

"Ha ha, he should die. What's the crime of taking revenge for my teacher? It's just like the emperor Ji came to find me and wanted to kill me. If one day I become emperor, I will go to the Zhou Dynasty to seek justice. But, no one would be so shameless to him, to bully the small, to suppress the gap between the realm... "No trace unconsciously straightened his back, righteous words of low voice clear and clear spread throughout the hall.

On both sides of the hall, whether it was the leader of the inner gate, the elder or the leader of the eighteen outer gates, there was a look of approval on their faces. But Ji Huang in the field was cold and cold, and his eyes were cold and full of killing intention. He wanted to eat Wu trace alive on the spot

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