Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 618: 618

"Poof!" A mouthful of rich and fragrant liquor, without hesitation from the sloppy flower speechless mouth. The strong liquor seemed to contain the scorching temperature, and it was sprayed in the surrounding dark smog.

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"Boom!" Suddenly, the strong liquor immediately bombarded on the black smoke of the evil spirit, and the hot breath rose without any sign, which ignited the black smoke of the evil spirit.

The burning flame roared up, and a gust of wind was blowing strangely in the void. With the help of the strong wind, the roaring fire suddenly ignited the whole black smoke battle group in the void.

"Huhuhuhuhuhu!" The fury of the wind became more and more powerful. Hua Buyu swallowed several mouthfuls of liquor again. He looked at the black smoke battle group which had been burned into a sea of fire in the void, and a touch of resolute essence flashed in his turbid eyes.

"You, who are you? What the hell is this? It can ignite the divine consciousness of our God... "In the rising flame, Tianzun canshi's eyes are full of fear. Looking at the burning flame which is gradually towards him in the void, Tianzun canshi can't even raise the idea of resistance.

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Gulu, Gulu

In front of the Lingbao business below, the powerful men of the main forces and the leaders of the various forces, and the powerful men of Huangwu huangxiu, the lower emperor, retreated one after another, looking at the void and the black smoke that ignited into a vast ocean of fire.

The sea of terrible flames seems to be trying to kill and burn everything in the world. Even the power of the law released by the powerful emperor can't resist the attack of the burning flames. Fortunately, this terrible fire is not for them. Otherwise, I'm afraid that all the powerful people in the soul transforming world will die in front of the Lingbao business today.

"Damn, elder martial brother is so fierce!" The fourth elder martial brother Xifeng, who has always spoken coldly, swallows his saliva. Looking at the burning flame in the void, he can't help shivering inexplicably.

"Cough, fourth elder martial brother, please pay attention to your wording!" Shifuhua, the fifth elder martial brother, was also full of shock in his eyes, but he did not forget to tease Xifeng.

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"Master..." Aftershock's massive figure was slightly stunned, and the nine Youming axe in his hand was inexplicable. The nine netherworld fire, which turned into the shadow of the dark lotus, appeared to respond to the flames in the sky.

"It's really strong!" Sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, Dixin and others all took a breath at the same time, and looked at the sloppy figure in the void, which was in vain.

"Teng!" Just as the flame of killing everything rises in the void, the figure of no trace struggling to sit up suddenly jumps out of his body. The flame of different fire quickly burned up and down the whole body of no trace, shrouded the whole person of no trace, and became a strange flame.

"Old demon, what's the matter? The fire seems to be out of control!" Wu Chen's eyes were full of amazement. The serious injury in his body was gradually relieved and cured under the burning of the fire.

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"Ha ha, if the demon master is right, the flame released by the little old man is one of the eighteen Sacred Flames in ancient times An indifferent smile, impressively into the sea of knowledge without trace. The demon zunhuoxiao, who was always hidden in the elixir field of Wuchen's body, moved slightly, and was away from the place where the virtual shadow of Zijin villain was.

"Oh, my God, the fire of extermination Listen to the words of demon zunhuoxiao, no trace heart suddenly a violent tremor. In contrast to the flame of fire and the fire of the nine nether world, the melting flame, which is also known as one of the eighteen God flames, is so fierce that even the God consciousness released by the remnant consciousness of heaven can ignite and burn. Looking at his performance with the aftershock just now, no trace is embarrassed to admit that he has a different fire in his body.

"Ha ha, don't belittle yourself or be arrogant. Since the eighteen divine flames are called in the six realms and nine days, they naturally have their value of existence. If the powers are different, it can only blame the user's lack of cultivation... "Yao zunhuoxiao's rough laughter resounded again. It was obvious that he solved the crisis of no trace and others in a moment with no words. This was just great news for Yao zunhuoxiao who wanted to burn the spirit to fight with him before.

"Damn, old demon, can we not be so straightforward?" Traceless mercilessly turned over to roll an eye, don't have good spirit of to demon respect fire Xiao disdain way. The whole body is burning with a different fire, the taste of burning is very comfortable, no trace actually vaguely like this comfortable warmth.

"Ah A shrill scream, like a howl of ghosts and wolves, rang out. In the void, Tianzun Canzhi was completely enveloped by the burning flame released by the melting flame, and the strange evil Qi on his body was beginning to dissipate into nothingness."Let me go, let me go, I will give you the most profound cultivation methods and the most top cultivation resources among the six realms!" A burst of painful wails rang out, and Tianzun Canzhi took the initiative to ask for mercy from huabuyu.

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On the other side, Hua Buyu's expression is still indifferent and incomparable, drinking the old wine inside the gourd. As for Tianzun's words, it seems that he has heard a trace of effect. Huabuyu's eyes are full of skillful, but there is a trace of strange light in vain.

"Jie Jie, quick, quick, help Ben Tianzun put out this damned fire. Ben Tianzun will teach you the supreme cultivation method and the most top cultivation resources in the world!" Aware of the light in Hua Bu Yu's eyes, Tian Zun's incomplete knowledge suddenly revived again. His mouth is constantly shouting, and the turbulent spiritual force is constantly bewitching the general in the void.

"Elder martial brother..." seeing this situation, Wu trace's heart trembled in vain. It is obvious that all the people around have begun to shake up. It seems that the spiritual power released by Tianzun Canzhi is extremely dangerous. If it wasn't for the demon zunhuoxiao's suppression in Wuhen's body, I'm afraid Wuhen would have been unable to bear it and hit the move on the spot.

Thus it can be seen that at this time, Hua Buyu, who is facing the bewitchment of Tianzun's spirit, is under great pressure.

"Alas, the cultivation is not enough, and the strength is not good..." a faint sigh came out quietly from the slovenly Hua Buyu. Flower not language, the whole body momentum in vain a shock, capable eyes in an instant will shoot out two cold light. Then, Hua Buyu threw the old wine gourd out of his hand in vain, and a bright golden light suddenly smashed away on the body of Tianzun Canzhi, who was deeply in the flames of destroying the world

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