Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 591: 591

"Boom!" A series of terrible sword Qi burst out and spread from a dark corner of the imperial palace.

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In the void, a blood red sword flickered away. The sword was nameless and walked in the air. It was unparalleled with an Epee in hand. Its eyes were coldly staring at the source of the sword.

"Suddenly A burst of Xiao Sha's sword will rise, and the horror and murderous spirit surging in the void will all rush to the dark corner.

At this moment, I saw a middle-aged man walking out of the shadow of the sword. The Golden Dragon Robe on his body had three sword marks. Moreover, on the three sword marks, there were three visible blood marks, which were clearly reflected into the eyes of the public.

"Damn, the third sword can break the body of the next emperor Wu Huang. It seems that the nameless guy has made great progress." The essence in traceless eyes flickers continuously and murmurs in a low voice.

"Gulu. Gulu!" On both sides, aftershocks, yuhualong and Dixin, all three of them were shocked. Looking at the sword standing in the void, they swallowed their saliva.

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"Ha ha, is this your strongest sword move?" The sword emperor's face was full of fierce color. He looked at the nameless sword and asked coldly.

"Enough for you!" Sword nameless face is still cold incomparable, in the hands of blood red Epee unparalleled, ready to go again. The attack situation sword array of the seven color Xia light sword is superimposed on the body of the Epee matchless sword.

"Hum!" The emperor of the sword was in a panic, and there was no more words, and the whole body's killing intention burst out without reservation. The Qi of Xuanli in his body moved slightly, and a bright golden sword appeared in front of his eyebrow.

"Suddenly As soon as the virtual shadow of the golden sword appeared, Xiao shajian's intention of killing in the Imperial Palace was all swept up in an instant. The streamers of sword spirit seemed to be crazy, and they all rushed to the virtual shadow of the golden sword.

At the same time, the Xuanli attribute of gold and the Xuanli attribute of wood contained in the void all vibrated unconsciously at the same time, and turned into two raging flames and rushed to the body of the golden sword Xuying.

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"Eh, is this the soul of the sword emperor? But how can you feel that the sword power of this martial spirit is not as pure as that of the nameless martial spirit? " No trace stares at the small sword spirit released by the sword in front of the dark corner. Although he is surprised, he doesn't find it hard to accept. At this time, the sword spirit released by the sword emperor was far less than the golden light released by the golden sword in the nameless body of the sword.

"Ha ha, this guy released two kinds of Xuanli Qi, and the momentum of wood Xuanli attribute is far greater than that of Jin Xuanli attribute. If he was really the royal blood of the sword family in beizhou, how could he be dominated by wood Xuanli attribute?" Demon zunhuoxiao's eyes flashed a strange luster and sneered at the sword emperor sword, who was full of killing intention.

"Nameless, this guy may be a member of the royal family of Dazhou. Today's Jian Huang Jian is in a panic, maybe it's just one of his identities! At the beginning, the sword emperor was attacked, which may be a trap set by the Zhou Dynasty Listen to the words of demon zunhuoxiao, no trace for demon zunhuoxiao guess more firm a few points. An anxious cry rang coldly in the imperial palace.

"Gulu!" With the words of no trace, the silence in the palace of the imperial mausoleum was silent. Aftershock. Dixin. Yuhualong. A look of consternation flashed in their eyes. They were suspicious and looked away from the body of the sword emperor.

In the void, the nameless figure of the sword trembled in vain, and then he breathed heavily. Then, there was a flash of golden light in the middle of the sword's nameless eyebrows, and gradually emerged a shining golden sword ghost.

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"Hum!" The virtual shadow of the golden sword and the spirit of the martial arts flash in vain, and the endless power of killing spread rapidly from the unknown body of the sword. Sword nameless hand of the Epee, inexplicably light tremble up, blood red sword meaning and its golden sword luster instantly into one.

"Boom!" In the dark corner on the other side, the virtual shadow of the golden sword released by the sword emperor trembled inexplicably. The lustre of sword spirit released from the virtual shadow of his sword body is much weaker than before. Moreover, in the face of the invisible shadow of the golden sword in front of the nameless eyebrow of the opposite sword, the sword spirit released by the sword emperor was faintly suppressed and did not dare to move.

"Quiet and dry!" A voice of reprimand came out of the mouth of the sword emperor. In front of him, the trembling spirit of the golden sword quickly flew out, turned into a golden streamer, and flew away from the traceless neck.

"Damn it, despicable fellow!" Traceless face in vain a surprise, endless Xiaosha sword meaning instantly spread in his body. The rising flame madly resists his intention of killing the sword. However, Wuchen suddenly feels that his whole action is becoming slow and slow.

At the same time, the ghost of the golden sword appeared in front of his neck. The lingering nine sky purple thunder on Wu Chen's body turns into a chain of purple awn, which entangles and locks the virtual shadow of the soul of the golden sword on the spot."Whoosh!" Only in this gap, the body of no trace flies towards the rear and spreads out. Then, the breath of the five elements Xuanli in his body rises at the same time, which turns into a five elements ring technique of different methods, which is completely compatible with the five elements.

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"Poof!" With a clear sound, the chain of purple clouds transformed by the nine sky purple thunder suddenly burst. The virtual shadow of the soul of the golden sword continues to fly. The power of the five element ring magic, which is a combination of the five element attributes, instantly becomes a five color halo, and is imprisoned on the virtual shadow of the golden sword. Then, we can see that the source of the five elements Xuanli in the void is constantly converging on the aura of the five elements Huanshu. The five elements Huanshu shrinks rapidly and is trapped on the empty shadow of the golden sword spirit.

"Click. CLICK!" A strange sound of friction and collision starts from the strange sound in front of traceless body. The five element ring technique imprisons the virtual shadow of the golden sword in the air. The Xiao Sha sword idea released by the golden virtual shadow can't directly destroy the five element ring technique.

"Why?" A light exhortation, from the sword emperor sword full of killing intention in the mouth of confusion spit out. In the void, the virtual shadow of the golden sword quickly turns into an endless Xiaosha sword, and the sword will disappear. In the void, there is only the empty aura of the five elements.

"Hum!" A clear sound of the sword once again appeared, and the sword emperor was in a panic. In his hands, there appeared the just dissipated spirit of the golden sword. The sword emperor was in a panic. At the moment, his face was extremely ugly, and his eyes were constantly wandering between traceless and nameless sword< br>

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