Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 526: 526

Xifeng, the fourth disciple of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, and shifuhua, the fifth disciple of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy. They were not afraid of the majesty of the nine holy halls in the inner gate. In front of the deputy chief of the nine holy halls, they wanted to sweep all the strong people in the hall.

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In the square of inner gate temple, the scene was extremely awkward for a moment. The nine inner door vice hall owners looked at each other, and none of them took the lead in responding to this matter.

"Ha ha, the disciples of the Sutra Pavilion in the academy are really brave and courageous. However, today is the time for the disciples under the spirit realm to fight in the battle. Are you two too strong in your attitude. In other words, you have no confidence in your younger martial brothers. That's why they are so tough and want to fish in troubled waters to ruin the fight? " A burst of ironic and sarcastic laughter came from the mouth of Hong Tong, the deputy head of the holy array hall. Hong Tong's words skillfully avoided the invitation of the west wind withering and the poem's belly China. At the same time, he used it to belittle Wu Chen and others, and also brought people's thoughts back to the theme of today's fight.

"Ha ha, since the Lord of Hong Temple has already spoken, the west wind will surely come to the holy array hall some other day. At that time, I hope someone in the holy array hall can be as tough as the Lord of Hongtong hall today. Don't be afraid to come out to fight at that time! " The fourth elder martial brother, Xi Feng, with a faint smile, glances at Hong Tong, the Deputy master of the holy array hall.

"Ha ha, ran also. Ran also!" On one side, the fifth elder martial brother Shifu Hua is full of scholarly spirit, which is also in line with the four elder martial brother Xifeng withered, Lang Lang said.

"Well, war is not war, in a word! If this is a long way to go, the final decision today will be the failure of the Sutra collection Pavilion of the academy! " Zhu Xing, the Deputy master of Shengzhuan hall, could not restrain his anger. If he had not been afraid of the slovenly senior brother of the Academy, he would have killed Xifeng and shifuhua on the spot.

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"Ha ha, fourth elder martial brother and fifth elder martial brother, as the saying goes, if they are willing to die, we have to bury them. Since some people want to die, we can only play with them. " No trace Lang laughed and stepped forward to scan the inner door and the temple around him. Lang Lang said, "but you can play with me, only this time. If there is another time, I'm sorry. My time is precious. I won't accompany you! "

"Well, hubris!"

"Son of a bitch

"Bah, arrogant. How presumptuous!"

As soon as the traceless words came to the ground, they attracted the glare of the elders of the nine inner temples. Although they were extremely afraid of the west wind withering and the poem was full of splendor, it seemed as if they had found a breakthrough for Wuhen at this time. They started to attack Wuhen and concentrated the fire on him, launching a series of attacks.

"Damn, these guys are really boring!" The aftershock was huge and swaying from left to right. It was obvious that he was very dissatisfied with the attitude of the elders of the temples around him.

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"Ha ha, if they want to find a soft persimmon to pinch, they are good at it. However, when they meet the no trace boss, they are afraid that they will lose money this time, and their wife will lose money again!" Small fat Zhen not just eyes flashed a sharp color, looking at the front face smile, not angry no trace, revealed a touch of knowing smile.

"Ha ha, sixth younger martial brother, I'll leave it to you!" Shifuhua, the fifth elder martial brother, ignores the noise of resentment around him. Instead, he turns around and looks at Wuchen and nods his head.

"Oh, old six, make a quick decision. We have to get back before noon. Otherwise, it's too late to go back. I'm afraid the second elder martial sister won't leave us a meal! " The fourth elder martial brother, Xi Feng, seemed to suddenly think of something. He patted his head and urged Wu trace.

"Damn it, how can you forget such a big thing, no trace boss, come on. Get rid of them quickly!" Yu Zhenhu's back trembled in vain, as if he had foreseen something terrible. His simple and honest face was full of pain, and he said to Wu trace for help.

"Hey, no trace boss, why don't I go up first?" Small fat Zhen not just drum cheek help, as if under a great courage in general quietly looking to no trace said.

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"Ha ha, you elders, I don't know if there are any rules for this engagement?" No trace listened to people's words, the corner of his mouth also spread a faint smile. Immediately, Wu trace's eyes went so far as to skip all the elders in the inner gate and have a direct conversation with the nine deputy heads of the inner gate's ninth hall.

"Hum, this war is about fighting. There are no rules. Win or lose, we only need one result. There is no eye to fight. No one can intervene. Life and death are decided by fate. Can you hear clearly? " Sheng Zhuan hall deputy hall Master Zhu Xing appears extremely impatient, in front of the people's face no trace no good air coldly back.

"Ha ha, thank you for your advice, I understand!" No trace light smile, for the Sheng Zhuan Dian Deputy Dian Zhu Xing did not care. Then, Wu Chen looked up at the platform in the distance, opened his mouth slowly, and said in a loud voice again, "except for the hall of Saint Dan, the hall of holy medicine, the hall of astrology and the hall of three, you can avoid this battle. Then there are six disciples in the other six temples, and only three in our college's Sutra Pavilion. In this case, let's have a good contest with the six Tianjiao in our inner temple on behalf of the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy. "As soon as Wu Chen's words came out, all the inner disciples in the inner gate Temple Station around him were whispering. It's true that the three holy halls, namely, the hall of holy elixir, the hall of holy medicine and the hall of astrology, do not take martial arts as their main direction of study. It would be unfair for them to compete with the disciples of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy.

On the platform, the temple of Saint Dan and the hall of holy medicine. In the eyes of the two disciples, there was an imperceptible lightness. It was obvious that the words without trace made them feel relieved at the bottom of their hearts. However, the faces of the disciples in the astrology hall were still calm, as if they had nothing to do with what happened outside.

Under the platform, the disciples of the three temples named by Wu Chen were all smiling, and their attitude towards Wu Chen was relieved.

In the square array at the entrance of the eighteen outer gates, Li Qiufeng, the leader of the danmen hall, and Hua Ti Tang, the leader of the medicine refining hall, look at each other and see a knowing smile in each other's eyes.

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"Ha ha, boy, if you have the guts, you will be on the stage. No need for others to fight, I'll beat you to your knees and beg for mercy A burst of extremely arrogant cold laughter came from Lang Lang on the round platform. Wang Yuan, a disciple of the holy array hall, looks ferocious. He stares at the bottom of the hall fiercely and threatens directly.

"Ha ha, since you are so elegant, I will help you!" No trace burst out laughing and nodded to Wang Yuan on the platform.

On the platform, Wang Yuan's eyes flashed in vain, and he couldn't wait to stare at no trace, waiting for him to step on the stage to fight. Immediately, then saw no trace quietly backward a step, big hand a wave, light voice to behind to command a way: "aftershock, fight!"

"Hei hei, I will obey the orders of no trace boss!" In the eyes of the huge aftershocks, the fighting spirit surged, and the body rose in the air in a flash. The huge figure fell from the sky like a giant, with both feet firmly on the platform. The calm platform of the general blew out a dull sound, resounding through the surrounding empty space.

Gollum. Gollum

A burst of nervous gasps, like one after another, resounded in the inner gate Hall Square. No matter the main temple owners, the elders of the inner gate, even the leaders of the eighteen outer gates and their disciples, all of them, without exception, put their extremely strange and resentful eyes into the traceless world where they were still standing under the battle platform with a smile on their face

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