Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 581: 581

In the endless tombs of the imperial mausoleum, many armies of the dead swarmed in. No trace all the way fast, the whole person into a line of fire flash away. All the spirits of the dead who came around turned into white smoke under the burning of different flames.

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After nearly half an hour, I don't know how many souls of the dead were buried in the fire. Even if occasionally some of the fish were caught, they were all killed by the golden little man in traceless's body. Wuchen only felt that the Xuanli Qi in his body was consumed in a large amount, but fortunately, it was supported by the eternal Heaven and earth decisive skill. The majestic and pure air of Hongmeng chaos rises, and the empty air of Xuanli in Wuchen's body is quickly replenished.

In the tomb of the imperial mausoleum, no trace is about to fight to the end of the tomb. Countless souls of the dead were buried in the sea of fire, and countless armies of the dead came again.

It seems that the army of the dead in the mausoleum can never be killed. If it is consumed for such a long time, even if there is no trace of the eternal Heaven and earth as a support, it will not be able to survive in the mausoleum for a long time.

"Suddenly A gust of wind swept up again without warning, and the army of the dead who had been chasing and killing without trace stopped in vain. It turns into strange white smoke, which stops the way to the end of the imperial tomb without trace.

The strange white fog rose up, as if to form a natural barrier in front of no trace. Then, you can see that the end of the whole imperial tomb is completely covered by this strange white fog, and you can see a vague high platform gradually.

"Why, what is that? Is it a mirage?" No trace light exhort a, looking at the distance white fog around the square high platform, a burst of consternation.

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At the same time, no trace only felt several sound winds whistling behind his ears, and several familiar breath were felt by no trace at the same time. Aftershocks, Dixin and yuhualong all appeared beside no trace in a flash.

"Ha ha, you guys are still alive?" No trace Lang Lang a smile, see the public obviously in a good mood!

"Ha ha, have a good time. Have a good time!" Aftershock eyes continue to flicker, the whole body battle spirit is rising. The whole person was panting and carrying a huge heavy axe, but the nine dark flowers on the heavy axe were very striking.

"Hum, give me some of your pills!" Feather turns long to cold hum a, to have no trace to have no good spirit of say. Obviously, the stalemate between yuhualong and Wuhen has eased. After all, yuhualong is Wuhen's brother-in-law.

"Ha ha, one for each, you should recover quickly! The fog ahead is very strange. I believe someone must be holding some big move waiting for us! " Wu Chen smiles and turns away Yu Hualong, who looks rather decadent. With a move in mind, he takes out three juxuan elixirs from the purple wood cauldron.

This juxuan elixir is a special elixir for restoring Xuanli's Qi, which is refined in the spare time according to the records of the classics in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy.

It's a cultivation of transforming the soul state. This is only a spirit pill with the level of Dan soul. It can replenish the lost Xuanli Qi in the warrior's body in the shortest time. It's said that this elixir has been lost in mainland China. I didn't expect that no trace would be such a big hand.

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Dan soul level God Dan, aftershock. Dixin. Feather dragon. Three people all without hesitation to swallow it. The thick, pure and surging Xuanli Qi quickly burst out in the three people's bodies, and the terrible Xuanli Qi quickly occupied every vein in the three people's bodies. Three people only feel tired all over the meaning swept away, dispirited look quickly energetic, three people again fighting high spirited, lively up.

"Hum!" At this time, at the end of the white fog blocking the fog barrier, there was a loud sound of sword. Then he saw the place on one side of the white fog barrier in the distance, shining with a touch of blood red sword Qi.

The terrible blood red sword Qi soared into the sky, and almost broke the white fog barrier in front of him. With the blood red sword Qi drawing a beautiful arc in the void, a young man in white is galloping towards the position of the people.

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"Be careful!" Dixin's eyes were full of vigilance, and the evil Qi in his body surged out quickly to protect his body.

"What a strong sword spirit!" On one side, the aftershock held a huge heavy axe and his eyebrows were beating. The Qi of Xuanli on his body leaked out crazily, and the efficacy of the spirit level juxuan elixir in his body was quickly promoted to the extreme.

"EH. How could it be him?" When Yu Hualong saw the young man in white, he was shocked. In front of him came a white suit, and behind him stood a bloody red epee. The young man was not someone else, but a sword heart. The nameless sword of the self trumpeter was nameless."Ha ha, don't do anything rashly No trace's body was in front of Dixin and aftershock. He suddenly opened his arms in front of everyone. His handsome face was smiling like a spring breeze, and he laughed at the young man in white.

"No trace?" As soon as the divine sense swept by, the sword was nameless and recognized the identity of no trace. His fierce and pure sword intention retreated in vain, and he flew down to no trace and shrugged at him with a smile.

"Ha ha, you are still such a stink. Shouldn't you run all the way and give me a big bear hug at the end? " No trace is still smiling, will open arms slowly back. It seems that no trace is used to the indifference of the young man in white, and they don't have the slightest strange meaning when they talk.

"No trace, don't you practice in tianyunzong? How can you be here?" Sword nameless slightly frowned, some puzzled look to no trace mouth asked.

"Ha ha, travel down the mountain, looking for the chance to break through into the emperor!" Traceless smile nodded, looking at the sword nameless, after the change of the shape of Epee unparalleled, a strong look.

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"I'm lucky to get it by chance! If you leave Jiange, you can't go back until you become emperor! " Sword nameless eyes full of positive color, said to no trace word by word.

Smell speech, the opposite no trace is a surprised at first, then quickly calm down. After listening to the nameless words of the sword, no trace obviously felt a trace of anger. It's obvious that Jian Ming didn't have a good time in the pavilion.

"Cough, no trace boss, this guy is the swordsman nameless?" A burst of light cough interrupts the conversation between Wuchen and Jianming. The aftershock shakes his big body, carries the huge heavy axe in his hand, looks up at Wuchen and the sword, and asks with extreme curiosity.

On one side, di Xin's eyes were full of amazement. I didn't expect that I would meet old friends in the cave of the imperial mausoleum. What's more, the strength of this young man with sword is far less simple than what he shows on the surface. After all, only three of his peers have met him who can make him feel afraid.

No trace. Aftershock. Feathered dragon. In addition to the above, this young man dressed in white. All of these people have a common characteristic, that is, they are inextricably linked with traceless

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