Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 614: 614

"Suddenly A cold wind blew quietly, the great Zhou Dynasty collapsed, and the restoration and rise of Shang Tang Dynasty was a foregone conclusion.

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The heads of Dayan, Daliang, tianque, Jiuli and the four dynasties were all in awe. Without looking back, they took the powerful of their respective dynasties into the auction hall of Lingbao.

In front of such a big Lingbao business, there were only a group of strong men in Shangtang Dynasty, a group of swordsmen in Penglai Dynasty, and a group of people standing with smiles.

"Ha ha, brother Wuchen, thank you for your kindness! From now on, within the territory of the Shang Tang Dynasty, you Liu Wuchen's identity will be equal to me! " Di Xin's pale face was full of red. He solemnly promised to no trace.

"Ha ha, don't say that! I hope you can become a Ming Dynasty leader and let the Shang Tang Dynasty revive again No trace light a smile, to Emperor Xin embrace boxing bow hand polite way.

"Ha ha, definitely, definitely!" Dixin nodded heavily, and the whole person looked very excited. Immediately, di Xin looked around at all the people who surrendered to the Zhou Dynasty and gave a wink to the old handsome father.

"All the officers and men, following orders, took over the official offices of Dazhou according to the original plan. Within two hours, they must clear away all the rebellious parties. In addition, we should try not to disturb the people and pacify them as soon as possible. From tomorrow afternoon, all the order of Shang Tang Dynasty will be on the right track! " At the command of his father, the strong men of Shang and Tang Dynasties ran around in an instant. Immediately, he saw that the old handsome father suddenly stepped out and ran to the direction of Dazhou college.

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The leaders of the four families, song, Qi, Liang, Chen, understood and rushed to the surrender, and began to deal with the aftermath of the collapse of the great Zhou Dynasty.

"Mr. Jian, you have to work hard. After handling the affairs here, go back to Penglai dynasty! As for all the things in Penglai Dynasty, they got rid of the sword for a while. When I am dealing with some private affairs, I will return to Penglai Dynasty to give you a satisfactory explanation after I become emperor! " Sword nameless face is still calm as water, the whole person's momentum is full of cold. His eyes light swept the Penglai Dynasty courtyard long Jian Nantian behind him, this just slowly opened his mouth to discuss with the public.

"I will obey the order of the emperor!" Jian Nantian's eyes lit up in vain and gave a salute to the sword's nameless fist. Then, without hesitation, he stepped out to help Shuai's father deal with the subsequent difficult problems of the collapse of Da Zhou.

"I will obey the emperor's orders." In Penglai Dynasty of Jianzhou, a group of strong swordsmen stepped out together and began to participate in the camp of clearing up the rebellion of Shang Tang Dynasty.

For a moment, the strong men of all sides rushed to the original powerful mansions of the great Zhou Dynasty. There was a dead silence in the city of Chaoge, the capital of the king. Occasionally, there was a flash of fire and a cry of killing.

At this moment, in front of Lingbao business, there are only no trace, sword nameless, aftershock, Ji Ruxue, Dixin, yuhualong, Xifeng withered, shifuhua, Liufu liuzongren, the leader of soul hunting Pavilion, and a group of strong killers in soul hunting Pavilion.

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"Ha ha, Yin Huang, can we count our previous transactions?" Liu's father, Liu Zongren, with a light smile on his face and a calm voice, asked Dixin.

"Ha ha, uncle is joking. The soul hunting Pavilion played an important role in the restoration of Shang Tang Dynasty. From now on, soul hunting pavilion has become the largest organization of Shang Tang Dynasty, and you, uncle, will enjoy the title of founding Duke and knighthood Di Xin looked at Liu Zongren, Liu's father, with a smile on his face. After all, the position of the head of soul hunting pavilion was a great help. In addition to his status as father of no trace, Emperor Xin was more respectful to his father Liu.

"Ha ha, thank you for your love Liu Fulang laughed and arched his hands to Dixin symbolically. Then, Liu Fu's body slowly steps out, toward the direction of no trace and others, with a smile on his face.

"Cough, father, what else can I do for you?" No trace a burst of light cough, in front of so many people to shout out father adult four words, obviously also extremely unaccustomed. After all, no trace has no feelings for Liu Fu, and I don't know why in the face of Liu Fu, there is always an inexplicable disgust in Wu trace's heart.

Daddada, dada, dada

Liu's father Liu Zongren always keeps a light smile on his face. As if no one else is around, he comes to the place not far from the traceless body and slowly stops.

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"Ha ha, no trace, come here. There's one thing I need to confirm with you for my father!"

"Why, what's the matter?" Traceless face puzzled, subconscious body forward toward Liufu's position step away.

On both sides, sword nameless, aftershock, Ji Ruxue, Dixin and others all frowned slightly, and looked at the father and son curiously.

The west wind withers, the poem belly China, two people look at each other, then they turn their eyes away again, toward the other side of alert."Ha ha, no trace my son, do you know the person of demon zunhuoxiao?" A voice full of smile, quietly and unprepared into the ear without trace.

"Old demon?" Smell speech, the expression on traceless face is in vain a Zheng, the thought in the brain revolves rapidly, the breath in front of the chest instantly then a burst of turbulence ups and downs.

"No trace boy, be careful!" An anxious exclamation, from no trace mind quickly burst out. A fiery strange flame, instantly uncontrollable from the body without trace crazy boiling burning out.

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"Suddenly The fiery flame rises and rises. It seems that the natural abnormal fire is not controlled by traceless. Unexpectedly, under the urgent reminder of demon zunhuoxiao, it rises and guards around traceless.

"Jie Jie, Huoxiao, it's you! If that's the case, go to hell, then! " A strange laugh, from the mouth of Liu father Liu Zongren rampant roar. Then, he saw that Liu Fu's amiable face suddenly became ferocious, and his whole body was inexplicably filled with evil spirit.

"Tengtengteng!" A terrible and strange evil spirit rose from the sky. Liu Fu turned into a black smoke and went straight to the traceless chest.

Tear, tear, tear

At the moment when the evil spirit and black smoke came, the original restless flame became more violent. The terrible flame power seemed to burn everything in the world, and it began to go crazy. It trapped the evil gas and black smoke in it.

"Boom!" There was a terrible explosion, which came from the cover of the fire. The terrible evil spirit and black smoke suddenly broke through the blockade and bondage of the flame, and with the power of the law of violence and terror, the murderer lingran mercilessly went to the no trace chest to kill again quickly and madly.... < br > all of a sudden

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