Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 511: 511

"Dong!" Just when Wuchen confronted with the battle leader of the later cultivation realm of the infant soul realm, a dull sound came from the other end of the silent round platform.

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I saw the aftershock carrying a heavy axe flying, then jumped on the platform, its body shape quickly changed like a beast. His skin layer upon layer is covered by the power of petrifaction, and his whole body is just like Mount Kumgang.

"Brush!" A burst of violent and heavy earth Xuanli spread, and quickly gathered in front of the aftershock to form a virtual shadow with the same appearance.

"Hey, hey, junior, I'd better get out of my way!" After the aftershock, the whole body was full of fighting spirit, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes. Immediately, he saw his hands in vain, and the huge heavy axe in his hand was striking toward the virtual shadow just gathered in front of him.

"Poof!" There was no dull noise in imagination, and there was no sign of resistance. As soon as Zhan Kui came out of the cultivation realm in the later stage of infant soul realm, he was chopped to the spot by a sharp axe from the aftershock.

As the smoke dissipated and the fog rose, the rusty giant heavy axe circled in the void, carrying the heavy Xuanli power of the earth, and suddenly fell back into the hands of the aftershocks.

Boom boom. Boom boom

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All of a sudden, thunder and lightning flashed on the round platform. The violent gust of wind blows fiercely again, and a very strong and terrible mysterious burly figure suddenly appears out of thin air in the intersection of electricity and light.

"Brush!" As soon as this figure appeared, the whole round platform began to tremble inexplicably. The air of Xuanli surging between the heaven and the earth seemed to be out of control, frantically rushing towards the big body.

"Eh, this is the realm of transforming the soul and fighting Kui..." on the other side of the platform, Wu Chen felt the terrible momentum of the big figure in front of him. His heart was inexplicably tight, a never had a sense of crisis spread all over his body.

"Ha ha, I've been waiting for you for a long time! Boy, I won't kill you today! " A burst of crazy smile, from the simple and honest face of the aftershock, Lang Lang roared out. Immediately after the aftershock, the whole person soared up like a fierce beast, and the rusty giant axe in his hand cut through the sky one after another. The terrible axe awn, with endless heavy power, turned into the pure light of the road, and split away madly on the burly body of thunder and lightning.

Whoosh, whoosh. Whoosh, whoosh

The fierce axe slashes in the power of thunder and lightning, and the aftershock attack is completely random, without any rules to follow.

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But even so, the axe awn, which contains the mysterious power of the earth and the heavy air, is still inconceivable, and generally breaks a gap in the power of lightning interwoven with lightning. Then, a series of horror of Xiao Sha spread, and the heavy axe turned into a flash of cold light, and all of them chopped away towards the big figure in the middle.

Poop, poop. Poop, poop

A slight sound came from the inside of the fog hood. Cold light and sharp axe, light and shadow flash out, all burst out around the big body.

"Dong!" With the sound of a dull step, the terrible Xuanli's authority killed all the heavy axes and stumps around him.

An invisible gravity pressure quickly spread out, and the pressure of the mysterious force of earth on the whole platform became more violent and impatient.

On the other side, the aftershock eyes holding the huge heavy axe were cold in vain, and the whole body was swallowed by the terrible pressure. Then he saw the huge figure on the other side stepping out, and every step at his feet would make the whole platform creak. Burly body, no scars on the whole body, facing the aftershock which was swallowed by the heavy pressure, lingran went straight away.

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"Suddenly In the distance, in the deep place of traceless, the power of protecting the field is still protecting traceless. However, in the void, the terrible and heavy Xuanli's pressure spread and poured into the power mask of the guarding field without any sign.

"Keke..." no trace, who was in the power mask of protecting the field, felt an almost suffocating sense of oppression spread all over his body. After that, no trace quickly began to work in the body to determine the power of heaven and earth. The pure and profound Qi of Hongmeng chaos wandered around no trace for several days. The heavy and depressing pressure around it gradually dissipated. No trace just felt a burst of unspeakable lightness.

"Ha ha, the Xuanli attribute of the earth is the main, and the physical body becomes the king's battle chief of the soul realm. It seems that the battle leader is based on the talent of the aftershock boy! " Demon zunhuoxiao coldly glances at the rising fog battle group in the distance, turns to look at the infant soul realm facing Xiang Wuchen, and the late cultivation realm Zhan Kui whispers.

Boom boom. Boom boom

In the smoke and dust of the fog hood, a burly figure repeatedly waved his fist. A huge heavy axe kept chopping in the void, but still couldn't resist the terrible fighting power of the burly figure.In the eyes of the aftershock, the fighting spirit rose, his forehead was full of sweat, and his feet were stepping backward. At this time, he was in a particularly awkward situation.

"Well, it's just the battle chief who becomes the emperor of the soul. His imposing power has such a powerful threat and oppression. It seems that the gap between the infant soul realm and the legendary soul realm is really an insurmountable gap! " No trace thought of this in his heart, and some of them looked sympathetically at the aftershocks in the distant battle group. Then Wu Chen waved his long silver sword again and cut it out of thin air. One sword made Wu Chen

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The silver sword flashed away, and there was another sharp flash in the void. The sword meaning of "if you have no" flashed away, and he cut away from the body shape of Zhan Kui in the infant soul realm in front of him.

"Whoosh!" A remnant shadow cuts through the round battle platform. In the later stage of the infant soul realm, the powerful battle leader unexpectedly avoids the traceless sword attack at the first time.

The overall response and corresponding speed of the late cultivation of infant soul realm is several times as fast as that of the middle cultivation of infant soul realm.

If we say that the combat power of the battle leader in the middle period of the infant soul realm is equal to that of the general warrior in the later period of the infant soul realm. Then the comprehensive strength of the battle leader of the cultivation realm in the later period of the infant soul realm is far equivalent to the strength level of the warrior with the peak combat power in the later period of the infant soul realm.

"Brush!" An invisible Xuanli pressure surged from behind the traceless in an instant. The power of the five elements is all gathered on one fist. The battle leader of the cultivation realm in the later stage of the infant soul realm blows straight on the power mask of the guarding field in front of the traceless body.

"Boom!" The deafening roar resounded, and the light shield, which was the same as the power of the five elements, broke in a flash. In the air, the power of the five elements, Xuan Qi, drifted away by itself, and without trace, the whole person was exposed to the attack sight of the battle leader in the later cultivation of the infant's soul realm.... < br > all of a sudden

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