Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 631: 631

"Whoosh!" A bright and strange green awn sword is flying over the forbidden area of tianyunzong. Even the defensive array in the purple bamboo forest didn't have any effect on the strange green awn sword.

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"Click!" A huge dull sound resounded from the void at the end of the purple bamboo forest. The strange green awn sword sent out a bright light. The sword shadow broke through the array in the purple bamboo forest, turned into a dazzling green awn streamer, and straight into the hinterland of the Academy Sutra Pavilion.

At this time, in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, in front of the gurgling stream and the row of thatched cottages, the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei and the Third Elder martial brother Shui merciless are holding their shoulders and looking forward to the open space in front with more interest.

In the open space in front of him, Wu Chen, Jian Ming, Ji Ruxue and the three are fighting fiercely. In the void, each attribute of Xuanli's Qi power flies wantonly, three people and three figures attack each other like ghosts.

In the distance, inside the thirteen section exquisite pagoda set up in the clouds, there is a fierce rising breath at the moment. There is a mysterious force of earth between heaven and earth, and the force of the law of gravity falls into the sky, and suddenly scattered in the first layer of the thirteen section exquisite pagoda.

"Ha ha, no fight, no fight! The aftershock boy broke through the soul realm and became the next emperor Wuhuang In the void, the three figures who were fighting together separated in vain, staring at the magnificent thirteen exquisite pagodas in the distance with a silver sword, and their faces were filled with a hearty smile.

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On both sides, Jian Mingming, Ji Ruxue and their hands in white were separated. Their faces were as indifferent as usual, but their cold eyes flashed a flash of joy at the same time.

"Brush!" At this moment, a rickety figure, without warning, stepped out of the thirteen exquisite pagodas. His turbid and old eyes flashed a strange color in vain, staring at the strange green awn sword which was full of sadness and surging in the distance.

"Ah With a scream, the Turks came out of the unknown mouth of the sword standing in the air. The sword's nameless figure, which was originally intact, suddenly trembled in the void in vain, and the whole person's nose and temples were cold and sweating. His hands suddenly seized the chest, the chest in the body as if tearing heart and cracking lung general, no sign of agitation colic incomparable.

"Nameless, what's the matter with you?"


Wu Chen, Ji Ruxue, and two of them, one left and the other right, flew over to the sword. They were all around the sword. Their faces were full of anxiety. They asked with concern.

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"Get out of the way!"

"Get out of the way!"

There are two more anxious calls, which ring through the hinterland of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy. As the voice falls, the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei, the Third Elder martial brother Shui merciless, and their figures have already arrived at the place beside Wu trace and Ji Ruxue at the same time. Then, we can see that the two forces of the law of terror, respectively, shrouded in the body of no trace and Ji Ruxue. The four figures flashed in vain. Wuchen, Ji Ruxue, the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei, the Third Elder martial brother Shui merciless, and a group of four stood on the void hundreds of meters away.

"Hum!" The sound of a jubilant sword suddenly resounds above the silent void. Then, he saw a bright and strange green awn, with endless sword meaning and empty shadow.

In the void, the nameless body of the sword, whose heart is about to crack, is stunned in vain, and the bright and strange green awn sword idea penetrates into the nameless chest of the sword and disappears.

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"Ah Another scream came out of the sword's nameless mouth. I saw that the whole body of the unknown sword was occupied by the strange green awn at the moment, and the momentum of the later peak cultivation state of the infant soul state burst out in a flash.

"Hum!" There was another loud sword sound, and a golden sword appeared on the nameless forehead. At the same time, the green awn around the sword nameless quickly turned into a strong breath of life, and constantly gathered and impacted into the body of the sword nameless.

"Brush!" The exuberant spirit of life in the heaven and the earth rushes wildly, and turns into bright green light and shadow, which are wrapped up on the nameless body of the sword. On the forehead of the nameless sword, the ghost of the golden sword suddenly glows with golden light. It completely absorbs the horrible sword spirit released by the strange green awn ghost that just rushed into the nameless body of the sword.

"Roar!" With a roar, the sword with strange green awn in the void suddenly opened his eyes, and two cold lights flashed out like sharp swords. The Epee behind the nameless sword floats beside him in vain, and the seven colorful handles of the Epee's unique hilt suddenly flash up. Among them, the last green hilt seemed to come back to life in a moment, completely absorbing the strange green awn that shrouded in the nameless body of the sword.

Boom, boom, boomA terrible thunder resounded through the sky, and the thunder came down from the sky with the air of destroying the sky and the earth. The cold light in his nameless eyes kept flashing, and the Epee hanging behind him was in vain. A terrible heaven and earth pressure diffuses, and the sword nameless body faintly exudes the power of vigorous and pure heaven and earth law.

"Hum!" At the moment before the sword was ready to move, a bright green sword was shot from his body and chest. It seems that the meaning of the green awn sword also contains the power of the strong in the soul realm. In a short time, it turns into a road. The green awn sword covers the sky and the earth, resisting and undertaking the terrible thunder and robbery from the air.

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Click, click, click

Lei Mang, who was terrified, fell from the sky and directly fell on the light and shadow of the green mang sword. In the void, the Qi of Xuanli of all attributes curls up madly, and instantly submerges the unknown place of the sword into a gathering place of Xuanli storm.

The terrible Lei mang shakes the earth and seems to kill everything in front of him. And the strange green awn power gradually weakened under the fierce attack, and a green sword with green awn lingering appeared under the attack of Lei awn.

"Master..." this violent thunder robbery momentum lasted for nearly a quarter of an hour. The terrible thunder robbery power in the void gradually weakened. In the void, the virtual shadow of the green sword, which was originally green and incomparable, gradually began to fade and lose its luster. Two lines of tears appeared in the nameless and cold eyes of the sword standing in the air below.

"Nameless..." in the distance, it seems to be aware of the sadness in the nameless heart of the sword, and a touch of heartache even crossed on the traceless handsome face.

One side, Ji Ruxue quietly came to no trace's side, stretched out a pair of slightly cool hands and held them in no trace's hands. They were speechless, and their eyes were full of sadness. They looked at the nameless figure of the sword in the distant void< br>

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