Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 630: 630

In mainland China, Jiange is one of the eight sects, and Tianyun sect is located thousands of miles away from Jiange.

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"Whoosh!" A dazzling green awn came in vain from the void in the distance. A strong and pure air of sword spirit permeated the Tianyun sect. Before many disciples of Tianyun sect recovered, they saw a green awn flash away like a ghost, turned into a streamer, and the sword shadow disappeared in the Tianyun sect.

"Who is so bold?"

"Hum, dare to intrude into our tianyunzong, thief, you are so presumptuous..."

The roars of heaven's fortune rose abruptly, and dozens of breath of the lower emperor, the emperor of martial arts, and the spirit of the strong man emerged from the gate of heaven's fortune.

The master of the outer gate's eighteen gates, who has the master of the ten gates standing in the air. Ten terrible forces of law came down from the sky and rushed to the strange and bright green awn sword shadow in the void.

"Hum!" With a loud sound of the sword, the strange green awn sword shadow all over the body in vain. The speed of his sword body was several times faster than that of the previous one. In a blink of an eye, he broke through the encirclement and interception of many powerful souls. A green light flashed by and went straight to the hinterland of the inner gate of Tianyun sect.

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"Damn, there is a burning spirit in the meaning of the sword. How could anyone be so crazy?" At the entrance of the five elements Dharma protection hall, the head of tuzhixuan hall is full of consternation. He stares at the disappearing green mang sword and says in disbelief.

"Eh, the power of this sword is far beyond our ability to resist. In the world today, there must be only the seven peak masters in the Jiange sect who can offer such a secret." A strange color flashed in the eyes of the fire Xuantang master, and he murmured to himself in a low voice.

"It's strange that the spirit of the sword should be burned to convey the meaning of the sword. Is there any major change in the sword pavilion? But why did this sword come to my heaven fortune clan. Is it because the sword Pavilion is attacked and we are asking for help from tianyunzong? " The head of the water Xuan hall, with a solemn look on his face, looked at many of the hall leaders around him and said.

"There are swords coming from all the swords peaks in the pavilion, and it seems that there is a sword in our Tianyun sect! Is it because of what happened inside the pavilion that the master of Jianfeng would rather sacrifice himself to preserve the inheritance of Jianfeng's sword pulse? " The master of Jin Zhi Xuan hall had a flash of light in his eyes. He looked at the direction of the disappearance of the green awn sword in the distance and thought about it. Before the five elements Dharma protection hall, the five hall leaders all went to the Lingbao business danhunshendan auction. Naturally, they also saw Jianming and learned about Jianming's life experience and basic information.

In the void, after hearing the analysis of the head of jinzhixuan hall, the other seven hall heads all showed a grim look on their faces. Then, a group of masters of the outer gate stepped out one after another and rushed to the place where the inner gate belonged.

Below, many of the disciples of the outer gate, looking at the figure of the leader of the outer gate, rubbed their eyes in disbelief. Among them, there was a heated discussion in twos and threes, discussing and analyzing the strange green awn that had just disappeared.

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Tear, tear, tear

The Lord of the void, where the strange green awn sword meaning passes, there are strange sounds of friction. What's more, the mysterious forces of heaven and earth in the surrounding void rush to both sides to avoid. The strange meaning of green awn sword is like passing through a place of no man. After a few breath, it flies into the hinterland of the nine holy halls in the inner gate of Tianyun sect. Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom.

In the ninth Hall of the inner gate of Tianyun sect, several powerful deputy hall masters rose up at the same time, quickly released the power of the supreme law, and forced them to go towards the strange sword meaning green awn.

On both sides, a chill flashed in the eyes of all the elders of the inner gate temple, staring at the strange green awn sword which was shaking violently in the void, and the meaning of vigilance was abnormal.

"Boom, boom!" A series of terrible dull sounds burst up in the silent void. In the void, thousands of swords burst out at the same time, killing madly towards the power of the law.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

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The terrifying green awn sword sent out endless and vigorous life breath, and even resisted the law force exerted by several powerful souls. With the powerful arrival of several figures, the strong figures of several deputy hall masters in the ninth Hall of the inner gate of Tianyun Zong stand in front of the strange green awn sword.

"Hum!" Feel the terror in front of the oppression, strange green awn sword meaning in vain issued a sad sword. The light figure of a green sword gradually became clear, and the breath of the sword body was full of sadness.

"Gulu!" When you feel the sadness of the green sword, the eyes of the vice hall leaders in the inner gate of the ninth hall all flash a different color at the same time. Several strong men of the level of the Deputy Temple master looked at each other, and all saw a touch of doubt and confusion in each other's eyes."Well, it's a pleasure to have friends from afar! Since the Taoist friends burn up their spirits just to come here, how can tianyunzong not become a beautiful person? " A faint sigh came from the position of the astrology hall, the main hall of the inner gate's nine hall. An invisible and soft force of law came down from the sky and completely broke up the ban that had just been put down by the powerful men of the inner gate temple.

"Lord Zhen?"

"Lord of the temple?"

"Lord Zhen?"

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A group of inner door Temple deputy hall master level strong eyes all flash a different color at the same time, staring at the distant dead general silent astrology hall, stupidly asked.

"Let go!" A thick and old voice came out again, and the messenger was Zhuge mountain, the Lord of Tianyun sect.

"Brush!" Hearing the words, all the powerful men in the inner gate of the ninth hall and the elder level soul realm of the main hall were shocked. All of them flashed to the left and right sides and gave Qi Shushu the strange way of green awn sword.

"Hum!" It's another sad cry, coming from the strange green awn sword. Then he saw a strange green awn sword, which ran straight through the emptiness of the nine holy halls of the inner gate and towards the remote and desolate purple bamboo forest.

"Cough, this is the end of the matter. Let's all go!" A burst of light cough rang through the inner door of the holy nine hall, and there were two more old people in the void. The old man dressed in green was Zhuge mountain, the Lord of Tianyun sect, and Zhen Shengcai, the Lord of astrology hall, who was wearing a white robe.

"Brush!" Hearing the words, the elders of the inner gate and the superior of the Deputy Temple master in the void gave a respectful salute to them without saying a word. Then, the figures of the strong one after another fell down toward the ground below, and from time to time, people secretly turned their eyes away from the purple bamboo forest in the distance

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