Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 513: 513

"Boom!" With the turbulent sky thunder rolling, the protective field light shield just gathered in front of Wu Chen's body is just like a display. After the power of thunder and lightning sweeps, it turns into pieces and dissipates in the void.

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"The sword cage in the south of the Yangtze River, the sword cover is endless!" Feeling the terror of the power of thunder and lightning in front of him, he retreated quickly, and the light and shadow of the silver sword flashed in front of him.

A pair of continuous misty rain, Jiangnan beautiful roll, in the rising silver sword gradually outlines the collection. Under the cloud of misty rain, the power of thunder and lightning, no matter in speed or power, has obviously weakened.

"Click!" However, even so, the super sword meaning released by no trace is still not the opponent of the power of thunder and lightning.

I saw the power of thunder and lightning gathered and formed, turning into a rebellious Thunder Dragon. It spread wildly all over the place and burst into pieces. The whole beautiful scenery of Jiangnan with endless sword rain was smashed and destroyed on the spot.

"Hoo The rapidly retreating traceless slowly spits out a mouthful of turbid gas from his mouth, and his figure suddenly stays in the same place. Then, the purple golden light on the traceless chest flashed in vain, and a purple golden flash containing the power of lightning burst out of his chest.

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Soaring long ran breathes the fiery red core, and the power of purple and gold lightning blooms wildly. Such a big figure is not afraid to rush, and the opposite Thunder Dragon who doesn't know how to avoid bumps into one place on the spot.

"Bang!" The deafening sound burst out in the middle of the platform. The purple gold and the long dragon melted and perished with the power of thunder and lightning. They died together with one blow, and none of them survived.

"Cough, traceless boy, now, get him!" Demon Zun fire Xiao Xu Ying is like a ghost. He flashes to the side of no trace and points to the end of the opposite smoke. Zhan Kui roars confidently.

"Quiet and dry!" Traceless turned his eyes hard, and he didn't appreciate Yao zunhuoxiao's instructions. Then, he saw the Qi, light and shadow of the five elements Xuanli in Wuchen's body rising at the same time, gradually melting together, and quietly falling on the figure of Zhan Kui who was shrouded in the light mist.

"Brush!" On the platform, the power of the five elements burst out in vain. A magic aura that integrates the five metaphysical properties quickly changed from big to small, and then the whole figure of the opposite leader was locked in place.

"Roar!" A low roar came from the mouth of Zhan Kui, who was at the level of soul realm. Then you can see that the powerful Xuanli Qi in his body soars wildly, and his whole body expands rapidly, trying to break free from the confinement and bondage of the five elements.

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"Brush!" At the same time, just at the moment when the powerful man in huahun realm released his power, the five elements Xuanli light suddenly appeared on the platform, and the bound scope of the five elements aura that bound the strong man in huahun realm was gradually narrowed.

The five elements Xuanli aura, which was originally confined to Zhan Kui's body shape, just for a moment tied up Zhan Kui's arms. Moreover, the aura power of the five elements Xuanli did not weaken at all. At the same time, there was a tendency to kill the battle leader on the spot.

"Poof!" The scar in the arms of Zhan Kui is more and more clear. Even his body, which is called immortal, is forced by the power of the five elements ring technique. It gradually shows a light mist, as if it will collapse at any time and become smoke and dust.

"Boom!" Zhan Kui, who is strong in the soul transforming realm, has a cold light in his eyes, and the force of the five elements around him soars to the sky. The power of Tao and five elements is just like a single individual, which collides and destroys towards the five elements power bound on its body.

Not only that, the power of thunder and lightning in the body of Zhan Kui, who is strong in the soul realm, is released and transformed into a bright armor with cold light, which immediately covers his body with blessing.

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The five elements ring technique, which was about to be mastered, was under the interference of the five elements and the crazy repulsion of the thunder and lightning armor. It floated and swayed, and the signs of instability came quietly.

"Ha ha, it's exactly what I expected. The talent that Zhan Kui displayed is the same as the talent I released! If I show more talent, doesn't it mean that the fighting power of the war chief will become more abnormal? " The corners of his mouth rose slightly on his traceless and handsome face. He looked at Zhan Kui, who was resisting the five element ring technique, in vain and flashed a cold light of indifference.

"Haha, he is really a strong man who can become emperor in flesh. If this is the level of the infant soul realm, facing such a strange magic attack, I'm afraid I would have been oppressed and killed by the five elements ring on the spot! " Demon zunhuoxiao looks at the battle leader who is gradually rising in momentum, and an imperceptible light flashes in his eyes. It's the most appropriate arrangement for Wu trace, who is eager to find out the shortcomings of the magic from the actual combat, to be able to fight against this illusory opponent."Suddenly A strange cold wind burst out from the traceless body. Wind, rain, thunder, electricity, fog, the five kinds of mysterious force properties of the gas will rush out of the body in a flash, into five contains five kinds of strange variation of the mysterious force of the gas, the shape is slightly like lightning like long and thin hazy shape, ethereal suspended in front of the body without trace.

"Different methods and secret techniques!" The cold light in Wu Chen's eyes flashed in vain, and the air of Xuan Li in his body was aroused by him in a flash.

Five long and thin fog like light and shadow, like lightning, disappeared from the traceless body at the same time.

Click. Click

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On the restless platform, the place where the body is fighting is the original place. There are five kinds of light and shadow containing wind, rain, thunder, electricity, fog and five kinds of variant Xuanli's Qi and power. They all spread forward.

In the blink of an eye, five foggy lights and shadows flashed out at the same time, and the five terrifying momentum and powers all hit on the forehead of the battle chief of huahunjing, who was opposed to the five element ring.

Boom boom. Boom boom

There was a terrible explosion, one after another. It seems that there are only wind, rain, thunder, electricity and fog left in the world. The piercing cold spread and spread, and the violent wind with the power of thunder and lightning shrouded the whole platform in the thunder and lightning.

Layers of thick fog spread, and in the shadow, only five bright lights and shadows flash away. At the same time, the breath of the five elements Xuanli fluctuates from the center of the fog. The halo of the five elements Huanshu, under the guidance of the secret arts, explodes the power of the five elements Xuanli and transforms it into the realm of the soul level, and the battle leader is trapped in the same place on the spot

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