Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 590: 590

"Brush!" In the imperial mausoleum palace, the endless sword of Xiao Sha rises among Turks, which turns into the brilliance of Dao Dao Dao sword, and explodes in the unknown position of the sword.

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"Boom!" A violent turbulence swayed up, and the sword array suddenly trembled. After that, you can see that the sword in the sky turns into thousands of sword Qi. Qi Qi fiercely penetrates into the defensive sword array cast by the seven colors of Xiaguang.

"Hum!" A blood red light and shadow rose from the sky, and the Epee was as mad as a madman. It flew out of the shaky defensive sword array. In the void of the Imperial Palace, there was a bloody red light, like a blood line, which thundered the sword and left in a panic.

"Ha ha, is it the intention to kill the sword?" The sword emperor was in a panic, his eyes were cold, and his feet stood still. His right arm was quickly raised and waved forward, and then he saw a terrible and majestic sword coming straight out of the sword emperor's arm.

"Boom!" The irresistible Epee is unparalleled, and its blood red body suddenly beats in the void. When the sword emperor on the other side struck here, the meaning of the shape of the sword was shattered and dissipated under the unique strike of the epee.

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"Whoosh!" Just a breath later, the Epee suddenly darted forward again, and the air of Xuanli contained in the void was swept up by the intention of killing the sword, and turned into the blood red sword shadow, and ran to the sword emperor's body again.

"Ha ha, what a spiritual treasure! Since you give such a big gift, I will accept it impolitely! " The sword emperor was in a panic, and the excitement in his eyes was even more intense. All of a sudden, the crazy surging sword spirit around him converged on the body of the sword emperor. The momentum of the sword emperor was suddenly exposed, and the cultivation realm was above the cultivation realm of the next emperor.

"Nameless..." the fire around Wuchen spread quickly, which completely protected Dixin and yuhualong. The aftershock on the side didn't dare to be big, so they quickly waved the nine hell axe to guard them.

"No trace, believe me!" The sword's nameless and cold face is full of positive color, and whispers to traceless. Then he saw the mysterious force in the sword nameless body burst out in an instant, and the whole person was like a peerless sword. He jumped forward and rushed to the sword king sword, which was fully released.

"Hey, no trace boy, you really don't want to help?" The demon zunhuoxiao, who has a good relationship with wuhenxin, has a bad smile on his face and instigates him to bewitch wuhenxin.

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"Ha ha, it's about the heart of the swordsman. If he can't pass it, he will become an unknown demon in the future." There is a faint smile on the traceless and handsome face, and a touch of perseverance flashed in the deep eyes. Just like the sword nameless trust traceless general, traceless has never doubted the sword nameless combat power will be less than how much.

"Boom boom!" The terrible turbulence and the unbridled rampage of the sword destroyed all the vulgar things in the imperial palace. The aftereffects of sword light filled every corner of the Imperial Palace in an instant. Fortunately, no trace had been on guard for a long time. The power of guarding the field was tottering under the shock of the aftereffects of the terrible sword light, as if it might be broken at any time.

In the space of guarding the realm, Dixin and yuhualong are both pale as paper. Their chest is full of ups and downs, and their Qi and blood are all rising and surging. It was extremely difficult for them to resist the aftereffect of Xiao's intention to kill the sword released by the emperor. From this, we can imagine how much pressure the sword nameless, who was fighting with the sword emperor, was under at the moment.

"Bang!" The blood red light soared into the sky, the sword was nameless, and the Epee in hand was unparalleled, just like killing gods. The whole person was full of endless intention of killing. Holding the sword, he rushed to the sword emperor's chest and slashed and assassinated.

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"Sword down, slow down!" A very rich voice burst out from the mouth of the sword emperor. I saw the endless Xiao Sha sword in the void quickly turned into a bright golden sword, like a storm, rushing down from all directions.

The terrible streamer sword rain fell one after another, and the speed of the whole person's galloping body slowed down significantly. There is the power of law in the surrounding void. When Xiao's intention to kill the sword came to an end, he slowed down the speed of the whole man's attack.

"Eh, this is the power of Dharma space. It's really wonderful!" Wu Chen's eyes were full of amazement, and he hastened to urge the eternal Heaven and earth in his body to cover his whole body. The delayed divine consciousness and the slow five senses gradually returned to the same level, without trace, which was a long relief in the dark.

"Hehe, this is the law of slowness. Looking at the power, he just mastered the rudiment of the law. Otherwise, if it is really the power of the law to use the power, just one thought, you will be on the road, where will give you the opportunity to detect, at this time you have already become a corpse Demon respect fire Xiao empty shadow eyes is full of proud, to no trace sneer.

"The law of slowness, the power of slowness..." no trace looks at the empty sky around him. All the places that are affected by Xiao shajian's will become slow and dull in no trace's eyes at the moment.In the void, the sword nameless has obviously noticed the strange situation he suffered. The Epee in his hand flashed seven rays of different colors in vain, which turned into a colorful light shield and enveloped the whole guard of the sword nameless. The power of slow law, which is surging around, trembles in vain, completely carrying the colorful light shield to isolate and peel away from the unknown shape of the sword.

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"Sword up, kill!" Another cold voice came out, and the sword emperor's eyes burst out in vain. A terrible Xiao Sha sword turned into a sharp sword, which was cut directly from the sword emperor's hand.

"Bang!" With a dull sound, the sword in the sword emperor's hand was transformed into a sharp blade, and the fierce sword was smashed instantly. There was a loud noise in the void, and the colorful glow was shattered by the sword emperor's blow.

"Sword three!" The power of the law of slowness embodied in Xiao's intention to kill the sword rushes towards the unknown body of the sword. The sword is nameless, and his body suddenly burst out with endless intention to kill the sword. The meaning of the sword is gathered on the body of the blood red Epee matchless sword. Three blood red sword shadows with golden awn appear in the front of the body of the Epee matchless sword at the same time.

"Whoosh. Whoosh. Whoosh!" Three bright golden swords flashed out, and three blood red sword shadows galloped through the void.

The distance between the nameless sword and the emperor sword is only tens of meters away, which is the third of the terrible sword moves. Despite the power of slow law blocking the forward speed of the three sword lights, the three sword lights are still extremely fast. The blood red swords burst out from the upper, middle and lower space to form a line, and the terrible bombardment hit the whole body of the sword emperor in a panic

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