Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 527: 527

"Dong!" The aftershocks came down from the sky, and the feet fell steadily on the platform. There was the mysterious power of the earth around the whole person. An invisible gravity pressure slowly flows out of his body, causing the other nine disciples of the inner gate temple on the platform to cast a wary look at him.

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"Ha ha, the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, aftershock, the third generation of inheritors, please teach..." Aftershock burst out laughing, his eyes extremely disdained swept the nine people on the platform. As the only disciple of three generations in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, Yu Zhen was domineering at this time. However, there was no one in the audience who passed on the Sutra personally. He dared to have a glimpse of Yu Zhen.

"Asshole, you despicable villain. If you have the ability, you can fight with me face to face!" Wang Yuan, a disciple of the holy array hall, felt the bad momentum of the aftershock. He could not help but feel the high momentum of the aftershock. In a short time, he became much lower. He had to open his eyes and yell at the traceless figure under the platform.

"Hey, if there is no one to fight, I will choose him to fight with me!" Aftershock found Wang Yuan's strange, eyes as fierce as a beast, staring at his body coldly said. An invisible pressure flows slowly from the aftershock body, and the nine disciples on the platform feel an inexplicable panic and confusion at the same time.

At the same time, the figure of nine people and nine roads swayed to escape from the original place, and the force that they had just left was full of flowing sand. Nine people all quickly soar up, nine super strong baby soul state, later cultivation peak state breath all not good release.

Click. Click

Just as the nine people were fleeing from the original place, they heard the sound of bursts of power breaking in the void. The aftershock's momentum rose in a crazy flash, and even locked the body shape of Wang Yuan, the disciple of the holy array hall, on the spot.

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Seeing this, the other disciples of the temple all looked at each other. The eight figures turned into eight streamers and flew down at the same time, leaving the battle platform for aftershocks and Wang Yuan.

"Ha ha, boy, you have been disrespectful to my no trace boss for three times before. This time, there is no interference from others. Look at your grandfather, I won't repair you well!" Aftershock to see all the people back off the platform, the heart of the moment will be happy to bloom. The gravity pressure in his body is constantly released, locking the body shape of Wang Yuan, a disciple of the holy array hall, in the void.

"Brush!" Wang Yuan's body only felt a sense of gravity spread all over his body, and his whole body fell unconsciously. He was so surprised that he hastened to stir up the Xuanli Qi in his body, drew an array out of thin air to protect his body, and gradually weakened the gravity pressure on his body.

"Dong!" As a result, the aftershocks that have been laughing coldly on the platform suddenly step out, and an invisible gravity of terror instantly permeates the whole platform. The terrifying Xuanli of the earth seemed to be able to communicate with heaven and earth, which covered the whole person of Wang Yuan.

Click. Click

The sound of array power breaking can be heard clearly in the earrings. In the void, the array just released by Wang Yuan was forced by the gravity released by the aftershock, and it broke into nothingness on the spot.

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"Plop!" Without the protection of Wang Yuan's array power, the whole person can no longer bear the gravity of this piece of heaven and earth. I saw his body quickly fell from the void, his feet fell on the ground in a panic, and his body nearly fell to the ground in a flash.

Gollum. Gollum

Seeing this, the inner gate square, which used to be a little restless, was silent in an instant. All the outer disciples were not clear, so they looked at the platform with puzzled eyes. However, all the old disciples in the inner gate of the ninth hall were wide eyed now. They grew up and couldn't say a word.

As a disciple of the master of the inner gate holy array hall, there is no doubt about Wang Yuan's qualification and fighting power. Even among the nine disciples of Neimen Shengjiu hall, Wang Yuan's fighting power is definitely in the middle of the stream. The strength of Wang Yuan, the top eight sects in mainland China, is definitely the best among the younger generation of disciples.

But even so, Wang Yuan, a well-known disciple of inner gate holy array hall, was easily defeated by the aftershock on the spot.

"Bah, it's you who forced me..." Wang Yuan, who was so angry that he stared at the aftershock not far away from him and roared coldly. Then, Wang Yuan's whole body flashed a brilliant array, and his body broke away from the shackles of gravity on the spot.

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"Brush!" Light and shadow flickered, Wang Yuan's figure unexpectedly appeared behind the aftershock. Then, two cold lights flickered in Wang Yuan's palms in vain. The terrible cold light quickly merged into a silver spear, and went straight across Wang Yuan's palms to the heart of the aftershock."Suddenly As soon as the terrible silver spear comes out, the void will be attacked by stroke, gold, earth and three kinds of Xuanli breath, and the killing intention will increase wildly under the blessing of the array power. Obviously, the quality of this silver cold gun has gone beyond the scope controlled by the realm of infant soul. It seems that this thing must be Wang Yuan's means to protect his life. In a hurry, it will show up in front of everyone.

"Be careful!" Below, the little fat Zhen Bucai blurted out, obviously extremely worried about the aftershock situation. While the fourth elder martial brother is withered by the west wind, and the fifth elder martial brother is full of coldness. He looks at Wang Yuan's silver spear with fierce killing intention.

"Ha ha, how dare this guy be stupid when playing close kill with aftershocks?" There was a faint bad smile on the traceless handsome face, which seemed to have anticipated the next scene.

"Boom!" There was a terrible explosion, and the silver spear destroyed the gravity of the aftershock. The sharp tip of the cold gun seems to be mixed with a sense of destruction, which makes it hard to resist the aftershock.

Click. Click

Wang Yuan's face didn't get any better. The frightful cold air gun is on the heart after the aftershock, but no matter how Wang Yuan works, he can't make it move forward.

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"Haha, you are really cunning, but it's a pity that your strength is not good enough!" The aftershock made Wang Yuan's body turn suddenly, and an invisible gravity pressure was exerted on Wang Yuan's body again. Wang Yuan felt as if Mount Tai was collapsing in front of his eyes. There was a sense of powerlessness in his heart. The silver spear in his hand was connected with his mind, and he was cut off by this terrible pressure. Wang Yuan had to push the air of Xuanli in his body to resist. Even so, Wang Yuan is only a little better in perception, and still can't get rid of the terrible gravity.

"Ha ha, since you are so cruel and cruel, I'll take a hit from there too!" After that, the rusty giant axe in the aftershock's hand waved in vain, and a cold light slashed on the silver spear in front of him.

"Click!" With a clear sound, the silver spear with endless killing intention had no resistance. It fell to the ground in two pieces on the spot under the heavy axe with rust.

Gollum. Gollum

Bursts of nervous panting, from the main hall of the square between Turks spread out. All the disciples in the inner gate of the ninth hall were stunned, looking at the situation on the stage. In the square array of the inner gate holy array hall, the deputy hall leader Hong Tong's face was extremely ugly, and all the elder level strong men under his command were full of flesh pain. Staring at the ground, he broke into two pieces of cold spears with sharp blades, which gradually lost their brilliance, and sighed with regret< br>

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