Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 613: 613

With the disappearance of the nine generals of Lingbao commercial bank, the powerful people of all parties and the heads of all major dynasties were quietly relieved.

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However, at this time, the attitude of all the powerful people in the field towards the two leaders of Lingbao business changed dramatically. Originally, there was only a trace of politeness in people's eyes, but now it is obviously full of awe and fear.

"Ha ha, Dixin, according to the previous agreement, it's time to talk about you!" A secret message came to Emperor Xin's mind. Without trace, he took Ji Ruxue with him and came to the side of the fourth elder martial brother Xifeng withered and the fifth elder martial brother Shifu Hua.

"When the Shang Tang Dynasty was restored, did the kings of all the states in mainland China refuse to accept it? Since then, the great Zhou Dynasty has refused to exist. Is there any doubt? " A powerful voice full of emotion suddenly rang out in the field.

At the same time, Lao Shuai, Fu Hao, and a group of strong souls of Shang and Tang dynasties all released their momentum and accomplishments, and the terrible momentum scrambled to rise, which reflected the imperial power released by Emperor Xin.

"We are willing to surrender to Shang Tang Dynasty!" The leaders of song, Qi, Liang, Chen and other four families took the lead in expressing their attitude. The respectful war was hard to hide their excitement in the eyes of emperor Xin.

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On the one hand, the four families were depressed and did not gain power among the ruling and opposition of the great Zhou Dynasty; on the other hand, they had to do it under the strong coercion of no trace. Now, the death of emperor Dao, the imperial concubine of the Zhou Dynasty, and the restoration of emperor Xin, the emperor of Shangtang Dynasty, are no different from giving the four great masters a big reassurance, and making spring, summer, autumn, winter and Sishao irreplaceable in their hearts.

On the other hand, a dim color flashed in the eyes of the masters of the residual forces of the Zhou Dynasty and the strong tutors of the University. After all, the emperor and his courtiers all know the truth.

"Ha ha, everyone, the auction of Dan soul and Shen Dan continues. If you need, please come to the auction hall for a chat!" Shangguan yundun and elder brother Shangguan Yunque look at each other, drop a word, turn around and run to Lingbao auction hall.

"Ha ha, the clan forces are not allowed to intervene in the disputes between the dynasty forces. If you solve this matter by yourself, it's inconvenient for tianyunzong to intervene! " A burst of indifferent laughter resounded in the silent empty space. Then, the five heads of the five elements Dharma protection hall, who came here by Tianyun Zong, all laughed together and looked at the powerful people of the major sects around with a very comfortable look. Immediately, the five headmasters of the five elements Dharma protection hall, together with the disciples of Tianyun sect, followed the steps of Shangguan brothers and entered the auction hall.

Hearing the speech, the powerful members of all sects had a wonderful look, and they cast disdainful eyes on the five Dharma protection hall heads of Tianyun sect who were gradually disappearing.

"Cluck, my Bixia palace has always been in peace with the world. You can solve this matter by yourself!" All the fairies in Bixia palace moved their feet together. Without looking back, they entered the auction house of Lingbao company.

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"Amitabha, the trend of the times, the trend of the times!" The Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhist.

"Jie Jie, these pretty bald donkeys!" The eyes of the people led by the demon clan were full of disdain. Without looking at Dixin and others, they turned around and ran to the auction hall of Lingbao firm, and walked quickly.

At the same time, the beast temple and a group of strong people were all indifferent and walked into the auction hall of Lingbao business. In addition, the two main sects, zhenbaozhai and jiangshadao, which were all abolished before, are still in the field, only the sword Pavilion, the only top sect force, has yet to make its stand.

"Kill A cold light call, from the pale Di Xin mouth quietly out. Under the leadership of the old Shuai Fu Hao, a group of strong men of Shang Tang Dynasty began to fight against the forces that would never surrender to the Zhou Dynasty.


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"I am willing to surrender to the Shang Tang Dynasty!"

"We are willing to submit to the Shang Tang Dynasty!"

After a bloody suppression, a small part of the stubborn forces of the Zhou Dynasty disappeared. Under the joint efforts of Shuai Fuhao, song, Qi, Liang, Chen and others, the Shang Tang Dynasty completely annexed and controlled all the remnant families of the Zhou Dynasty.

On both sides, Yan Huangyan Tuoba, King Dayan of Dongzhou, Zhu Huang Zhu Wen of Daliang Dynasty of Xizhou, que Huang Zixuan of tianque Dynasty of Nanzhou, and manhuang Chiyou of Jiuli Dynasty of Qingzhou, all of them flashed a strange light at the same time. All the powerful men in the sphere of influence of the major dynasties, looking at Xin, the new leader of the Shang Tang Dynasty with iron fists, felt a sense of shock in their hearts.

"Keke, the Penglai Dynasty in Northern Zhou is willing to praise the first sword emperor's legitimate son and the unknown sword emperor as the main body, and is competent for the new Jin sword emperor of Penglai Dynasty in Northern Zhou!" A burst of light cough and a passage of words made the battlefield just calmed down boil again. Jian Nantian, the head of Penglai college in beizhou, and a group of strong swordsmen in the Penglai Dynasty in beizhou, were all respectful and respectful. They made great gifts to the place where the unknown body of the sword was."Ha ha, I have no objection to Shangtang Dynasty." Di Xin's pale face showed a bloodthirsty smile, and his eyes were cold, scanning the powerful of the major dynasties around him.

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Sword nameless look is still cold incomparable, back Epee unparalleled proud. As if all that happened around him had nothing to do with it, Jianming didn't seem very interested in ascending to the position of grand unification of Penglai Dynasty in beizhou.

In the field, the leaders of the other major dynasties looked at each other one after another. Although there were bursts of discontent in the public's expression, in the face of the prosperous Shang Tang Dynasty and the Penglai Dynasty, the leaders of the major dynasties had to make concessions one after another, taking acquiescence as silent resistance, Witnessing the change of the heads of the two dynasties in the six states!

"Ha ha, the clan forces can't interfere in the dispute of dynasty forces!" Traceless cold eye swept down the strong of all parties on the scene, and fell on the body shape of the only remaining strong of Jiange sect.

"Hum!" A cold hum came from the strong man of the first peak who was led by the sword Pavilion. Immediately, he saw a group of the first peak of the sword with the first peak of the sword, the head did not return into the Lingbao firm auction venue.

At this time, the heads of the other dynasties swallowed their saliva and looked at the no trace with a harmless smile on their face. They all trembled in their hearts and unconsciously felt a sense of concession.

Since then, the pattern of mainland China has been stabilized again. In Dongzhou, yanhuangyantuoba, the king of Dayan, Zhuhuang, Zhuwen, the king of Daliang, Zixuan, the king of tianque, Penglai, yindixin, the king of Shangtang, and Chiyou, the king of Jiuli, Qingzhou, He became the leader of the dynasty forces in the new pattern of seventy-two prefectures in six states and nine counties in mainland China

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