Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 541: 541

A lunch ended quietly in such a magnificent scene.

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The second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei and the Third Elder martial brother water is merciless. They coexist peacefully and have a pleasant meal. The fourth elder martial brother's west wind withers. The fifth elder martial brother's poem is full of beauty. They both fight for each other, and finally they have a good meal by the number of five.

The most satisfying part of this meal is no trace. The family ate nearly one and a half people's meals and burped hard.

The worst thing is Zhen Bucai, a little fat man. In addition to competing to eat a few pieces of Xuan beast's soul meat at the beginning, this guy was brutally beaten by the aftershocks in the later stage. In the end, the aftershock wiped out all the food on the little fat Zhen buchai's plate before his anger subsided. And, will be small fat Zhen not just hang a meal, but also make it hungry with a full face to cry without tears.

"Brush!" Just as they all sympathize with each other and visit little fat Zhen Bucai, the purple bamboo forest floats again in the distance, and there is a mist.

In the shadowy mist, a slovenly old man was carrying an old wine gourd. He came to the stone table from far away and recently.

"Ah, it's a pity. It seems that I'm still a little late!" The slovenly old man is no one else. It's the elder master Hua Buyu. Then he saw that Hua speechless swept his eyes at the disheveled stone table and licked his lips.

"Elder martial brother!"

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Seeing the flash of Hua Bu Yu's figure, everyone got up in a hurry. Hua Buyu nodded with a smile and waved to the crowd, indicating that they didn't need to be so polite.

Seeing this, they all sat down again and looked at the stone table which was swept away like a whirlwind and clouds.

"Ha ha, you two little guys, have you become emperor?" Hua Buyu leaned against a stone table and drank the wine gourd in his hand. The expression of indescribable lazy comfortable, eyes just no trace. Aftershock. Two people swept over the body.

"I'll tell you back, master. I'm so stupid that I haven't broken through the spirit realm. I'm disappointed to you, master!" Aftershock simple and honest face is full of guilt, in front of the flower whispered reply.

"Damn, being too modest is pride! You are still dull in your fighting power. Will you let others live Small fat Zhen not just mercilessly rolled a white eye, have no good spirit of low voice mutter way.

"Ha ha, you are too thoughtful! If you don't have to learn from a little fat man, you don't have to force yourself. Sometimes, people have to learn to be flexible when they are alive! " Flower not language sleepy eyes hazy hit a ha, afraid of the aftershock of the shoulder light voice comfort way.

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"Thank you for your advice. I will remember what you taught me!" Aftershock a face of positive color nodded, to master Hua speechless words are always obedient.

"Master..." listening to the call of respect from the aftershock, coupled with Hua Buyu's untidy face, the aftershock on one side seemed to be separated from the rest of the world for a while. Staring at Hua Buyu's face, tears began to appear in his eyes.

"Eh, you boy, haven't come out of the dreamland yet?" Hua Buyu's sleepy eyes were stunned in vain and unexpectedly stared at the traceless view.

"Cough, elder martial brother, I've just lost my manners. Please forgive me!" Traceless eyes flashed a touch of loss, in front of the master brother Hua speechless reply.

"Elder martial brother..." the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's eyes flashed a touch of worry, looking at the flower beside him and asked in a low voice.

"Alas, it's hard to cultivate one's morality and soul in the world. It seems that the sixth younger martial brother still lacks experience in the world. In that case, tomorrow you will be allowed to travel down the mountain and have some experience! " The elder master Hua Buyu still leans lazily on the stone table, turns his eyes to the traceless light nearby and orders.

"Why, a trip down the mountain?" Smell speech, there is a color of doubt in traceless eyes. He is well cultivated in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, and his cultivation level is also rising very fast. At this time, the elder martial brother ordered him to travel down the mountain. Is it really because of his own state of mind?

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"Cough, elder martial brother, there is still one year to go before the younger generation of eight sect disciples fight. I'm afraid it will be bad for him to let the sixth younger martial brother go down the mountain this time." The Third Elder martial brother Shui, who has been silent all the time, is merciless. At this time, he unexpectedly opens his mouth and talks for Wuhen.

"Ha ha, you may travel for one year, and you must return to the Sutra Pavilion within one year. As for Bidou, a young disciple of the eight sects, one year later, the sect will naturally make arrangements. " Hua Buyu smiles a little and nods to the Third Elder martial brother. Then, his turbid eyes looked at Wuhen again, as if determined to command Wuhen again.

"Younger martial brother, please follow the arrangement of elder martial brother!" After listening to the arrangement made by the elder master Hua Buyu, Wu Chen was puzzled, but he still obeyed. This time, his physical body has broken into the emperor, and his spiritual strength is comparable to that of the soul emperor.What we lack now is the power to understand the law of space, and it's not certain that this trip down the mountain will become an opportunity for our own breakthrough.

Think of here, no trace heart will immediately calm up. Especially when I think about the affairs of the great Zhou Dynasty, and the nameless sword, Ji Ruxue, Liu Shuanger and others, it seems that it's time for me to finish some things by myself.

"Elder martial brother, is there only six younger martial brothers going down this time?" Second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's eyes flashed a touch of doubt. Obviously, she had just heard about the matter of no trace going down the mountain. Before the news did not come out, in vain they arranged for no trace down the mountain, how can we not let people doubt.

"Hey, elder martial brother, why don't I work harder and go out with the sixth younger martial brother?" As soon as the fourth elder martial brother Xifeng heard it, he felt energetic. He rubbed his hands against the elder martial brother Hua Buyu and asked tentatively.

"Cough, how can you bother elder martial brother with such hard work! Elder martial brother, I'd better go with Lao Liu because of my hard work. " The fifth elder martial brother's poem is full of color, and his righteous words are choking. The fourth elder martial brother's west wind is withering.

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See, no trace. Aftershock. The three faces of little fat Zhen Bucai all trembled together. I realized how long these two elder martial brothers had to hold on in the mountain. Unexpectedly one mentions to descend the mountain, two people all regardless of the face turn to fight.

"Ha ha, this time down the mountain, aftershocks. Everyone else, stay on the mountain and practice in seclusion! Everything should be prepared for a year later... "The elder master Hua Buyu said that the west wind was withered. Shi Fuhua and Shi Fuhua looked at each other and announced in an indisputable tone.

"Gulu!" The fourth elder martial brother is withered by the west wind. The fifth elder martial brother is a poet. They are depressed and want to cry without tears. The second elder martial sister is Feng Feifei. The Third Elder martial brother is merciless, but he can smell a different taste in the words of the elder martial brother Hua speechless.

"Elder martial brother, what about me?" The little fat man Zhen opened his mouth and looked at the aftershock full of pride. He had the courage to speak and asked Hua Buyu.

"Well, you don't know how to die when you go out! Just stay on the mountain and close the door of life and death for me. If you don't reach the point of becoming emperor, you won't want to leave the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy in your whole life! " Flower language complexion in vain a sink, mercilessly white little fat Zhen not just one eye. Immediately, see small fat Zhen not just ruthlessly swallow saliva, cry mournful face beg for mercy toward no trace body stare.

"Ha ha, take care!" Traceless see suddenly laugh out a voice, pacify patted small fat Zhen not just shoulder. Then, they all burst into laughter, and all of them cast their compassionate eyes on little fat Zhen Bucai

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