Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 586: 586

"Suddenly A wisp of blue mist is blowing by strangely, surging through the gap of the majestic palace entrance.

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In front of the main gate of the golden palace, there is no trace. The sword is nameless. They both quietly release their divine consciousness and want to explore the palace.

On one side, the aftershock carries the faint breath of Dixin, and the whole face looks very relaxed. Holding the nine hell axe tightly in his hand, he looked forward to the front door of the palace.

"Bang!"“ Bang Two crisp dull sounds reverberated in front of the main entrance of the palace. No trace. The sword is nameless. The two men's figures suddenly withdraw back at the same time. The divine sense they just released is looked at by the founder's door, isolated and rebounded back.

"Eh!" On the other side, the demon worships the empty shadow of the fire sky and says in vain. Immediately, the red shadow turned into a strange red streamer, and rushed into the Zuling palace along the gap of the square gate.

"Shit, get a ball!" No trace lost his voice and exclaimed, and his face was in vain. Then, Wu trace suddenly responded and yelled at the aftershock beside him: "aftershock, break the door open..."

"Ha ha, don't worry, I'm the best at this!" Smell speech, aftershock eyes hair almost smile open flower, the nine Youming axe in the hand suddenly raised high, facing the square door force to break the general crazy will.

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"Boom!" A terrible explosion started from the front of the square door. The terrifying power of the earth suddenly burst out from the nine hell axe. As the atmosphere of destruction, crazy spread out, all of a sudden the founder's door was blown to pieces on the spot.

"Brush!" A bright green light is reflected from the ancestral mausoleum palace. An invisible suction shrouded the bodies of Wu Chen and others, and immediately pulled them into the Zuling palace.

"Bang!" Endless exuberant breath of life filled the whole ancestral palace. No trace only felt that the blood in the body was flushed by the strong breath of life, and it seemed that it was possible to burst out of the body at any time.

"Hoo A mouthful of turbid Qi is spewed out from traceless mouth, and heaven and earth will be crazy to move in its body. The exuberant and pure Qi of Hongmeng's chaos ran rapidly for several weeks in Wuhen's body, and all of a sudden, it completely suppressed the blood of the riot in Wuhen's body.

On both sides, the sword is nameless, and the whole body is killing. The sword spirit rises, and the Xiaosha spirit becomes more and more strong. The aftershock's body shape changed into a beast by itself, and the power of petrification covered its body shape with the Dixin on its back.

"Shh A light call, quietly into the ears of no trace and others. A body shape wrapped by the blue fog, impressively reflected into the eyes of the public.

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"Yuhualong, what's the matter with this guy?" No trace slightly frowned, along the eclosion longan look at the direction of the eyes.

"Cough, traceless boy, calm down, don't be impulsive!" A flash of red light, just rushed into the ancestral mausoleum palace of the demon zunhuoxiao, at this time again into shape and landed in no trace side, complexion of the soft voice to dissuade.

"Gulu!" A burst of dry huff and puff, slowly wriggling from the traceless throat. Without trace, the whole person was in the same place, and his eyes were full of disbelief. He looked at the center of Zuling palace.

On the other side, there was Jianming who was also stunned on the spot. The body of Jianming trembled slightly. The blood red heavy sword suspended behind him trembled in vain and fell into Jianming's palm for the first time.

"Wow, is this guy a human or a ghost?" Aftershock opened his mouth, eyes full of shock, staring at the front of the void, lost his voice exclaimed.

Dixin on aftershock's back opens his eyes difficultly. When his eyes fall in the distance, he suddenly widens his eyes. His pale face is full of shock.

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In the distance, just above the center of the Zuling palace, there is a beautiful woman in white, noble in ice and snow, and incomparably cold and gorgeous in appearance, perched in the void.

The cold beauty in white was covered with a thin layer of snow. Moreover, from the palms of his hands, the soles of his feet, and the center of his forehead and eyebrows, there are five drops of red blood spilling over. The bright red blood mark is in sharp contrast to the cool and gorgeous breath of the woman in white. As if the girl in white was falling asleep at this time, her expression was calm and quiet, and there was no pain at all.

In the center of Zuling palace, a strange green fog suddenly appeared. The green fog exudes a continuous stream of vigorous life, which is vividly seen in the blue fog group. A bright golden light can be seen.

In the void, the woman in white is still sleeping. There are red blood drops on her palms, feet, eyebrows and five hearts. The five red blood drops slowly fused in the void, and finally turned into a blood red blood drop full of ice cold air, dripping on the bright golden light wrapped by the blue mist below."Teng!" Avoid leaning to either side of the brilliant golden light wrapped in the blue mist.

The shadow of the hazy bright golden light, a simple and exuberant breath of life surging out of it. The blue fog group jumped up with joy and turned into five blue chains again, which were tied to the figure of the cool beauty who fell into a deep sleep in the void.

"Like snow!" Traceless face is very gloomy, body shape slightly in a flash, almost fell to the ground on the spot. His eyes are always staring at the cold and gorgeous beauty who is falling into a deep sleep state in the void, and the whole body of Xiao Sha's intention spreads out without any sign.

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"Hum, traceless boy, it seems that this is some kind of cult handed down from ancient times. Ruxue must have been used as a sacrifice to open the treasure of the ancestral mausoleum in the imperial palace... "Yaozunhuoxiao's face was more severe than ever, and he felt the faint breath of the imperial mausoleum.

"Ji Huang, really cruel!" Sword nameless eyes do not hide the intention to kill, the whole body to kill sword crazy release. The bloody red Epee in his hand trembles in vain, and his endless intention of killing and cutting is quickly integrated with the Xiaosha momentum on his nameless body. A more crazy and terrifying force of killing and cutting surged into the sky, and all of a sudden the whole Imperial Palace was covered and spread.

"Whoever it is, he should die!" No trace can no longer suppress the anger in the heart, the body was born with a strange fire, the first time out of the cover of the whole body. The nine sky purple thunder turns into a purple streamer, which also protects the traceless body.

Gollum. Gollum

Yuhualong, aftershock, Dixin and the other three people trembled at the same time. The terrible sword meaning released by the nameless sword and the killing meaning released by the traceless body all made the three people feel a sense of inexplicable panic. All three of them look at the void and stare at the snow beauty who is in deep sleep< br>

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