Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 598: 598

"Brush!" In front of Lingbao business, countless eyes fell on the unknown body of the sword. Accompanied by aftershocks and the appearance of no trace. And sleepy can not see the true face of Ji Ruxue, all of them became the focus of the strong power of the major dynasties.

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"Why, it's him?"

"Damn, isn't that the murderer who abandoned the sword of the great prince?"

"Well, isn't he the most wanted person in Penglai dynasty? Why is this guy still wanted by the Zhou Dynasty? " All the princes, nobles and powerful people in Penglai Dynasty were shocked. Looking at the nameless and strained Zhou Dynasty, they were stunned on the spot.

"Suddenly A gust of cold wind blows strangely, and a great and terrible momentum spreads to no trace and others. Around, the people surrounded by all forces of the Zhou Dynasty all retreated one after another. The terrible situation immediately surrounded the sword nameless and others.

"Bata!" The clothes that cover Ji Ruxue's face are in vain stirred by the strange wind. Ji Ruxue's face is reflected in everyone's eyes.

"Gulu!" Bursts of nervous gasps came from the mouths of all the leaders of the Zhou Dynasty. Although Ji Ruxue is princess dazhoujiu, she has almost no contact with the outside world. However, as the core power of the Zhou Dynasty, the family owners still have seen the portrait of Ji Ruxue. All together, the strange eyes fell on the traceless body after the change of face, as if to see through it all at once.

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"Ha ha, you guys broke into my ancestral mausoleum. Who is the behind the scenes? If you guys come from the truth, maybe our emperor will spare you Ji Huang's face shows the color of sneer, and his eyes are full of ruthless stare at the no trace cold voice quality who embraces Ji Ruxue.

"Well, it's a blessing, not a curse, but a curse." No trace faint sigh tone, on the body a wisp of evil spirit, strange red awn quickly into the body disappeared. His handsome face, full of bad smile and traceless appearance, instantly appeared in the eyes of all forces.

The emperor of Dayan, yanhuangyantuoba, the emperor of Daliang, zhuhuangzhuwen, the emperor of tianque, Chiyou, the manhuang of Jiuli, and most of his strong men were all puzzled. They seemed to know nothing about the young people in front of them.

Ji GongDan, the head of all the big families in the Zhou Dynasty, the dean of Dazhou college, and the tutor of Dazhou college were all shocked. They looked at the original appearance and breathed deeply.

"Liu Wuhen, are you the one who killed my emperor's son?" When Ji Huang saw the traceless appearance clearly, the deep intention of killing was released instantly. The horror of the murderous spirit immediately enveloped in front of Lingbao business, in which the murderous spirit came directly to the no trace body.

"Boom!" No trace only felt that the pressure of the whole body increased in vain, and the whole body seemed to be crushed by the terrible killing intention. The eternal Heaven and earth in the body will run madly for the first time, and Hongmeng's chaotic Qi will rush up and down his body. The breath of the five elements in Wuchen's body rushes out madly, and the purple and golden colors protect Wuchen's whole body. The virtual shadow of zimangleilong, which is transformed by the nine sky purple thunder, looms and looms, and its teeth and claws are on Wuchen's body.

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"Boom!"“ Boom

At the same time, the sword nameless, the whole body of the sword meaning crazy release, the whole person as if a heaven and earth's peerless sword general, proud incomparable, eyes indifference standing in the same place did not move.

The aftershock's body shape is rapidly becoming larger and larger, and the burly body has no fear under the wind. In the hand is shining the black bright light nine Youming axe is flashing the cold light unceasingly, above its body shape is full of the war spirit rises abruptly.

"Wow Three terrible momentum rose madly, and its violent momentum spread around.

All the powerful people of the Zhou Dynasty who gathered around the three people to fight against each other were not in a hurry. In a moment, they were all upset by the momentum released by the three people.

"Brush!" Feeling the aftereffects of these three terrible forces slowly blooming and approaching, the leaders of the other dynasties immediately urged the mysterious force in their bodies to turn them into bright and gorgeous light masks, quickly protecting their subordinates in the gorgeous light masks.

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"Hehe, how can you progress so fast in the later cultivation of baby soul realm?" Ji Huang's figure rose in vain, and the momentum released from his body instantly locked Wu Chen and others on the spot.

The terror of the pressure shrouded in no trace, aftershock, sword nameless three people's body, as if there is still a trace of law power surging in the void.

"Hum!" With a loud and clear sword, the blood red light of the sword was flying wantonly, and the Epee was floating slowly in the air. Behind the body of the sword, the nameless figure of the sword rose out of the air.

"The sword is in a panic, but I killed it!" Sword nameless eyes full of indifference, sound like thunder general resounding in the void.On the other side, Ji Huang, standing in the air, felt the sword power released by the nameless sword, and trembled in his heart. Although the sword nameless is only the level strength of the cultivation realm in the later stage of the infant soul realm, it really makes Ji Huang feel threatened.

"Ha ha, is the sword emperor murdered by you? In that case, people of Penglai Dynasty, it's up to you to handle this matter on your own! " In the void, Ji Huang smiles coldly, and his eyes are full of cunning color. Then, Ji Huang abandons the nameless sword that confronts him in the void, turns around and runs to traceless. Aftershock. They step into the air from where they are.

Miso. Miso

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In a flash, dozens of swords rose up, and the leaders of all the major forces of Penglai Dynasty rose up in the air. The momentum of dozens of infant soul realm's later cultivation realm was exposed, and the whole person of unknown sword was locked in the void.

"If you are not my opponents, don't be in vain!" The sword's nameless and cold eyes coagulated slightly, and the whole body's killing power in the sword field was released and spread in a flash. Surrounded by the Penglai Dynasty sword repair, they all felt the threat of the terrible sword. A group of Penglai Dynasty's strongmen join forces to release their swords to resist the fierce attack, but they still can't help sweating on their foreheads.

"Your Majesty, you really killed me?" With a straight sword rising, the head of Penglai University, Jian Nantian, has a tangled face.

"So it is Jianming nodded his head slightly, with a complicated look. It seemed that jiannantian took a look. At the beginning, Jian Nantian was one of the most profitable confidants under the former Jian emperor, but now he has a confrontation with Jian Nantian.

"Hoo Jian Nantian breathes heavily, and the tangled expression on his face gradually dissipates. The meaning of the sword on his body rises wildly in vain. The whole person looks like a sword to kill gods and stares at the unknown body of the sword< br>

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