Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 621: 621

Half a month later, Jian Mingming, Ji Ruxue, and both of them were in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy. Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, took the initiative to take care of their spiritual life.

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Through this half time, Jian Mingming and Ji Ruxue have completely adapted to the cultivation style of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy. The elder master Hua Buyu specially ordered them to enter the thirteen section exquisite pagoda as an exception.

Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, is extremely satisfied with Ji Ruxue's sister-in-law. She is almost inseparable from her. She will take Ji Ruxue with her wherever she goes. But Ji Ruxue, who has always been cold to people and things, has a strange affinity with her second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei.

In the outside world, the pattern of the separation of the Six Dynasties is now very clear. The Shang Tang Dynasty in Zhongzhou, the Penglai Dynasty in beizhou and the two dynasties have now formed an alliance to jointly resist the harassment and invasion of the Dayan Dynasty in Dongzhou and the Daliang Dynasty in Xizhou.

Nanzhou tianque Dynasty remained neutral and did not want to be involved in the struggle and game among the major dynasties. The Jiuli Dynasty in Qingzhou garrisoned more troops at the border, always on guard against the futile attack of the other dynasties.

Since the end of the Lingbao auction, the prestige of Lingbao has reached an unprecedented height. People from all the major forces in mainland China came to visit one after another, and Shangguan Yunque, Shangguan yundun and their brothers were busy dealing with the problems all day long.

The top eight sectarian forces in mainland China, after seeing the powerful fighting power of huabuyu, the elder brother of the Sutra Pavilion master of the Academy, all chose to be silent and no longer intervene in the disputes and games between the dynastic forces.

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Tianyunzong, the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy.

At night, Wuchen sits quietly in the thatched cottage. Side demon respect fire Xiao Xu Ying a strength of shaking non-stop, seems to have a heart general sad face.

"Cough, old demon, what do you do? Can you stop for a while?" Traceless slowly opened his eyes, in front of the demon respect fire Xiao not good gas of the mouth scold way.

"Alas, the remnant consciousness has been destroyed, and heaven must have sensed it in the land of nine heavens. In this way, it won't be long before I believe he will be aware of my existence. At that time, I'm afraid that this mainland of China will not escape from the hands of heaven! " Demon respect fire Xiao lightly sighed a tone, hope to have no trace, the eyes is full of the color of can't bear.

"Old demon, will Tianzun come to mainland China in person?" Traceless face is full of dignified color, in front of demon respect fire Xiao slowly asked.

"There is no venerable person in the mainland of China. If the heaven comes, it will be suppressed by heaven and earth. I don't think Tianzun will personally come to this continent to take risks before I know my current situation. " Demon zunhuoxiao's eyes are full of the color of thinking. He opens his mouth again and looks back to Wu trace.

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"Ha ha, in that case, you're worried! Moreover, it doesn't take long for the God to come to China. By that time, maybe I will be the God! Don't worry, as long as I'm here, I'll keep you old demon safe and secure Traceless loud laughter, to demon respect fire Xiao heartless comfort way.

"Ha ha, you? It's you boy, Demon Lord, that makes me so worried. You son, you, you are a fart Demon zunhuoxiao burst out laughing, and the melancholy cloud on his face became lighter obviously. His fiery eyes looked at the young man who was meditating in front of him. He didn't know why, but he vaguely wanted to believe what the young man said.

"Dong Dong Dong!" At this time, a burst of impatient smashing sound came from outside the thatched cottage. Immediately, the demon zunhuoxiao suddenly turns into a streamer and rushes into Wuchen's body again. Wuchen's face is full of doubts. He jumps down slowly and comes to the door to open the door gently.

"Brush!" As soon as the door opened, the bodies of Feng Feifei, aftershock, Jian Mingming and Ji Ruxue, the second elder martial sister outside, were reflected in the eyes of no trace. In addition, in the back of several people's bodies, there are also two people, Zhen Youcai, the head of the pre surgery hall, and Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, and his son.

"Eh, second elder martial sister, what's the matter?" No trace is full of doubts. He looks at Jian Ming, Ji Ruxue and frowns slightly.

"No trace, I found the person who murdered master Yanyu in those years!" Ji Ruxue steps forward gently and holds the arm without trace. Her voice is weak and she opens her mouth slowly.

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"Eh, murder master Yanyu?" Hearing the words, there was a flash of cold light in Wu Chen's eyes, and his sword Qi rose unconsciously. In his mind, the scene of Yan Yu's self explosion before he died was still in his heart.

"Cluck, private grudges, the Academy's Sutra Pavilion will not interfere. Elder martial brother, you are supposed to solve this matter overnight. Younger martial brother six, you should hurry up! " Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, smiles and blinks. Then she turns around and walks slowly towards the distance like nothing happened.

"Such as snow, nameless, what's the matter?" The cold light in Wu Chen's eyes flickered again. Looking at Ji Ruxue and Jian Mingming, who had the same look of grief and indignation, they asked in a soft voice."Cough, no trace boss, it's confirmed right now. The people who murdered martial uncle Yanyu in those years were Tang Tianxin, the leader of engraved Fu hall, and Fang Hua, the leader of painted array hall. These two people are the works of our Tianyun sect hidden in other sects! " Small fat Zhen not just hastily step forward, to have no trace full face the openings of the color to explain a way.

"Ha ha, if this matter is serious, then dare to ask Master Zhen, what should they do with it?" Traceless cold smile, cast an eye, everyone behind the pre art hall master Zhen Youcai indifferent mouth asked.

"Hum, those who do harm to their fellow disciples should abolish their cultivation, drive them out of the clan, and cooperate with the enemy to rebel against the clan. They should set an example to others in the right place." Zhen Youcai, the head of the pre art hall, has a cold face and returns to the mouth without trace.

"Hey, no trace boss, this matter has been verified now, and we already have solid evidence in our hands. Not only that, but also two traitors in the inner gate temple were found. My grandfather has led people to arrest them now! " Small fat Zhen not just looked around at both sides, low voice, mysterious to no trace, whisper to tell know.

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"Eh, are there any other works hidden in the holy array hall, the holy seal hall and the two holy halls?" A look of consternation flashed in Wu Chen's eyes. He looked at the face of Zhen Youcai, the head of the pre surgery hall, and asked for enlightenment.

"Ha ha, there's no need for you to worry about this. Naturally, someone will take care of them. I'm just here to let you know. After all, you are all the disciples taught by elder martial brother in your life! " With a faint smile, master Zhen Youcai turns around and ignores Wu Chen. Wu Chen and others stride toward the outside of the Zizhu forest.

"Hey, no trace boss, all the gates of the outer gate are out now. I think there must be a war with Tang Tianxin and Fang Hua now!" Little fat Zhen not just flashed a cunning color in his eyes, and revealed in a low voice to no trace.

"Damn, I didn't say it earlier!" No trace mercilessly whitens the little fat man Zhen Bucai's eyes, and his body shape is like a gust of breeze, and then flies out.

At the same time, on both sides of little fat Zhen Bucai's side, two white shadows galloped out again. Ji Ruxue, Jian Mingming, and two of them, one left and one right, rushed out like lightning. Together with the traceless figure in front of him, they disappeared into the purple bamboo forest array.

In such a huge purple bamboo forest, only aftershock and little fat Zhen Bucai were left to see each other face to face. Then, as if they had just awakened from a dream, they all jumped out together and rushed to the area of influence of Tianyun sect outside the Sutra Pavilion of the academy< br>

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