Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 612: 612

"Suddenly A wisp of wind blows slowly, and the ancient Chinese sword Qi gradually turns into nothingness and disappears. The body shape of no trace falls steadily on the ground below, and Ji Huang's body is quietly placed on the ground not far from the foot of no trace.

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"Hoo A dull breath, from no trace mouth faint vomit out. A tear flashed in the traceless eyes, and looked into the dark sky in the distance with a solemn look.

At this time, in the traceless eyes, as if once again saw the figure of the fiery character of Su has tutor, is smiling face full of hope to his thumbs up. At the side of Su Ji's tutor, Yan Yu, a school of scholars, is bending his knees and playing the Guqin.

A trace of quiet and gentle music lifelike, clear and bright as a dream into the mind without trace. No trace tears in the eyes more Sheng, heart in vain for a while inexplicable peace. The sound of the zither has been lingering in my mind for three days.

I don't know how long it took, but Su and Yanyu met in traceless eyes. Then, they gently waved their hands towards Wu trace, and their nihilistic figures drifted slowly towards the distance and gradually faded away.

"No trace boy, no trace boy..." a burst of rapid and powerful cry, from no trace brain to know the sea in vain. The tune lingered in the room. The two shadows of the void in all gone were turned into foam.

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"Hoo It is a dull breath again, light call and ER go from no trace mouth. The tears in traceless's eyes dissipated quickly, and his eyes were looking around the confinement space.

Tengteng, Tengteng, Tengteng

In the distance, the nine golden robe commanders move together in the void, and the nine strange golden awns fall from the void in an instant. The power of confinement in the confined space dissipates all of a sudden, and the original contact with the outside world is restored.

"No trace!" A white shadow flashed out, Ji Ruxue plunged into traceless arms. Ji Ruxue, who has always been as cold as ice, can't help but shed tears when she looks at Ji Huang, who is silent on the ground.

"Cher, it's all over!" Wu trace gently stroked Ji's beautiful black hair, and her eyes were filled with a soft voice.

At the same time, the sword nameless, aftershocks, two left and one right guards came. West Wind withers, poem belly China, two people stand on one side motionless, eyes full of vigilance toward the void above the nine gold robe commander-in-chief body look and go.

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Di Xin, Lao Shuai Fu Hao, a group of strong men of Shang and Tang Dynasties, as well as the killers of soul hunting Pavilion led by Yu Hualong and Liu Zongren, the leaders of the four major families of song, Qi, Liang, Chen, and the powerful men of Penglai Dynasty, all of them have their eyes full of fanatical joy, looking at the powerful men of the residual forces of the Zhou Dynasty.

In the field, Shangguan Yunque, Shangguan yundun and the brothers are full of excited color in their eyes. At first sight, they are happy to win without trace.

"What's your name, boy?" In the void, the head of the golden robed commander-in-chief's eyes were shining, and he looked at the traceless body for a long time. Then he asked with more interest.

"I've met you, Liu Wuchen!" Traceless expression is full of awe, not humble and not overbearing in front of the gold robed old man deeply give a gift, calmly back to the road.

"Ha ha, Liu Wuchen, would you like to come to Shengzhou and practice in Lingbao pavilion?" The head gold robe commander-in-chief, the old man, with a smile, looked at the voice of no trace below and asked.

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"Eh, this is the leader of the East, West, South, north, middle and five states in mainland China, as well as Qingzhou and the Six Dynasties. When will there be another holy state? What is the relationship between Lingbao Pavilion and Lingbao business? " Traceless mind in the rapid operation, eyes full of doubts, looking to the void of the golden robe commander-in-chief.

Gulu, Gulu

When the words of Lingbao Pavilion in Shengzhou came out of the mouth of the old man who was in charge of the golden robe, the figures of the strong men of the major sects and the leaders of the major dynasties all trembled in vain. There was an incredible yearning in everyone's eyes. Looking at the golden robe commander, the old man looked more solemn and incomparable.

"Ha ha, mainland China, Kyushu is unified. East, West, South, north, middle and Qingzhou are just barren places. In addition to the six states, there are three holy places: the barren state, the polar state and the holy state. Each state holy land is a pair of terrible existence in six states, and Lingbao Pavilion is the most top power sect in holy land! And the six states are only affiliated to the three holy States, and they are also exiled by the three holy States! " The golden robe commander-in-chief laughs, looks full of arrogance and looks like a superior. He stares at no trace and speaks slowly.

"Damn, Kyushu is unified! The land of six states is actually the land of exile... "No trace swallowed his saliva hard, and the color of shock on his face kept flashing back and forth. His chest was full of ups and downs, and the words of the old man, the commander in chief of the golden robe, greatly refreshed Wu trace's serious cognition of the mainland of China."Ha ha, Liu Wuchen, I'll ask you again. Would you like to practice in my Lingbao pavilion?" No trace of the reaction seems to have been expected by the old golden robe coach, he saw the old golden robe coach calm again asked.

"Master, I have learned from you. I will enter the holy land to see the world after discussing with my senior brothers. If you have a chance, I will visit you in person No trace eyes flashed a touch of perseverance, without thinking, he opened his mouth, Lang Lang returned.

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"Brush!" Hearing this, the powerful people around and the heads of the major dynasties all showed a touch of consternation at the same time. They looked at Wu trace with envy and hatred like idiots.

Sword nameless, Ji Ruxue and unsmiling smile on their faces at the same time, while the west wind withers, poetry belly, aftershock and three people look at each other and smile, and a touch of inexplicable warmth rises in their hearts at the same time.

"Ha ha, frog in the well! If you don't get out of the six states, you will never be able to escape. How vast is the mainland of China! Since you have missed the opportunity again and again, I will not force you to do so! " The old man, the head of the golden robe coach, gave a cold smile and shook his head to Wu Chen with some pity. Then, in the void, the nine golden robed commanders swept all the influential people below at the same time. The nine figures rose and lingered at the same time, and the nine golden skylarks hovered.

"To you, my Lord!" Seeing this, Shangguan Yunque, Shangguan yundun and his brothers stepped out together, clasped their hands, and their expressions were extremely serious.

"Ha ha, the three holy places are not allowed to interfere in the affairs of the six states. You can solve the rest by yourself in the place of exile! Don't mess with the rules. If anyone dares to deceive Lingbao business, don't blame Lingbao Pavilion for setting foot in six states! " The sound of a sneer came into everyone's ears. In the void, nine golden figures quickly turned into nine skylarks, which soared to the sky and disappeared.

"Gulu!" A nervous gasp came again, and all the people in the room, regardless of their accomplishments, were sweating at the same time. Looking at the nine golden light spots disappearing in the distant void, all the strong people in the six states felt yearning at the same time< br>

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