Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 617: 617

"Boom!" There was a terrible sound, which rang through the void in an instant. So big a king all dynasty song city, unexpectedly all trembled three times unconsciously in this huge sound.

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Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

Lingbao business, Shangguan brothers look very cold, flash will rush to the front side of the door. In the rear, the powerful men of the major sects have stepped out one after another with doubts on their faces. They all looked at the dark and strange evil Qi that covered the sky and the sun in the void, and their hearts could not help shaking violently at the same time. All of them felt the terrible and strange magic power in the void, and all of them unconsciously stepped back a few steps.

"Suddenly A violent gust of wind, without any sign, blows from the black smoke and evil air enveloping the space. The strange and terrible black smoke of evil Qi spread out on both sides of the road by itself. It seemed that it was avoiding something and retreating quickly towards the body shape of Tianzun in the rear.

"Gulu!" Bursts of tense breathing sound, from the bottom of the powerful forces in the mouth slowly spread out. The atmosphere fell into a dead silence, and everyone's eyes unconsciously turned to the void.

"Jie Jie, who dares to do harm to our God?" The evil spirit of black smoke shrank back, and the dark eyes of Tianzun's remnant consciousness flashed a touch of surprise. His eyes were full of amazement. He looked at the figure standing in the void and asked warily.

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"Ha ha, you devil, dare to attack the people in our college's Sutra Pavilion. If I meet you today, I think your life is done!" A burst of thick sound of laughter, in a twinkling of an eye, then clear and hearty floated into the presence of people's ears.

In the void, a slovenly old man stands in the air, and the old man is holding a dilapidated wine gourd in his hand. He is burping and drunk, looking forward to the remnant in the dark magic package with disdain.

"Elder martial brother!"


Hearing the voice of the slovenly old man, Wu Chen, the west wind withered, Shi Fu Hua, aftershock, and the disciples of the Sutra Pavilion of the four member academy all exclaimed in unison.

On the other side, Jian Mingming, Ji Ruxue, di Xin and others showed a look of doubt in their eyes. They looked at the slovenly old man carefully.

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"Damn it, no trace boss, why are you so badly injured? Come and take this pill quickly?" A piercing roar started from the deafening sound of traceless ear. Immediately, then see a fat round rolling figure flash from, at the same time also will be a pill into the mouth of no trace, let it swallow.

"Who?" When Dixin saw someone coming, he would fly forward immediately. On the other side, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue and two people step forward one after another, and stop Dixin on the spot.

"Haha, I'm not talented. I'm the seventh disciple of the Sutra Pavilion in the academy!" Feeling the hostility of Dixin, the round little fat man broke the details and burst out laughing. Then, he saw the little fat man's body move slightly, and a gentle and comfortable air of Xuanli suddenly shrouded all the people's bodies.

People only feel this breath shrouded, the whole person's mental state feel inexplicably up. Obviously, the Xuanli Qi released by little fatty Zhen Bucai contains the recovery and healing effect of the Xuanli attribute of wood.

"Keke, little fat man, why are you here, elder martial brother? Why is he here?" After taking pills, no trace feeling is much better than before. The Qi of Hongmeng chaos, which was born from the eternal Heaven and earth, has completely connected the meridians, muscles and bones in the body.

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No trace struggled to sit up, gasping, sweating on his cheek. Looking at the back of the slovenly old man standing in the distance, he felt a touch of warmth in his heart.

"Hey, no trace boss, I broke the mirror, and now I'm the next emperor's soul strongman!" The little fat man Zhen Bucai's eyes are full of the color of joy. He winks at Wuchen and whispers. His whole body moved slightly, and there was a faint power of law.

"Damn it, little martial uncle, have you become emperor?" Aftershock eyes are full of shock color, staring at the little fat Zhen not just surprised chin almost fell down.

"Ha ha, little fellow, you are far from it!" Small fat Zhen not just face of a fat smile shaking, elated patted aftershock shoulder jokingly.

On both sides, the west wind withered, the poem's belly was bright, and the surprise in their eyes flashed by, and then they recovered their former calm again.

"Hey, no trace boss, I majored in the art of spiritual power prophecy. Naturally, it's much easier to break through than ordinary people. And, after I broke the mirror, I immediately divined for you. Seeing that you have the power of change, elder martial brother took me down the mountain to look for you! " Small fat Zhen not just a smile, the mouth obviously secretly long relaxed. His chubby face was full of obscenity, and he explained to the silent voice without trace."Ha ha, you guy..." traceless mouth showed a clear smile, bright eyes white eyes, small fat Zhen not just quietly back. In his heart, however, there was a warm current again. Looking at the dusty elder martial brother, his heart was full of warmth.

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"Ha ha, we need to talk about home affairs. We'll talk about it later. You unfilial guys, so many people can't beat a demon. This is the face of the Sutra Pavilion in our college. I've been lost by you guys! " A light smile full of playfulness came out quietly from Hua Buyu, the elder master dressed in a sloppy way. The dilapidated wine gourd in his hand fell in vain, and a mouthful of hot liquor was suddenly sprinkled into the pockmarked Haikou in his oil.

"Jie Jie, old man, get out of the way, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you!" Tianzun Canzhi's evil spirit and black smoke rose again, and he ran to the opposite void, surrounded by Hua Buyu's body.

"Ha ha, a wisp of incomplete knowledge, how dare you be so presumptuous? Do you really think that there is no one in our college's Sutra pavilion?" A burst of arrogant laughter came out from Hua Buyu's mouth. Hua Buyu's originally turbid eyes burst open in vain, and the evil gas and black smoke that surrounded her body all trembled out of thin air.

All over the sky, the black smoke of the evil spirit seemed to be out of control and still on the void. A look of panic flashed in the eyes of the Tianzun remnant in the black smoke of the evil spirit. Then, Hua speechless flashed the shabby old wine pot in his hand, and the liquor he had swallowed in his mouth was suddenly sprayed out by it in a flash.... < br > all of a sudden

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