Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 620: 620

"Suddenly A cool wind blows gently, and the endless void is restored to its former peace. In the distance, the hazy sunrise rises slowly, and a new round of dawn reveals the warmth in Chaoge city.

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In Chaoge City, the occasional loud cry of killing came to an abrupt stop. Shangtangwang gathered in front of Lingbao business house to welcome emperor Xin to discuss state affairs in Jinluan hall, which belongs to Dazhou palace.

On the first day of the restoration of the Shang Tang Dynasty, the late autumn of the Chinese mainland began. The heads of the major dynasties sent people to attend the ceremony. Even the top eight sects in the six states of mainland China sent people to attend the ceremony one after another.

Dixin became the new leader of Shangtang Dynasty. His father was the commander of the army of Shangtang Dynasty. At the same time, he was also the president of Shangtang college.

Most of the great families in the former Zhou Dynasty were destroyed, and only the four families of song, Qi, Liang, Chen and Li had increased their status. After the four families were deeply valued by the Shang and Tang Dynasties, the status of the spring, summer, autumn, winter and the four little ones in the family naturally rose. Now the four have become the heirs of the four families, and they live a leisurely life all day long.

Great changes have taken place in soul hunting Pavilion, and Yu Hualong, the leader of Shaoge, has become the new leader of soul hunting Pavilion. His general manager, tietou, was promoted to Jin Jiang's killer, and he planned everything in the soul hunting Pavilion. But Liu Shuanger saw Liu's mother with her own eyes. She was devastated by the fact that she had become ashes, and she was attacked by the evil spirit of black smoke. Fortunately, later no trace and Hua Bu Yu and others came, and Hua Bu Yu took the hand to remove the evil Qi in her body and saved her life. Later, Wuchen hands Liu Shuanger over to yuhualong. The next day, yuhualong and Liu Shuanger bow to heaven and earth and tie the knot.

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The turmoil of the great Zhou Dynasty came to an end, and the reconstruction of the Shang and Tang Dynasties once again led to the situation of the Six Dynasties. The Penglai Dynasty in beizhou announced to the world that xuanjian was not named to succeed to the throne. Today, however, all state affairs are handled by Jian Nantian. As for the unknown whereabouts of Jian, the new leader, it is extremely mysterious and has never been publicly revealed.

At this time, tianyunzong was in a remote and dense purple bamboo forest. A group of young men and women are looking at everything in front of them. In front of these young men and women, there is a cold young man and a beautiful woman standing in front of each other.

"Second elder martial sister!"

"Third Elder martial brother!"

"Second martial uncle, third martial uncle!"

In the Zizhu forest, Wu trace, aftershock, little fat Zhen Bucai and three people step forward one after another to salute the young men and women in front of them.

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Two sides, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue and their faces are still indifferent as usual. They nodded to the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei and the Third Elder martial brother Shui mercilessly to show respect.

"Ha ha, just come back, just come back!" Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, smiles and waves to everyone to relax. Then, Feng Feifei looked at the crowd for a long time and asked again: "what about the fourth and fifth?"

"Hey, hey, the elder martial brother said that the fourth and fifth elder martial brothers are not proficient in learning, so they are sent to practice in the Linglong pagoda." Small fat Zhen not just face bad smile, low voice to two elder martial Sister Feng Feifei secretly report.

"Cluck, four, five, these two wretches, it must be fun to go out. If you forget to practice, you will be punished by the elder martial brother! Little fat man, see? This is a typical negative textbook. By the way, you are still lacking in martial arts. Would you like me to talk to elder martial brother and let you go to Linglong pagoda to refine martial arts? " Feng Feifei looks at the little fat Zhen Bucai with a smile on his face. The little fat Zhen Bucai has a cold shiver. Especially when he heard that Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, wanted to send him to the Linglong pagoda to practice, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, was scared and turned pale.

"Cough, second elder martial sister, I suddenly think of a very important thing. My father recently ordered Xiaosheng to go to the astrology hall to accept the family inheritance. Now that the elder Wu trace has returned to the Sutra Pavilion of our college, it's not in vain. It's my duty to bring the elder Wu trace back safely. The second elder martial sister doesn't have to praise Xiaosheng too much. Xiaosheng goes to the astrology hall to accept the family inheritance. As for the reward of breaking the martial arts path into the exquisite pagoda, The second elder martial sister will not mention it in the future. I'm really ashamed that I'm not talented! " Small fat Zhen not just a burst of light cough, to two elder martial Sister Feng Feifei in vain gave a gift. Immediately, the little fat man changed the color of his playful face, and his face was full of positive color. He began to talk seriously to the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei.

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"Damn it

After listening to the words of little fat Zhen Bucai, Wuhen almost stumbles and falls to the ground. It seems that there are tens of millions of grass mud horses running at the same time in Wuhen's heart, which refreshes a new understanding of the face of little fat Zhen Bucai. On the other side, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, aftershock, both of them forced to bear a smile and cast strange eyes on the face of little fat Zhen Bucai."Have you finished, little fat man?" Before waiting for the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei to reply, the Third Elder martial brother, shuimerciless, who has been silent all the time, speaks coldly.

"Cough, Third Elder martial brother, I..." the little fat Zhen Bucai shivered unconsciously, and looked at the Third Elder martial brother's pitiless and gloomy face.

"Ha ha, if you finish the nonsense, you will disappear in front of me!" The Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless seems to be aware of the little fat Zhen Bucai's fear. He even smiles a little and says something gently.

"Damn it, Third Elder martial brother, you can still laugh..." Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, screamed subconsciously. Then he noticed his blunder. He quickly covered his mouth with his hands and looked at the Third Elder martial brother with embarrassment. He laughed mercilessly and apologetically.

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"Cluck, don't go back to the astrology hall when you finish the nonsense. If you don't accept the astrology inheritance well, don't blame me for letting your Third Elder martial brother teach you to practice after you come back!" The second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei smiles and bewitches little fat Zhen Bucai with a half threat.

"Hey hey, don't bother the Third Elder martial brother. He will try his best to practice astrology. Second elder martial sister, you need to rest. I'll disappear soon!" After that, Zhen Bucai, a fat little man, suddenly turned into a wind and ran away towards the purple bamboo forest.

"Cough, am I so terrible?" Seeing the little fat Zhen Bucai fleeing, the Third Elder martial brother's face was also embarrassed. Immediately, water mercilessly gently shook head, eyes full of tenderness, looking at the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei, voice warm slowly asked.

"Cackle, you are a fool, a lump in one's heart!" Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, looks at the Third Elder martial brother's water mercilessly. Then she smiles again and looks at the others< br>

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