Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 540: 540

In the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, the array power fluctuates in vain outside the purple bamboo forest. Accompanied by a light and shadow staggered flash, no trace and so on a group of people all appeared in front of the row of thatched houses on the empty field.

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In such a big empty space, the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei and the Third Elder martial brother Shui are merciless. They are separated by a certain distance, speechless and inexplicable, standing in the same place.

"Ha ha, I've seen the second elder martial sister. I've seen the Third Elder martial brother!" Wuchen and others are steady on the empty field, facing the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei. The Third Elder martial brother Shui is merciless and treats each other in turn.

"Cackle, a lively, it seems that this time out to play must be very happy!" Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, smiles and jokes at Wu Chen and others.

"I'm lucky to live up to my life!" No trace a light smile, to two elder martial Sister Feng Feifei respectful embrace fist arched hand. Obviously, the second elder martial sister and the Third Elder martial brother have been waiting for everyone in the Sutra Pavilion. This situation can't help but warm Wuchen's heart.

"Hey hey, second elder martial sister, don't worry. I'm here. Who dares to be disrespectful to our academy in Tianyun sect! You didn't see that just now, younger martial brother, I don't even have to do it. The disciples of the temple just listen to my prestige, and they are scared to death! " Small fat Zhen not just a face obscene, rub hands to two elder martial Sister Feng Feifei side to beg for good.

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"Cluck, old four. Old five. What this little fat man said is true?" Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, smiles and looks at the withered west wind with black lines on one side. They ask in a soft voice.

"Damn, how dare you be shameless?" The fourth elder martial brother Xifeng turns his eyes and stares at the little fat man with speechless face.

"Ha ha, from a certain point of view, what younger martial brother said is basically true!" Shifu Hua, the fifth elder martial brother, was also helpless, but he still replied truthfully.

"Hey hey, look, second elder martial sister, little younger martial brother, I always have one thing to say!" Small fat Zhen not just complacent, in front of the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei try to appear sincere modest low-key way.

"Ha ha, you really listen!" One side, the aftershock is really can't see down, small fat Zhen not just get se, angry mouth light smile way.

"Cluck, that's it! Younger martial brother, it's really hard for you this time! As the saying goes, those who can do more work. There is still an hour to go before noon. Please give us all our lunch! " Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, smiles happily and orders the little fat Zhen Bucai in a soft voice.

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"Ha ha, the second elder martial sister told me that my younger martial brother would go through fire and water on the mountain of swords." Small fat Zhen not just a face proud repeatedly, righteous words to two elder martial Sister Feng Feifei guarantee way. Immediately, the little fat Zhen not just seemed to react to something, staring at the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei, showing a bitter gourd face.

"Wow Seeing this, all the people on one side burst into laughter, and they all found their own places to sit on the ground and close their eyes to have a rest, leaving little fat man with a sad face and quietly busy.

In less than an hour, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, automatically cooks, and aftershocks chop firewood to add fire. Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, successfully cooks a table of delicacies by using the mysterious beast meat. The meat of xuanwuling, which is wantonly fragrant, is delicious and sweet. All of a sudden, it arouses the greedy insects in people's hearts.

On the open space square, a stone table is quietly placed on the ground. The table is full of precious mysterious animal spirits. The second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei. The Third Elder martial brother water is merciless. The fourth elder martial brother west wind withers. The fifth elder martial brother shifuhua. And no trace. Aftershocks are all in the list. Before the little fat Zhen Bu announces the meal, they can't wait for a swarm of bees to fight wildly. In addition to the Third Elder martial brother water mercilessly from time to time to the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei clip vegetables, the full table will never see such a picture of crab.

The fourth elder martial brother is withered by the west wind. The fifth elder martial brother is shifuhua. These two seem to be natural enemies, and they begin to fight fiercely and crazily for the food on their plates. Looking at the scene of the two men fighting for a red face at this time, where is the scene of harmony that they shared a common hatred with the enemy.

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On the other side of the stone table, the aftershock and little fat Zhen Bucai seem to have planned well. They rush to the food in traceless hands and launch a violent raid.

Traceless Junlang's face was covered with a bad smile. It seemed that they had expected that they would join hands to deal with themselves. Then see no trace all over the body with bursts of purple thunder rush, the aftershock and little fat Zhen not just two people pop out of the arm one by one to vibration will return.

Not only that, no trace also specially picked the soft persimmon to pinch. While resisting the aftershock, no trace stealthily plundered the food from the little fat man's plate.

At the beginning, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, didn't pay attention. It's reasonable to lose one or two pieces of Xuan beast's flesh occasionally. But it didn't take long for little fat Zhen Bucai to be full of the mysterious beast soul meat listed in the list. Now little fat Zhen Bucai quit completely.

No trace plundered all the food in the hands of little fat Zhen Bucai, then pretended to attack the aftershocks and counterattacked. Aftershocks fully respond to the traceless offensive, and there is no time to worry about others. But this situation this scene just by the small fat person Zhen not just grasps, such excellent opportunity not to allow to pass easily.As a result, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man who had been associated with the aftershock, turned completely to defection at this time. Taking advantage of the opportunity of no trace and aftershock, the food in the aftershock plate was sneaked into the majority.

"Damn, no trace boss, let's put it in advance, what do you think..." the aftershock forced me to be full of anger and pleaded for mercy to no trace who was smiling beside me.

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"Ha ha, these are enough for me. You can do the rest by yourself." No trace pad pad in the hands of the meat plate full of Deng Deng, did not care about the aftershock nodded and said back.

"Ha ha, thank you for your help Aftershock to see no trace no longer hands, eyes instantly rose a raging flame, and then see it turned his head coldly staring at the little fat Zhen Bucai. Its whole body above the gravity pressure inexplicably surging up, crazy toward the little fat Zhen Bucai body above the pressure and go.

Seeing this, the little fat man Zhen Bucai's chubby body was shaking for no reason. He rushed to put a few large pieces of Xuanqi rich xuanbeast soul meat into his mouth. Then, the little fat Zhen Bucai's whole body was full of cold breath, and he began to scold the Aftershock: "Keke, aftershock, I'm your little martial uncle. You've committed the following crimes, which are the taboos of the clan!"

"Bah, I know you are my little martial uncle now. Why did you go there long ago? You lied to me to join hands with you to attack the traceless boss. You dare to attack me secretly when you look back! If you are such a little martial uncle, I feel ashamed for you! " The aftershock is full of indignation and yells at the little fat Zhen Bucai. The little fat Zhen Bucai is not willing to show his weakness. He gobbles up the mysterious beast's flesh while urging the mysterious Qi in his body to fight with the aftershock.

On one side, the scene's traceless smile shakes his head, slowly swallowing the mysterious beast's flesh in his plate as if nothing had happened

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