Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 622: 622

Tianyunzong, the place where the eighteen outer gate Tangkou belong.

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At this time, tianyunzong's big outer door was already as bright as day, and the lights were bright.

All the disciples of the outer gate, the elder hall leader and others lined up on the outer gate square one by one to form the eighteen square array camp.

"Brush!" A gust of wind quietly blowing, the outer gate square is in the middle of a high platform above two figures. Zhen Youcai, the leader of the pre art hall, stands on the high platform with a gloomy face. Beside him, Wu trace's face was also extremely cold, and his eyes kept wandering in the square array of the eighteen halls below, as if he was searching for something.

"Eh, master Zhen?"

"Damn it, look, it's brother Wu Chen!"

"Ha ha, elder martial brother Wuhen, you are really elder martial brother Wuhen!"

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"Wow, I didn't expect that elder martial brother Wuchen was so handsome!"

The eighteen disciples of the outer gate, who were originally silent, immediately became boiling and crazy after seeing the no trace on the high platform. All the disciples outside the gate were like idols. They were worshiping and shouting at the high platform.

At the bottom of the platform, the head of each hall and the elders in charge of the hall were also stunned when they saw no trace. After all, Wuhen is now a member of the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy. This time, there was an important discussion outside the gate. Why did he appear inexplicably? People just wanted to break their heads and didn't come up with a reason.

Li Qiufeng, the leader of the danmen hall, Hua Liuliu, the leader of the medicine refining hall, Tian Buluo, the leader of the miscellaneous service hall, and Hoff, the leader of the kitchen hall, all cast a kind look at Wu trace. Only Tang Tianxin, the master of carved Fu hall, and Fang Hua, the master of painted array hall, changed their facial expressions several times. Their feet moved and moved towards one place unconsciously.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

At the same time, little fat Zhen Bucai, aftershock, Jianming, Ji Ruxue, and a group of four have also quietly mixed up in each hall entrance disciple square.

"Silence A cold ah, just also noisy incomparable outside the door of the square will be silent between the blink of an eye. Everyone's eyes are full of doubts, and they all look forward to the high platform in front.

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"Hum, master of each family, come to see me quickly!" At this time, Zhen Youcai, the leader of the pre skill hall, was inexplicably dignified. The whole person seems to have changed into a person, and the majesty of a superior person appears on his body in an instant.

"Gulu!" Below, the elders and disciples of each family all swallowed their saliva, and a sense of inexplicable oppression surged in all of them, as if Zhen Youcai, the leader of the pre skill hall, could easily kill them with one look.

"Whoosh!" For a moment, the heads of the other seventeen families set out one after another. On such a big platform, they all stood at the outer gate, and the other seventeen were the heads of the other families.

"Lay out the array, Shi jiejie!" Just as the head of each hall outside stepped on the high platform, Zhen Youcai, the head of the pre skill hall, spoke in a loud voice.

"Brush!" With the voice of Zhen Youcai, the leader of the pre art hall, falling, dozens of figures appeared in the void outside the whole platform. At the same time, all of these ten people were full of the spirit realm and the spirit of the emperor. The law of heaven and earth, which was transformed by the Xuanli Qi of the five elements, fell down layer upon layer, and in an instant, the whole towering platform was completely enveloped and imprisoned in it.

"Master Zhen, what are you doing?"

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"Brother Zhen, elder of the inner temple, it's against the rules to imprison us here."

When most of the masters of the outer gate were puzzled, the masters of the carved Fu hall, the painted array hall and the two halls were extremely dissatisfied and took the lead to ask the master of the pre art hall Zhen Youcai.

"Ha ha, ladies and gentlemen, you'll know what I'm going to do later!" Zhen Youcai gently picks his eyebrows and nods to them with a sneer. Two people in the heart instantly then cast a layer of shadow, sharp eyes in succession across a touch of imperceptible twinkling cold light.

On the high platform and on the outer gate square, the elders and disciples of each family were all in consternation, looking at the empty space, and the outer side of the high platform appeared in vain in a group of strong people in the soul realm.

"Cough, please don't be impatient. Today, when we call you here, we mainly have one thing to announce. " The master of the outer law enforcement hall and the master of the pre skill hall Zhen Youcai have a look at each other, and then they stride to the center of the high platform, and Lang Sheng explains to the disciples at the bottom of the high platform.

Under the high platform, all the disciples of the eighteen sects were puzzled and kept silent. In the dark crowd of the huge outer gate square, the elders of the law enforcement hall and the five elements Dharma protection hall all flew out, bringing out the strong elders in the painting array hall, the carving symbol hall and the square array of the two sects They all impolitely locked their breath on the spot.Whoa, whoa, whoa

Seeing this, all the disciples at the entrance of the outer gate, who had just been silent, were in turmoil again, and all of them were shocked. They looked at the fierce actions of the elders at the entrance of the law enforcement hall and the five element Dharma protection hall.

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"Ha ha, after investigation, there are spies of his clan in Huazhen hall, Kefu hall and the two halls. I hope you will cooperate and do not act rashly. Otherwise, all cases will be dealt with according to the crime of cholera, and they will be killed in accordance with the local law. " The master of commandment hall stood on the high platform and said that all the elders under his hall also took action one after another, completely controlling the elders of Huazhen hall, Kefu hall and Yigan and liangtang in the same place.

The strong elders of law enforcement hall, commandment hall, five elements Dharma protection hall and each hall have taken action one after another. The leader of Yushu hall Zhen Youcai sits on the high platform. Most of the strong elders of Huazhen hall, Kefu hall and the two halls are at a loss. Some of them are in a panic, and sometimes they sneak their eyes to look at the two hall leaders on the high platform.

Brush, brush, brush

A road surprised eyes, Qi brush fell in the painting array hall, carved Fu hall, two hall entrance square array. The rest of the disciples of the sixteen clans were extremely indifferent, and they cast fierce Xiao Sha's eyes on the bodies of the disciples and the elders of the two clans.

"Keke, master Zhen, are you mistaken? How can my subordinates have spies of his clan? " Fang Hua, the leader of the painting array hall, is full of anger and stares at Zhen Youcai, the leader of the pre art hall. He asks coldly.

"Ha ha, joke, which elder here is not really promoted from the bottom of Tianyun sect. Master Zhen, these are all old fellows who have worked for our Tianyun sect for many years. Don't you want to hurt everyone's heart if you fight so much now! " Tang Tianxin, the master of engraved Fu hall, has a cold look in his eyes. He reproaches Zhen Youcai coldly in a rather tough tone.

"Ha ha, if there is no conclusive evidence, how can I make such a stir. Now that it has been verified, I will naturally give you an account later. " Zhen Youcai, the leader of Yushu hall, sneers and looks away at Fang Hua and Tang Tianxin. Then he looks down on the two Tangkou camps at the bottom of the platform again, and angrily rebukes the other elder level strongmen: "hum, the commandment hall doesn't follow the rules, so we will clear the traitors and spies one by one?"< br>

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