Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 512: 512

"Boom!" In the later stage of the infant soul realm, the figure of Zhan Kui in the cultivation realm flashed in vain, and rushed into the light shield of the broken Guardian realm in an instant. Then, he saw his arms waving back and forth, and ran to the front of the traceless chest. Then he attacked and killed madly.

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Before the heavy and steady boxing style arrived, the terrible gravity pressure spread out. There seemed to be a heavy object sweeping over his chest, forcing his purple and gold armor to sink quickly.

"Brush!" At this critical moment, the air of the five elements Xuanli burst out in vain. The air of the five elements' Xuanli contained in the surrounding void quickly converged and melted together, emitting five colors of dazzling pure brilliance and disappeared in a flash.

Click. Click

A slight sound started from the strange sound a few meters away in front of Wuhen's body. And the five elements Xuanli light, which is compatible in one place, rises and blooms in an instant.

Under the glow of the sun, the battle leader of the cultivation realm in the later stage of the infant soul realm was in the same place. His arms still kept attacking, but his body moved slowly.

"Eh, this is the magic created by the traceless boy himself, the five elements ring magic!" Demon Zun's face was full of excitement. The five elements in front of him were in one place, and the aura of the colorful Xuanli was connected head to tail. Unexpectedly, he imprisoned the battle leader of the infant soul realm in the spot.

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"Roar!" A low roar came from Zhan Kui, the late cultivation realm of infant soul realm. Then he saw the momentum of his body rising up, and it seemed that he had surpassed the baby's soul realm in one fell swoop.

"Ha ha, it's good. It's tough! Then I'll have a good time for you. The five elements method is to destroy each other! " Traceless looking at the body in front of the struggling battle Kui, Junlang's face on the corner of the mouth slightly up, showing a symbol of evil smile. Then, the bright light of the five elements in the void flashed away, and all of them scattered on the halo of the five elements.

"Boom!" In the void, Xuanqi, the power of the five elements, trembles in vain. The aura of the five elements' power shrinks wildly without any sign, and the endless prestige is shrouded in the battle leader of the infant soul realm's later cultivation realm.

On the battlefield of trial training, I saw a mysterious and strange light flash in vain. The air of the five elements Xuanli in the void seemed to dissipate at the same time. The power of the five elements Ring Magic instantly squeezed and torn the battle leader of the infant's later cultivation realm on the spot.

"Poof!" A sound of turbulence rang out, and the battle leader of the cultivation level in the later stage of the baby's soul realm instantly turned into smoke and disappeared into nothingness. The ring magic attack, which is the combination of the five elements, quickly turns into a five color light ring, which connects the head and the tail, and quietly covers the wrist of the left hand without trace.

Boom boom. Boom boom

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The thunder of terror resounds above, and the crazy fall of lightning will be on the platform in the test field.

In the void, the Qi of Xuanli of all attributes is just like crazy, and all of them are transformed into flowing light and fog, and all of them are frantically and quickly converged and scattered towards the battlefield.

"Ha ha, it's just a war leader who has made so much noise. It seems that the level of strength of the strong in the soul transforming realm in the legend is really not in the legend that ordinary people can easily achieve! " No trace looking at not far in front of the intersection of lightning and thunder.

At this time, there is a vigorous and well proportioned figure in green clothes slowly gathered together.

"The eighteen moves of the mad devil!" In no trace vigilant look forward to the blurred figure, from the distance came the roar of aftershock indignation. Then, I saw the aftershock one person one axe crazy cut dance. In the battle group that was flying in a wanton manner, a figure of height with the aftershocks was exactly alike. In the original place, the right and left flashes were left and right, and the eighteen type of Tomahawk moves made by the aftershocks in one breath were stopped by the hard ones.

Boom boom. Boom boom

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The attack of aftershock never stops, and the move is usually fatal, and then he splits the generals on the body of Wu Huang Zhan Kui in the soul transforming realm.

On the other side, I saw the smoke of gunpowder, transforming the soul realm into the realm of cultivation, and the strength of the war leader was like a fierce beast. He ignored the chaotic heavy axe attack of the aftershock, waved his fists and just let the huge heavy axe of the aftershock chop on his body. On the contrary, Zhan Kui, who turned soul realm cultivation into realm strength, swung his arms to the place where the aftershock was.

Dong Dong Dong. Dong Dong Dong

The sound of a heart shaking dull roar, in the silence of the trial battlefield, one after another. The ground on one side of the platform had already collapsed, and the aftershock was opposite to the fierce hand-to-hand fight of Zhan Kui, the soul transforming realm of the emperor.

"Damn, what is this? How can it be so fierce?" In the distance, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man who has been sitting cross legged in the juxuan array, seems to have sensed something. He suddenly opens a pair of small eyes and looks at the fierce situation in the field. After a long time of consternation, he says something like this."Suddenly A gust of fresh wind blew slowly, and a more frenzied air of Xuanli burst out on the round platform.

Zilla. Zilla

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Lightning and thunder gradually disappeared, and the sound of friction came from the platform below. I saw a handsome and incomparable figure, slowly pacing out from the rising fog filled with smoke.

As soon as this figure appeared, the whole test battlefield platform would suddenly tremble. The power of the five elements in heaven and earth is surging wildly, and all of them rush towards the unknown man's figure.

"Eh, it's really the power of the strong one in the soul realm. This momentum alone is enough to kill a lot of martial arts in the soul realm cultivation level!" Demon respect fire Xiao body shape virtual shadow a strength of shake don't stop, one side wear beard, one side more interesting mouth said.

"Ha ha, I finally waited for you. Fortunately, I didn't give up!" No trace mouth is still showing a light evil smile, looking at the strong charming straight figure, no trace eyes or the first time surging out of such a strong and urgent endless war, obviously this time no trace is really to move the real.

"Teng!" On the other side, Zhan Kui, who was always covered by the light fog, suddenly stepped out, and the battle platform on the trial battlefield trembled violently in vain.

In the void, the air of the five elements between heaven and earth is mixed with the power of thunder and lightning. In an instant, the dazzling thunder flashed by, and the terrible power of thunder and lightning broke the pressure of Xuanli released by no trace before, and dissipated on the silent training platform.... < br > all of a sudden

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