Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 587: 587

Boom boom. Boom boom

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A series of terrible explosions started from the void in the Zuling palace. The whole ancestral mausoleum palace was in turmoil and swaying, with a steady stream of cyan fog coming from the hazy and bright golden light below.

In the void, the red flame rises, wrapping Ji Ruxue's whole body. And a blood red sword light flashed by, twining around the green fog chain that imprisons Ji Ruxue's body shape, and was quickly cut off and destroyed on the spot by his terrible sword intention.

"Brush!" The bright golden light rises again. Ji Ruxue, who falls into a deep sleep in the void, suddenly shivers. The strange fire and flame that enveloped her body were quickly stripped out by the strange golden awn, and the cyan chain that originally bound Ji Ruxue's five heart directions was once again formed intact.

"Why?" Sword nameless eyes full of color of amazement, once again wave cut and bleeding red Epee matchless. After several times of fruitless cutting, Jianming frowned at the cyan chain which was gathered again in the void.

"Old demon, what's the matter?" Traceless eyes full of anger, suddenly swept the eyes, side demon respect fire Xiao virtual shadow in the heart of urgent pursuit.

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"The art of sacrifice can only be solved by killing the performer! Or, the sacrifice itself is sober and free. Otherwise, if we blindly break through the battle, we are afraid that we will save people, but we will suffer from it! " Demon Zun Huoxiao's eyes are full of positive color, looking at the anxious no trace and slowly explaining.

"Old demon, if the sacrifice is over, what about snow?" No trace gently waved, stopped the sword that was ready to continue to attack.

On one side, yuhualong, aftershock and Dixin all look stern and set their eyes on the abnormal body shape.

"Ha ha, the success of sacrifice is naturally to win the present life of the treasure. As a sacrifice, the person must be accompanied by the coming of the treasure, so that he will be eroded by the prestige of the treasure and turn to ashes on the spot. If the sacrifice is not successful, the person who is the sacrifice will inevitably suffer from retaliation. He will be reduced to a useless person, and he will live his whole life, and his life will be more important Demon respect fire Xiao cold smile, toward no trace tone as far as possible smooth slowly open mouth speech.

"Hum, it's so vicious! Ruxue is also Princess dazhoujiu. How could Ji Huang be so cruel to do this The complexion on traceless face is extremely blue. Staring at Ji Ruxue, who has collected the blood of five hearts again in the void, she feels distressed.

"Ha ha, the royal family of Dazhou has been separated for several generations. The power of blood in his royal family's children has not been as pure as it used to be. If Ruxue is really Princess dazhoujiu, she can't open the secret guard of Zuling by her own blood. "

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"If the emperor Ji really wants to open the supreme secret treasure in the ancestral mausoleum, the remaining seven princes and Ji Ruxue should join hands to contribute their blood. Only in this way can the secret treasure of the ancestral mausoleum be opened successfully and the lives of the descendants of the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty be guaranteed." Demon zunhuoxiao's eyes are full of the color of thinking, looking at Ji Ruxue, who is more heavily covered with ice in the void.

"Old demon, if you really say so, why would the emperor sacrifice Ruxue to open the secret treasure of the ancestral mausoleum that may not succeed?" The color of doubt in traceless eyes is more abundant, and the body is born with a burning fire. His whole body turns into purple thunder, and the smell of Ji Ruxue is firmly locked on the spot.

"Eh, how can the five heart power on Ruxue make the heavy treasure in the imperial mausoleum react so strongly. Looking at the posture like snow, the power of blood in the body is even more pure and noble than that of Ji's blood. Is it hard to say that Ruxue is not the royal heir of the Zhou Dynasty at all? " Demon respect fire Xiao a person into meditation, the voice is extremely weak in traceless mind will pass out.

"Old demon, you mean that Ruxue may not be the son of the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty at all. If you say so, maybe the reason why Ji Huang was willing to give up Ruxue would be completely clear at once!" No trace eyes in vain flashed a strange light, clenched his fists, looking to the void, Ji Ruxue, who was still forced out of the blood essence, was heartbroken.

"Ha ha, so it seems that the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty has made great efforts to open the ancestral mausoleum." Demon respect fire Xiao eyes flash across a wishful thinking, toward no trace light smile to nod, tiny signal way.

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"Liu Wuchen, don't you do it yet?" The eclosion longan with a jade mask is full of doubts. He stares at the no trace who just wakes up from shock and asks in an urgent voice.

"Hoo Without trace, he breathed heavily, looked at the people around him and sighed softly: "Alas, the sacrificial array has been opened. Once the array is broken by force, it will endanger Ruxue's life. Now only when we find the caster of this array and defeat it in a short time can we have a chance to save Ruxue and reopen the secret treasure of the imperial mausoleum! "

"Cough, quick. Divide. Divide to look for!" Dixin, who has been lying on the back of the aftershock, has obviously recovered some physical strength at this time."Well, in case of danger, everyone will release Xuanli's Qi without reservation. We'll meet at the first time, so as to prevent accidents! " No trace heavy key nod, body shape a jump then fly up. The nine sky purple thunder in the body turns into a purple dragon, which hovers in the sky. Ji Ruxue, who is in a deep sleep, is protected by the endless thunder.

Whoosh, whoosh. Whoosh, whoosh

At the same time, no trace, sword nameless, aftershock, feathered dragon, four people fly out at the same time, all of a sudden they spread around the imperial palace.

"Brush!" For a moment, all the places where they had passed were full of horror. One after another, the spread of murderous ideas surged and connected, completely covering every corner of the Zuling palace.

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"Boom!" Just as the people were about to completely block the internal area of Zuling palace, a terrible sword Qi rose up in the corner of Zuling palace without warning.

"Hum!" In the place where the sword spirit is rising and spreading, the nameless face of the sword is extremely ugly. The blood red Epee hanging in front of the sword is unparalleled. At the same time, it emits seven bright rays, which obstructs Xiao Sha's sword spirit from the dark place in the opposite corner.

"Brush!" Without a trace of hesitation, the sword nameless, the whole body quickly turned into a white awn, and retreated. The Epee shrouded in the blood red glow retreated like a pair of flies, sending out the power of terror again, and fell on the guard in front of the unknown body of the sword.

"Found it!" At the same time, no trace in front of a light, the whole body quickly into a red streamer, all of a sudden fell on the sword nameless side.

On the other side, the aftershock and eclosion dragon also arrived at the same time. The aftershock is still carrying Dixin, and the fire of the nine netherworld spread and released on the nine netherworld axe. It turned into a bright black lotus in the void, and closely surrounded the aftershock's body. However, Yu Hualong was covered with a blue mist, and his cold and murderous intention was all over him. His eyes were fixed on the dark corner of the Zuling palace, and he stared coldly at it.... < br > the emperor's life was full of life

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