Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 499: 499

"Brush!" There was a dead silence on the main hall. No one spoke to the master of the inner gate, the elder and the eighteen masters of the outer gate. Everyone's eyes quietly gathered on Zhen Shengcai, the master of the astrology hall.

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In the field, Ji Huang's eyes were fixed on Wu trace, and the power of the kings around him spread unconsciously. The sense of terror and invisible oppression immediately put pressure on Wu trace's body.

"Poof!" On the other side, no trace body shape in vain a Zheng, a mouthful of blood on the spot will spray out. The Qi of Xuanli in his whole body was released madly, and the heaven and earth in his body worked hard to open up. The purple and gold armor is hanging on Wu Chen's whole body. Wu Chen is bathed in the power of thunder and lightning. He is as resolute as the God of heaven.

"Boom!" The power of supremacy spread from emperor Ji. The space of the place where no trace is located is in disorder, and the whole person of no trace is divided and imprisoned by a strange force of space.

"Hum!" With a cold hum, the Turks came out from the top of the hall. Master Zhen Shengcai, the master of the astrology hall, who had been sitting steadily, was full of anger and indignation.

I saw a blue beam of light rushing down, straight blessing shrouded in the body without trace. In the surrounding air, the power of the originally confined space is gone, only the endless imperial power lingers outside the mysterious light beam for a long time, but it can't go deep into it.

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"Hehe, Jifa, you are so powerful! It's just the head of a dynasty. Are you really an old man and I'm dead? " A burst of cold smile will come out, has been a kind face of Zhen old man finally burst out of anger at this moment. Before, although there was some dissatisfaction in Zhen's heart, he still called Ji Huang in his mouth. But now I see that Ji Huang, regardless of the face of Tianyun sect, starts to bully Wu trace.

Therefore, master Zhen's hot temper was instantly ignited, and he immediately solved the crisis of no trace. However, the imperial pressure released by Ji Huang before also caused extremely serious damage to Wu trace itself. If it wasn't for Wu Chen's physical strength and ancient martial arts, he would be killed in the same place. And now no trace is still holding his head high, standing upright, deep and bright eyes full of cold.

On both sides of the hall, the deputy head of the inner gate, the elder, and the head of the outer gate, all cast a surprised look at Wu Chen. At the same time, the original favor for Ji Huang disappeared.

"Ha ha, elder Zhen, does tianyunzong want to protect this son?" Emperor Ji's imperial power slowly closed in his body. He looked directly at the astrology hall and asked directly to his face.

"Ha ha, this son is really a disciple of Tianyun sect. However, now this matter has gone beyond the jurisdiction of our inner door. From now on, you can solve your own problems. This matter has nothing to do with the inner gate of Tianyun sect! " Zhen Shengcai's angry expression gradually calmed down, and his eyes swept the water which had been standing coldly under his eyes. Immediately, Zhen Laozi reached out his hand to signal Ji Huang and ordered him to leave the zongmen hall as soon as possible.

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"Ha ha, since Mr. Zhen said something, I naturally believe it. The ninth Hall of the inner gate will no longer interfere in this matter. I don't know who can protect you little beast! " Ji Huang burst out laughing, obviously determined that tianyunzong had acquiesced in his action. Ji Huang's eyes showed a fierce light of extreme cruelty, and the imperial power of her whole body ran slowly to the traceless body again to release the oppression.

"Boom!" Just when Ji Huang thought that the victory was in hand, even Ji Huang had imagined the scene of no trace begging for mercy in his hands. In the main hall of zongmen, an invisible chill burst out in vain. This terrible and fierce momentum spread out in an instant, completely enveloping the whole hall.

"Brush!" An invisible force shrouded in the body shape of no trace, and the space of a few meters around no trace was blocked in an instant. The Qi of Xuanli fluctuates faintly. It seems that there is a strange law force in the void, which protects the whole person firmly.

"Why, the law of space? Who, who dares to destroy the good deeds of the emperor? " Ji Huang's face was very cold, and his momentum was slowly released. A force of space law came down from the sky, vaguely swimming around the emperor.

"Ha ha, Liu Wuchen has entered the Sutra Pavilion of our college! He is the sixth disciple of the Sutra Pavilion of the academy and a member of our Sutra Pavilion. "

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"If we fight fairly in the same realm, we will never complain. But you are so powerful that you are shameless to bully the small. The inner gate and the outer gate of Tianyun sect are not involved in this matter. Do you really think that there is no one in the library of our academy? " A burst of extremely arrogant sneer slowly spread out, and everyone's eyes followed the source of the sound. The Third Elder martial brother, shuimerciless, with a cold face and a slight rise in the corner of his mouth, looked directly at Ji Huang. His indifferent and contemptuous eyes were full of disdain. Looking at Ji Huang as a whole was like looking at a dead man, without any extra emotion."What? "The Sutra Pavilion of the academy?" After listening to the merciless words of water, Ji Huang's figure was obviously shocked. At this moment, the whole person's expression of vow became extremely solemn and serious.

"Cough, sir, this is a personal feud between the emperor and him. Even if it's the Sutra collection Pavilion in the Academy, it's not good or bad. Let's have a long-term friendship between the great Zhou Dynasty and tianyunzong. " Ji Huang a burst of light cough, the body's momentum suddenly converged a lot. Ferocious eyes some flicker uncertain, testing toward the water ruthless tone of calm asked.

"Ha ha, once you enter the Sutra Pavilion, you will be a family all your life! How can I ignore your bullying my sixth younger martial brother. Moreover, if you leave safely, the library of our college will become the laughing stock of other schools in the future Water ruthless complexion is still calm, looking at Ji Huang's cold eyes full of playful color. The Xuanli fluctuating breath on his whole body rises slowly, and a force of space law full of chill is born on the spot.

"Hum, the library of Suwen academy is superior to the inner and outer doors. Even if it belongs to Tianyun sect, it is no longer under the jurisdiction of Tianyun sect. The people in the Sutra collection Pavilion of the academy are all excellent evil people in heaven. Today, I would like to ask you some advice! " With a cold hum from the emperor Ji, the air of Xuanli in his body suddenly burst out. The spread of the terror of the emperor's tyranny and the fierce collision with the momentum and tyranny released before the merciless water.

"Ha ha, younger martial brother, do you want to die or live?" Water ruthless does not seem to feel Ji Huang's crazy general, in front of the hard standing body without trace smile asked.

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"Cough, elder martial brother, just let him go! When I become the emperor, I will come to the Zhou Dynasty to face the shame of today No trace see three elder martial brother water ruthless that self-confident eyes, in the heart immediately feel warm incomparable. Therefore, no trace has no doubt. He responds to the water with ruthless fighting spirit.

"Hum, ignorant child, it's extremely arrogant!" Ji Huang, who has always been superior, can't stand such neglect and humiliation. I saw Ji Huang's body suddenly turned into a streamer, and rushed to the water not far from the opposite side. The invisible power of space law came quietly in the hall, and everything contained in the space of the place where water is merciless became slow at the same time.

"Well, if younger martial brother Liu hadn't made up his mind, I wouldn't have let you talk so much!" A leisurely sigh came from the water. Then, a cold light came straight out of the waterless body and penetrated the power of the delayed space law released by Ji Huang. In the void, there is the power of thunder, which flashes away. Ji Huang's body, which turns into a streamer, is quickly hit by the power of the law of thunder space.

Immediately after that, the power of the law of thunder suddenly turned into an arrogant sky. With one bite, Ji Huang's fallen body was swallowed up and drowned on the spot

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