Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 619: 619

"Poof!" A strange muffled sound, from the void in the middle of the flames, Turks will resound. The shiny old wine gourd smashed on the incarnation of Tianzun Canzhi, and the strong liquor poured out from the old wine gourd.

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"Wow!" There were bursts of dripping water, and the dark body of Tianzun was completely ignited by the melting flame.

"Teng!" The flaming flame seems to destroy everything. It completely engulfs the remnant consciousness of heaven in the void in an instant. A heartrending cry of pain will continue to spread out in the vast sea of fire in the void.

"The eldest disciple Hua Buyu, this is the strength of the Sutra Pavilion of the academy!"

"I rely on, with momentum, I'm afraid it must be at least the same level as our Lord!"

"Keke, the state of the superior emperor, or the peak of the state of the superior emperor, the strength of the great disciples of the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy, can simply establish a sect and become the ninth largest force in mainland China!"

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"Tianyunzong, together with the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, is really terrible! If we look at the whole mainland of China, can there be a clan against it? "

"Gulu, Gulu!" Bursts of breaths of tension to suffocation, as well as the deep voice of hot discussion, from the lower Lingbao shop in front of the empty door, quietly and repeatedly resounded.

All the major forces and the heads of the major Dynasties on the scene were frightened. Looking at Hua Buyu, who looked indifferent and dressed in untidy clothes in the distance, his heart trembled.

"Boom!" The sound of terror will be heard for several times, and the burning flame of the void will be stunned. Then, the burning flame will rush to the old wine gourd in a flash, and the burning temperature in the void will gradually return to normal.

"Whoosh!" In a flash, all the melting flames with the momentum of exterminating and melting all disappeared into the old wine gourd. The turbulent void resumed its silence again in vain, and everything around it seemed to be at a standstill.

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"Bata!" A slovenly old man's shadow stepped forward. With a flick of his right hand, he grasped the shabby and shiny wine gourd in the palm of his hand. The simple wooden cork was firmly inserted into the wine gourd, and Hua Buyu's eyes turned turbid again.

"Suddenly In the void, a cool wind blows gently, and there is nothing else in the silent void except flowers. With the gesture of killing everything, the remnant consciousness of Tianzun turned to ashes in an instant after Hua Buyu made a few moves.

"Ha ha, the elder martial brother is so fierce. It seems that you should be polite to see him in the future!" Traceless mouth showed a faint smile, the body burning fire gradually melted into its body disappeared.

The two sides, the west wind withered, the poem belly China, the aftershock, the little fat man Zhen Bucai, all flashed the same look in their eyes, and unconsciously began to agree and murmur to themselves.

"Ha ha, it seems that this person has probably reached the cultivation level above the spirit realm and the spirit emperor!" The rough voice of demon zunhuoxiao comes up again quietly, and sighs with emotion in a soft voice to the traceless sea.

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"Hey, old demon, what are the levels above the soul realm?" Traceless eyes in vain light a flash, in the heart incomparably excited to the demon respect fire Xiao repeatedly asked.

"Keke, melt the soul, see the soul into the emperor, refine the soul into the emperor, and become the holy soul. Above the soul refining realm, the soul forming realm, and the two realms, is the most top existence in the six realms and nine days, the Supreme Soul realm..." demon zunhuoxiao's rough voice became inexplicably solemn, and he quietly opened his mouth to no trace, teaching one by one.

"Eh, the emperor of refining soul, the sage of becoming soul and the Supreme Soul are called Zun?" Traceless body in vain a tremor, in the mind fast crazy operation. I didn't expect that there were three insurmountable realms above the realm of the emperor, the saint, the respect and the emperor. Moreover, the Supreme Soul state is the most supreme existence of terror in the six realms and nine heavens. That is not to say that the remnant knowledge of heaven that I have just met is the knowledge left by the supreme beings in the world. If so, I'm afraid the result is far from what no trace can bear. Even with the influence of the Sutra Pavilion in the academy as the background, I'm afraid I can't bear the anger of the most top masters in the six circles and nine days.

If Tianzun is really respected, doesn't it mean that yaozunhuoxiao really used to be one of the most terrible characters in the six realms and nine heavens.

Thinking of this, Wu Chen's body can't help shivering in vain. In the memory of Yao Zun Huoxiao, Wu Chen can't help shaking his head and throwing this absurd and unrealistic idea out of his mind.

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"Keke, traceless boy, what are you thinking about? You look obscene!" Demon respect fire Xiao a burst of light cough, to no trace no good spirit of scold way."Alas, the same respect. One is high above the others, and the other is almost dead. Old demon, you're really miserable!" Traceless faint sigh tone, incomparably sympathetic to the demon respect fire Xiao return way.

"Damn, Demon Lord, if I didn't fall into the trap of heaven, how could I end up coexisting with you. You should improve your accomplishments quickly, strive to break through the Supreme Soul realm as soon as possible, and then you can reshape the body for the demon lord! At that time, I will be able to roam the six realms and nine days again, and dominate the whole world. All the demons will kill themselves and kill Tianzun himself! " Yaozun Huoxiao's voice was steady and powerful, and he even began to gnash his teeth when he mentioned Tianzun. No trace seems to be able to feel the anger of demon zunhuoxiao at this time, and can't help shaking the credibility of the so-called "Zun" of demon zunhuoxiao again.

"Cough, these little guys are not good at learning skills. They dare to venture outside. All of you go back to the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy. From today on, all of you will be closed to practice. You can't step out of the gate of tianyunzong mountain! " With a slight cough, Wu trace, the west wind withered, Shi Fu Hua, aftershock, little fat Zhen Bucai, and the disciples of Yixing Academy ', A bitter face toward the void in the middle of the road slovenly old body have heavy repeatedly nodded.

"Brush!" All eyes of envy and jealousy, like thousands of steel knives, fell on the bodies of a group of disciples in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy at the same time. All the powerful members of the major sects and the heads of the major dynasties around them were burning with fire in their eyes. Chiguoguo was staring at the disciples of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy< br>

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