Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 509: 509

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A clear sound, without any sign, rang from a place not far from the little fat Zhen Bucai. Then, he saw the power of ice flashing in the void, freezing the body shape of Zhan Kui on the spot.

"Hum!" With the little fat Zhen Bucai's cold hum, the frozen ice in the void quickly broke. Pieces of ice are fragmented and scattered. Where is the half trace of Zhan Kui on the trial battlefield.

"Hoo The little fat man Zhen Bucai heavily breathed, and the power of threat on his body disappeared in an instant. The whole person's expression quietly relaxed and let go, and the air of Xuanli that was originally full in the body now consumed almost half of it.

Just that hit, little fat Zhen Bucai really did his best, and then he was proud of taking it by surprise, and killed him on the spot.

However, on the battlefield of trial training, the Xuanqi of heaven and earth is extremely rare and weak, which is undoubtedly a very cruel and severe test for Zhen Bucai, a little fat man who is eager to recover the Xuanli deficiency in his body.

"Ha ha, little fat man, he really worked hard this time!" No trace light smile, see the stage full face of small fat Zhen not just revealed a sincere smile.

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"Keke, aftershock, what's the surprise you said?" Handsome but three seconds, just a little fat Zhen Bucai with a deep face, in the twinkling of an eye, he showed an obscene smile, swept the shock below and asked repeatedly.

"Ha ha, little martial uncle is powerful! Don't worry, the surprise will come soon Aftershock silent smile, in front of the little fat Zhen not just soft voice of comfort.

"Suddenly Just as everyone was joking, a strange wind suddenly blew on the trial battlefield. Strange wind combined with the steady and heavy gravity pressure on the battlefield, forced little fat Zhen Bucai, who had to fight steadily in the same place, to step back several steps unconsciously.

"Brush!" It was a mist rising again, and an extremely fuzzy and familiar figure gathered quietly. A more terrifying and majestic air of Xuanli shrouded the whole platform in an instant.

On the other side, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, managed to stabilize his body. Before he knew what had happened, he felt a piercing cold pouring into his body. Then, I saw a shadow coming from far and near. It seemed that the shadow was not limited by the power of gravity. It was like a fierce cold wind. In the blink of an eye, it would rush to the front of little fat Zhen Bucai's figure.

"Boom!" No words, no hesitation. The chubby Zhan Kui on the other side killed decisively. With one blow, he hit the little fat Zhen Bucai's figure mercilessly and flew his chubby figure horizontally.

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"Poof!" A mouthful of bright red blood blooms out a beautiful arc in the void. The chubby little man's graceful body, rather than his beautiful appearance, was blown down from the trial battlefield.

Dong Dong Dong. Dong Dong Dong

A series of dull roars resounded in the open field outside the trial battlefield. Little fat Zhen Bucai fell heavily on the empty field, and his whole body was covered by the thick air of ice. Moreover, on his fat body, there were countless tiny blood marks like the scratch of the wind.

"Cough, little martial uncle, are you surprised? Are you surprised..." in aftershock's eyes, I couldn't bear it. I came forward to explore the injury of little fat Zhen Bucai and asked.

"Shit, it's exciting!" Small fat Zhen not just mercilessly white aftershock one eye, the air of Xuan force in the body rises in vain and rises. The thick ice layer covered by the force of cold ice gradually melted, and countless wind marks mixed with flesh and blood were clearly visible on the body.

"Bata!" A crystal clear blood red pill floats in front of Zhen Bucai. Small fat Zhen not just in the eyes with a smile looked at no trace one eye, without scruples, will open a mouth to its blood red pill whole swallow in the body.

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"Gulu!" As soon as the blood red elixir entered the body, little fat Zhen Bucai felt the power of the elixir burst out in an instant. The endless air of Xuanli burst out and filled the little fat Zhen Bucai's body quickly.

"Little martial uncle, go to gather in the Xuanfa array to cultivate yourself!" The aftershock looked at the momentum change of Zhen Bucai in consternation, and quickly pointed to the juxuan array in the surrounding safe area.

"Whoosh!" Without any hesitation, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, plunges into the juxuan array. Then, you can see that the juxuan array has a bright light, and the purest and purest Xuanli Qi rises from the array. Little fat Zhen Bucai was just like a cicada pupa, surrounded by the mysterious force."Suddenly Another breeze was blowing, and the chubby figure of Zhan Kui on the platform trembled in vain. Immediately after that, the air of Xuanli on the platform shrouded by the air of terror and ice faded, and the chubby figure of Zhan Kui suddenly turned into a little bit of brilliance, gradually melting and dispersing.

"Eh, the infant soul realm, the realm of later cultivation?" No trace felt the air of Xuanli gradually disappearing on the platform, and once he picked his brow, he showed a color of thinking.

"Cough, no trace boss, just blame me for saying that. I just want to make a joke with my little martial uncle! This is a trial battlefield. Once you have defeated the leader in the same realm as yourself. Then a new leader will rise up to fight with him, and the newly generated leader, no matter in his realm or in his fighting power, will be a challenge to the players. " Aftershocks talk, obviously know the rules of the trial battlefield.

"Aftershock, what is the level of the battle leader you are challenging now?" No trace thought for a moment, looked at the aftershock and asked in a low voice.

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"In the later stage of the baby soul realm, I was the champion above the realm, but I didn't have a victory!" Aftershocks show a wry smile, facing no trace positive color back.

"Eh, is the baby's soul above the later stage? Isn't that the level of the cultivation of the soul king in the legend? " A look of astonishment flashed in traceless eyes, staring at the strange aftershocks.

"Cough, the war chief is only the war chief after all, and will not have the power of the spirit emperor's talent space law. The soul transforming warlord is just equivalent to having the physical combat power of the soul transforming strongman, but can't use any kind of magic to attack. However, as long as we can overcome it, we will pass the three-tier trial battlefield test... "Aftershock, with a look of embarrassment, quietly explained to no trace.

Obviously, even the war leader who can't use the power of the law and the magic attack is still a terror like the king of the soul. Even if it was the aftershock of the battle maniac, the battle leader, who was as strong as the king of the soul, did not win.

"Ha ha, only by defeating those who are physically as strong as those who transform the soul, can they be qualified to pass the three levels of trial training battlefield. It seems that the thirteen exquisite pagodas are really the most precious treasures in the world No trace faint smile, heart for thirteen section Linglong pagoda has a deeper understanding. No wonder everyone wants to enter the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy. The temptation of such a big chance is a holy land for martial arts practitioners.

Think of here, no trace heart is to feel a burst of warmth. On his body, his fighting spirit burst out in vain, his bright eyes staring straight at the front of the unusually quiet trial battlefield. Then, you can see no trace step by step and walk slowly towards the test battlefield< br>

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