Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 510: 510

On the third floor of the Linglong white tower, no trace came to the round platform alone. Immediately, the air of the five elements Xuanli in his body was released slowly, and the breath of the cultivation realm in the middle stage of the baby's soul realm immediately spread and enveloped.

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"Suddenly." The fierce cold wind blows up, which makes the air of the five elements Xuanli, which is protected by Wuchen's whole body, in vain. Then, the gravity of the earth's Xuanli forces on the platform of the whole training battlefield converged together and oppressed the body without trace.

"Roar!" With a low roar, the purple and gold armor on the whole body of no trace immediately came out to protect the body. The fierce cold wind pounded on the body like a sharp blade. With the dazzling purple and golden light, all the cold wind sharp blades failed to hurt the body.

Bang bang. Bang Bang

The heavy and steady gravity oppresses the traceless body and creaks. The mysterious power of the earth in Wuchen's body suddenly burst out, which greatly reduced the pressure on Wuchen's whole body.

"Brush!" A misty fog gathered together, and a fuzzy figure was quietly gathering and forming near the traceless body. I can only see that the outline of this figure is gradually clear, and the momentum of this figure is also the level of the middle cultivation realm of the infant soul realm.

Not only that, with the gradual disappearance of the mist, this figure clearly reflected into the traceless eyes.

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"Wow, this boy is really handsome..." Wu Chen sighed in surprise when he looked at Zhan Kui, who was not far away from him and had the same appearance and shape as himself.

"Cough, traceless boy, you look shameless. You have the spirit of the demon master in those days!" Demon respect fire Xiao Xu shadow a burst of light cough, red face is full of no good spirit of white eyes, complacent traceless smile scold way.

"Brush!" There was a faint evil smile on the face of Zhan Kui Junlang. There was also the air of the five elements Xuanli rising around him.

"Ha ha, Zhan Kui, after all, can't compare with the living people!" Traceless mouth showed a smile, the whole person's body shape is like a breeze, then rushed out. The Xuanli breath of the surrounding soil rises, and resists all the pressure of the earth gathered in the surrounding void.

"Bang!" With one punch, the terrible gravity pressure burst out from the traceless body. Face to face with Kui's figure trembled in vain, and he rushed out to fight back against the traceless fist.

"Boom!" The roar resounded, and the two fists of Wu Chen and Zhan Kui were in the same place. The air of Xuanli around them collided with each other, causing the air of Xuanli to fly freely on the platform.

Step on, step on, step on

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No trace and the war Kui at the same time withdraw fist, two people together back a few steps. Zhan Kui's face was still covered with an evil smile, as if he had never felt any pain. However, on the seamless arm, there are bursts of numbness. Obviously, it is unrealistic to want to crush the head of the opposition simply by strength.

"Hey hey, traceless boy, are you not as good as that fat man Demon respect fire Xiao obscene smile, toward the distance gather Xuan method array in the cultivation of small fat Zhen not just cast an eye way.

"Ha ha, old demon, you're a real spectator No trace mercilessly white demon respect fire Xiao one eye, don't have good spirit of opening to return a way. Then he saw a silver flash on his waist, and a silver sword appeared in the middle of his palm.

"Whoosh!" A shadow cuts through the silent platform, and Zhan Kui's figure is like a ghost. In an instant, he comes to the front side of Wu trace's body. Immediately, Zhan Kui raised his hand and saw that it was a fist, which was heavy with endless mysterious power of the earth, and it was like the attack of the mysterious power of thousands of gold.

The Qi of the five elements' Xuanli in front of Wuchen's body was beating disorderly, and the purple and gold armor of the whole person's chest began to collapse under the force of gravity.

"All the methods are empty, one sword has no trace!" Traceless complexion in vain a cold, as if the stars like deep eyes in vain a pick. A kind of sword Qi rose in front of Zhan Kui's body. It passed through Zhan Kui's body and disappeared in a flash.

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"Boom!" A punch hit no trace chest above, purple gold armor suddenly shriveled up on the spot. A long dragon from the power of thunder and lightning rushed out of the body and bound the heavy fist on the traceless chest.

"Plop!" A dull sound came from no trace. No trace chest lightning force of the long dragon in vain, will be in front of the heavy blow on the spot split into pieces.

Click. Click

With the sound of thunder, Zhan Kui's body burst out with endless Xiaosha sword. Thousands of swords rose up at this moment and hanged the whole leader on the spot.

"Teng!" A white mist rose, and Zhan Kui's figure turned into fog on the spot, and disappeared in front of traceless eyes again. Then, the surrounding area of the trial battlefield was restored as before, and only no trace was left on the stage, standing calmly."No trace boss, this sword move seems to have improved a lot!" In the rear, the aftershock eyes sparkled, the fighting spirit surged up, holding a huge heavy axe, eager to try.

"Hehe, it's just the beginning, isn't it?" With the lesson of little fat Zhen Bucai, no trace is not impatient at this time. On the contrary, he held his shoulders and fought in the same place. He opened his mind and quietly observed the situation changes on the surrounding round battlefield.

"Suddenly The fierce cold wind blows from Turk to Turk, and the five elements Xuanli attribute Qi on the round platform is restless.

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In the misty sky, a purple and golden thunder rolled down. At the place where the purple and golden thunder falls, there is an indistinct and healthy body quietly gathering and forming.

Tengteng. Tengtengteng

The fury of Xuanli burst out from the fuzzy body, and the power of purple and gold lightning quickly merged into the big body. On the whole round platform, the Qi of Xuanli with various attributes moves wildly, far exceeding the imposing momentum of the later cultivation of the infant soul realm. In a flash, it moves towards the oppression of the traceless body.

"Hum!" The loud and clear sound of the sword resounded once again, which combined the sword meaning of the five elements Xuanli Qi, quickly turned into the power mask of guarding the field, and covered all the guards within tens of meters around the place where no trace was.

"Ha ha, I'm afraid it's enough to kill those who are in the same realm in the later period of cultivation just by their momentum." Traceless body firmly stands in the power of guarding the field, feeling the fierce momentum in the surrounding air, and a rising sense of war sprang up in his heart.

"Haha, the battle leader without magic power is only physically strong. You can't disgrace me, traceless boy... "Demon zunhuoxiao laughs, and floats to the side of the platform like no one else. Then, he saw the demon zunhuoxiao hovering in the sky and standing proudly, with a strange golden light flashing in his bright eyes, staring at Wu trace and the infant's soul realm that had been completely formed in the opposite direction, and the battle leader of the later cultivation realm

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