Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 580: 580

In the tombs of the imperial tombs of the Zhou Dynasty, the white and transparent human forms of the dead gradually revealed their true faces. It was like wearing armor and carrying heavy weapons. The spirits of the dead soldiers of the great Zhou Dynasty, who were brave and good at fighting, were all in a strange echelon pattern from all sides and rushed to the whole body without trace. They were very excited.

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"Damn it, old demon, help me In the face of the army of the dead rushing in all directions, no trace was so surprised that he stepped back.

"Haha, these low-quality souls are delicious! Demon, I'm very proud. You'd better clean up the mess yourself! " On the other side, the demon zunhuoxiao red, virtual shadow swaying for a while, even followed the traceless figure to escape. Demon zunhuoxiao virtual shadow is always on the back of no trace, a look of watching a good play is not too big, full of smile.

"Suddenly A gust of wind blowing, no trace into the emperor realm of the body can not help but unconsciously hit a shiver.

In the endless imperial mausoleum, within the range of kilometers around Wuhen's body, there are no less than a hundred undead soldiers who surround Wuhen on the spot. The breath of yin and cold comes like clouds. The breath of each undead soldier is no less than that of the strong one in the early cultivation of infant soul.

"Teng!" Feel a steady stream of Yin cold gas, repeatedly attack on the body, no trace the first time to sacrifice the body's natural fire.

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As soon as the flame of different fire comes out, the traceless moment in the place of light is wrapped and protected by the rising flame. No trace the whole person at the moment just like a fire man in general, in the silence of the imperial mausoleum tombs appear more particularly eye-catching.

As soon as the flame of different fire came out, the feeling of cold and discomfort on the body of no trace was instantly swept away. The fiery flame spread out quietly, swallowing all the ghost shadows which are closest to the traceless body in the fire.

"Tear. Tear!" A series of subtle sound, from the flaming fire inside the strange ring from. Then, you can see the strange white mist rising from the fire without any sign, turning into several dark streamers, rushing towards the traceless body.

Poop, poop. Poop, poop

The flame of strange fire rose up at the first time. It wanted to block the strange dark flow layer by layer and turn it into strange white fog again. It hit the traceless body and disappeared on the spot.

"Keke..." the power of Yin cold spread rapidly, and constantly eroded and attacked every meridian in Wuchen's body. A burst of light cough, faint spread out, no trace on the face of Jun Lang blood instantly weakened a lot.

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"Hoo A mouthful of turbid gas gently spits out from the traceless mouth, and heaven and earth will be crazy in its body. As soon as the body is refined, Hongmeng's chaotic Qi fills every part of the blood in traceless body. A trace of strange white fog was forced by the hot blood to fly around one after another, unexpectedly ran to no trace mind to know the sea's location, attack and kill.

As soon as the double refreshing technique is performed, the golden little man in Wuchen's body opens his bright eyes in vain, and two purple and golden awns burst out from his eyes at the same time. It turned into a purple streamer, which suddenly smashed and swept away the strange white smoke that remained in the place of the divine consciousness in traceless mind.

"Sasa, what a disgusting smell!" A burst of long core huff and puff out, guarding the little earth dragon virtual shadow wrapped around the golden little man's body, only to open his fierce eyes. A look of extreme disgust exposed, little earthworm use the power of mind to complain to traceless full of complaints.

"Damn it, little earthworm, is there anything else in the world you don't like to eat? It seems that the spirit of the dead is really not a good fruit! " No trace forced to shake his head, knowledge of the sea also faintly spread a burst of pain. But fortunately, even if the eternal Heaven and earth decisive skill was put into operation, it did not cause serious consequences. Just the pain is still within the range of affordability, no trace can also be regarded as personal experience of the taste of the spirits of the dead in the imperial tomb.

"Hey, boy, demon, I advise you to run faster!" Demon zunhuoxiao bared his teeth and grinned, and his bad smile flashed on his fiery face again.

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"Well No trace see demon zunhuoxiao ill meaning smile, don't want to turn around and run. The Xuanli breath of the wind is instantly bestowed on Wuchen's body shape. With the improved step skill LiuXu ethereal skill, Wuchen's whole body turns into a green awn in the blink of an eye, rushes into the dense army of the dead, and rushes to the endless imperial tomb.

"Whoosh, whoosh!" At the same time, dozens of armored undead soldiers will come. These ghost soldiers will stay in the same place, a face at a loss, looking at the surrounding has already disappeared without a trace of no trace, at a loss.

On the boundless imperial tomb, there is a green shadow galloping by. And wherever the green shadow passes, hundreds of spirits of the dead rise to the sky.Hundreds of the undead army is mighty, fiercely biting the place green shadow passed by. In just a moment, the army of the dead gathered more than a thousand ghosts, roared and pulled a long line to kill the blue figure.

There are 18 entrances in the tomb. All the 18 entrances lead to the depth of the mausoleum. In the depth of the mausoleum, there is a magnificent and nihilistic hall standing quietly.

At the same time, there were several entrances leading to the end of the mausoleum, and gusts of wind were coming.

Aftershock. Dixin. Yuhualong. Three people rush out from three different entrances, and each of them pursues an army composed of more than a thousand souls.

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Among the three, Yu Hualong was the most embarrassed. The whole body was completely protected by the cyan fog, but it was obvious that there was continuous blood spilling from the corners of his mouth. And the jade mask on his face has long disappeared, and I don't know where it was discarded.

Dixin, the whole person is covered by the black smoke evil Qi, and the evil Qi released by the spirits of the dead is quite similar to it. Therefore, Dixin is the most relaxed at the moment. The army of the dead chasing Dixin is as perfunctory as they are, and they don't chase Dixin.

Aftershocks, holding a huge heavy axe, a strong crazy split will open, its beast after the burly body covered with petrochemical force, but its own speed is greatly reduced. Therefore, the army of the dead who came after the aftershock was the closest to it. Fortunately, with the wave of the axe of Jiuyou, it can be seen that tens of the army of the dead turned into white smoke and disappeared into nothingness on the spot.

For a moment, the tomb of the imperial mausoleum, which used to be very quiet, was suddenly disturbed by the wind. The howls of ghosts and wolves resounded from all directions, and tens of thousands of the army of the dead went mad. They generally divided into several routes to attack and kill the invaders in the mausoleum, chasing and encircling them.... < br > the army of the dead went crazy

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