Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 599: 599

"Hum!"“ Hum In the void, two loud sword sounds were heard at the same time.

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Sword nameless holds the blood red Epee, and the momentum of his whole body is released without reservation. A blood red sword power is gathered on the body of epee.

On the other side, jiannantian's waist was straight, and there was a bright golden sword in his hand. Its long golden sword is constantly released, and it has a terrible sword meaning, which is completely integrated with the momentum released by the whole person of Nantian.

"I have a sword, from Nantian!" Jian Nantian's muddy eyes flashed a color of perseverance in vain, and the golden sword around his body was full of meaning in an instant. A golden sword light suddenly turned into a dazzling golden awn in front of him, and flew out towards the unknown sword not far away from him.

"Sword three!" On the other side, the sword's nameless eyes flashed in vain, and the bloody red Epee in his hand suddenly cut horizontally. A blood red light and shadow flashed out, and there were three more terrible sword lights and shadows in the void.

"Boom!" A series of frenzied blasts were heard one after another in the void. The bright golden sword spread out and collided with the three red virtual shadows.

Then I saw that it was like the bright golden sword, which was invincible, and its momentum gradually weakened under the attack of three fiery red sword shadows.

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At the same time, the three fiery sword shadows are constantly released, which means to kill the sword violently, and dissipate the bright golden sword power little by little.

"Bang!" A series of terrible blasts came out one after another in the void. The terrible sword power surged around without fear. Fortunately, the leaders of the major dynasties had been on guard for a long time. The dazzling light hoods of the soul emperor in the soul transforming realm wavered, which resisted the terrible turbulence of the sword Qi one after another.

"Brush!"“ Brush

In the void, the bright golden sword awn and its three blood red sword shadows disappear at the same time, and the nameless figure of jiannantian and its sword emerges again.

"Cough!" A burst of fierce cough came out from the mouth of Jiannan heaven, and the sword power on his body was a little more violent than before.

"Is that your best sword move?" Sword nameless eyebrow slightly a pick, unexpectedly unexpectedly take the lead to open mouth to look to sword South sky to speak to ask a way.

"Well, it's true, there's still a life-long sword move that hasn't been offered. However, you look like you still have some strength. I'm afraid that even if you use this sword move, you won't be able to stop you! " Jian Nantian sighed softly, but shook his head and said with a smile.

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"Gulu!" Below, all the powerful men of Penglai Dynasty swallowed their saliva. Looking at such a young sword nameless, they could draw with Jian Nantian, the head of Penglai college. All of them had ups and downs in their hearts.

"Hum, just now that sword style was named sword three, and I have another sword style named sword thirteen. That fake sword died of panic under this sword move!" Sword nameless cold hum a, eyes are full of positive color stare at sword South sky cold voice words.

"Why, the fake sword is in a panic?" Jian Nantian's straight body trembled in vain. Looking at the serious sword nameless, he was shocked.

"Ha ha, that so-called sword panic is not my northern state sword family. The soul of Kendo in his body is also fake. It's made of the soul of the plant Department in disguise! " Sword nameless cold smile, the corner of the eye more than light cast away the void, with no trace and others confrontation Ji Huang cold said.

"Is the sword emperor a fake? This. How could this happen? " Jian Nantian's body was stunned again, and his eyes were full of disbelief. His eyes were like two sharp swords staring at the nameless sword, as if he wanted to see through the nameless sword.

Below, all the forces of Penglai Dynasty show their intention of killing at the moment, and they seem to be extremely angry at the nameless words of the sword.

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"Ha ha, it's ridiculous!" Ji Huang didn't look at the sword, but said in a cold voice with disdain. Immediately, he saw Ji Huang step out of thin air, the invisible soul realm, and the imperial power of the soul pressed him towards the traceless body.

"Aftershock, help me take care of Ruxue!" No trace will sleep in Ji Ruxue and aftershock hands, then the whole person will fly up.

"Hum!" There was another loud and clear sound of the sword, and there was a bright silver sword in no trace's hand. The natural fire comes out of Wuhen's body. Wuhen's whole body is like a fireman, rising up against the emperor's power.

"Boom!" No trace soars into the air and collides directly with the prestige released by the imperial concubine. The extraordinary fire echoes with the nine sky purple thunder, and even confronts the chamber under the coercion of emperor Wuhuang.

"Gulu!" Below, a few big king Dynasty Wu Huang all heart a quiver, can't believe of of gather the vision on the body of no trace. And the leaders of the major dynasties also swallowed their saliva one after another, and cast shocked and stunned eyes on Wu trace."Hum, swordsman, be upright! I dare to admit the murder. How can I make up a story about the Emperor Wu! Believe it or not, my sword is not famous for this! " Sword nameless cold hum a, the vision passes directly on sword South sky body. Then, the sword's nameless body moves in vain, and face-to-face with it, he sandwiches Ji Huang between them.

"Brush!" All the swordsmen of Penglai Dynasty looked puzzled and turned their eyes on the body of Jian Nantian, the head of Penglai college.

"Well, no matter whether it's true or not, the royal family of Jian family in beizhou has only one blood. Now, the crime minister is willing to use the remaining years to live secretly, only to protect the young prince, you can revive the glory of our northern state sword family! " A faint sigh came out, and all the powerful people of Penglai Dynasty in beizhou were in an uproar.

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I saw Jian Nantian's body quickly fell to the ground, and gave a big gift to the nameless sword in the void. Then, jiannantian soared up again, just like a sharp sword, fighting on the side of the unknown sword again.

"My famous sword is nameless. I am the son of the sword emperor from heaven!" Sword nameless cold eye swept at present square gape of North State Peng Lai Dynasty strong person, voice full face apathy of slowly open mouth speech way.

"Gulu!" A nervous gasp came out of the mouth of a group of strong men in Penglai Dynasty. Then, Jian Nantian nodded solemnly in the void, indicating that the sword was nameless and true.

"Putong..." for a moment, several powerful Penglai Dynasty people knelt down to pay a solemn visit. Immediately after that, more and more leaders of Penglai Dynasty knelt down and saluted one after another, which shocked all the other dynasties on both sides.

"The former jianhuang is gracious to the whole Penglai Dynasty. We are willing to follow the son of the former jianhuang to the death!" The sword meaning is released wildly, interweaved and painted in the void, which is extremely terrifying. In the twinkling of an eye, the sword is nameless, and behind it stands the powerful leader of Penglai Dynasty in Northern Zhou

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