Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 508: 508

The third floor of Linglong pagoda is also called trial battlefield.

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Looking around, a round platform is formed naturally. Around the platform is a rest area several meters wide. In addition, in every rest area on the four sides, there is the juxuan array standing quietly.

At the moment, no trace, little fat Zhen Bucai and aftershock are standing in one of the rest areas. It's the first time that Wu trace and little fat Zhen Bucai both arrive at the third floor of Linglong pagoda. They both stare at the round battle platform covered by the strange array power.

"Hey, no trace boss, this is the place to practice. When you step on the platform, the array in the place where you practice will touch itself. The puppets will be automatically generated on the platform to compete with you... "Aftershock holds the huge heavy axe tightly in his hand, and his eyes are full of eager to look at the platform.

"Eh, according to the strength of the warrior, will the champion be automatically generated?" No trace of doubt frowned, the heart has a general understanding of the place to practice.

"Ha ha, isn't Zhan Kui an organ puppet? It's just the same realm. I'm not talented. What's the fear? " Small fat Zhen not just full face smile, toward aftershock invincible raised head. Then he saw little fat Zhen Bucai step out. His chubby body was as light as a cheetah. Before the aftershock, his body had fallen steadily on the battlefield covered by the array power.

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"Dong!" A heavy force of the Earth spread, and Zhen Bucai, a little fat man who had risen in the air, nearly fell to the ground. Seeing that the mysterious force in his body burst out madly, he managed to stabilize himself on the platform.

"Damn, what the hell is this? I can't fly in the air!" Little fat Zhen Bucai's face tightened in vain, feeling his feet stuck on the platform like lead. At the moment, little fat Zhen Bucai's moving speed is several times faster than before.

"Eh, the power of gravity array?" Feeling the heavy and steady power of the earth coming from the calm platform, Wu Chen's face immediately showed a touch of meditation. Obviously, this platform, which has become the place of trial training, is far less simple than what the aftershock said. It seems that Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, wants to retreat this time. I'm afraid it's not as simple as he imagined.

"Hey, little martial uncle, I was in a hurry just now. I forgot to tell you that all the battle leaders on this platform are far more powerful than those in the same realm. If you want to win, you will have to fight a hard battle... "The aftershock under the platform smiles, as if it really comes to mind. Facing the little fat man on the platform, Zhen Bucai, full of good intentions, gently raised his voice.

"Hum, I'll see how I can deal with you, my little nephew." Small fat Zhen not just heavily snorted a, not angry white platform with a smile at the end of the aftershock.

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"Brush!" Just at this moment, the mist rose in vain on the calm platform. The mist of Bai Meng passed the whole body of the little fat man Zhen Bucai, and gradually gathered in front of him a few meters away.

"Suddenly The fierce cold wind swept by, which made the little fat Zhen Bucai shiver unconsciously.

All of a sudden, the wind and clouds were surging up on the platform, the white mist was swirling and rising, an extremely vague body shape was gradually gathered and formed, and the momentum and breath of the middle cultivation realm of the infant soul realm slowly spread over the whole platform.

"Dong!" There was another heavy dull sound, which burst out not far from the little fat man. Zhan Kui, who looks and looks like a little fat Zhen Bucai, appears on the platform strangely.

"Boom!" At the moment of the appearance of Zhan Kui, he took himself as the center, and burst out a breath of endless fury. This breath is extremely cold and overcast. It is so powerful that it almost surpasses the general infant soul realm. The momentum released by martial arts practitioners in the later cultivation realm.

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"Damn it, aftershock. Is that what you call" fighting with the same realm "? Although this guy is the middle cultivation realm of the infant soul realm, his momentum is even more powerful and terrifying than that of the later warrior of the infant soul realm... "Little fat Zhen buchai flashed a touch of sadness in his eyes and swept away the smiling aftershock under the battle platform.

"Hey, little martial uncle, you can improve your martial arts only by breaking through yourself. Kill him, there will be a surprise waiting for you! " Aftershock full face excited, for small fat Zhen not just complain ignored. Then, the aftershock also mysterious low voice, as if to do something shameful, general secretly to the little fat Zhen not just leak.

"Why, surprise? So if you beat him, you'll get something unexpected! " After listening to the aftershock, Zhen Bucai's eyes turned in an instant. The air of Xuanli in his body suddenly rose to the extreme, and the air of yin and cold enveloped in his whole body slowly spread to Zhan Kui in the same realm.

"Ha ha, little fat man, how does he practice esoteric divination?" Under the platform, has been quietly smiling with no trace but shrugged, looking at the simple and honest aftershock, gently shook his head."Hehe, practicing divination depends on mood rather than IQ. The more simple and transparent the mind is, the more natural it is to practice. I'm afraid that a heavy minded person like you can't touch the threshold of divination in his whole life! " Demon respect fire Xiao Xu shadow quietly illusory and come out, closely follow in no trace side whisper way. Obviously, he knew something about the way of divination, which is why he asserted that this road is not the way of no trace.

"Boom!" On the platform of the trial battlefield, a terrible mysterious force burst out from the Turks. Zhan Kui's body is wrapped in the meaning of frightful ice, and he rushes to Zhen Bucai.

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Due to the spread of the heavy power of the earth on the trial battlefield, little fat Zhen Bucai was unable to fly in the air.

Terror of the Yin cold gas directly from, as if to small fat Zhen not just the whole person to freeze to death on the spot in general. Yin cold Qi is all pervasive, even straight through the little fat Zhen Bucai to protect the body, the true Qi goes straight in.

"Hum!" Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, snorted coldly, and his face became more serious than ever. A more terrifying chill burst out of his body, forcing out all the coldness that intruded into his body. In addition, Zhen Bucai's feet were firmly in place, and a wave of one arm suddenly burst out a terrible force of ice from his fist.

"Boom!" Only a roar was heard, and the ice broke out on the battlefield. Little fat Zhen Bucai fought steadily in the same place, and Zhan Kui, who was coming from the opposite side, hit him head-on with his hard hit

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