Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 632: 632

"Suddenly Nearly half an hour later, the strange and bright green light and shadow in the void gradually turned into nothingness and disappeared. As the light and shadow changed and disappeared, a rusty black sword fell out of thin air.

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"Shake the light!" A exclamation, from the sad sword nameless mouth will pass out. Sword nameless, the whole person's body slightly moved, and he held the rusty black remnant sword in his arms.

"Hum!" The Epee is matchless, and there is a whine quietly. The seven brilliant rays on the handle of the Epee gradually fade until they disappear. The Epee fell on the nameless back of the sword again, and its blood red body tended to be quiet and stable again.

"Hoo A dreary breath, from the sword nameless mouth faint vomit out. The power of the law of heaven and earth lingering around the sword's nameless body slowly gathered in the body, and its body slowly fell to the ground below.

"Eh, pass on the broken mirror and turn the soul into a king!" At this time, Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, felt the sword spirit all over her body. In vain, a touch of brilliance flashed in her eyes.

"That sword is very good. I hope you don't insult it!" The Third Elder martial brother Shui, who has always been silent, is merciless. He unexpectedly opens his mouth to the sword and says nothing.

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"Don't worry, elder martial brother Shui, since I have accepted the inheritance of Yaoguang peak, I will naturally carry forward Yaoguang and make the sword Pavilion continue to be a spark!" Sword nameless face flashed a strong color, put the rusty black broken sword into his arms carefully.

"Brush!" Just as the void gradually calmed down, two old men quietly appeared in the hinterland of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy.

The master of Tianyun sect, Zhuge mountain people, and the master of astrology hall, Zhen Shengcai, were all quite solemn, staring at the unknown sword not far in front of them.

"Ha ha, two elders are here. I hope you'll forgive me for not saying anything With a loud smile, the hand holding wine gourd, slovenly dressed master brother Hua speechless, drunken eyes whirling came to the crowd and said with a smile.

"Ha ha, you are so polite! We've come here just to find out why! " Zhuge mountain people, the leader of Tianyun sect, gave a faint smile and nodded to Hua Buyu.

"Cough, elder martial brother, he looks a few years older than our Lord. When he saw the conversation between huabuyu and Zhuge mountain people, Wuhen coughed fiercely and nearly choked himself. Wuhen looked back and forth on them several times, and finally came to the conclusion that huabuyu, the elder master, pretended to be tender in front of Zhuge mountain people.

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"Cluck, what do you think? Sixth elder martial brother, eldest elder martial brother, he is young!" A burst of Yingying's smile resounded in Wuhen's ear. The second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei winked at Wuhen playfully.

"Hehe, how young!" Smell speech, no trace complexion in vain a red, as if obviously didn't expect two elder martial sister will see through his mind. But fortunately, the people around didn't have any strange look, which made no trace embarrassed heart get some relief. However, looking at the untidy old face of master brother Hua Buyu, no trace can not connect it with the word "young" in any case.

"I'm disturbing you. I'm sorry to apologize to you for your unknown sword." Facing the three magnates of tianyunzong and the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, Jianming's tone is neither humble nor overbearing, and bows to the three people.

"Ha ha, you are the master of Jiange's Jianfeng line. It seems that it's right to shake people's eyes when they are young Lord, the people of Zhuge mountain smile lightly and wave to the sword nameless. An invisible gentle air waves blowing up, dragging the sword nameless body once again stood up straight.

"Well, it seems that the lightsaber has failed. It seems that most of the lightsaber master has passed away. Among the old people of our generation, one is missing... "Zhen Shengcai, the master of the astrology hall, looked at the direction of Yao's lightsaber in the distance and sighed softly.

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"There was civil strife in the sword Pavilion, and the master was forced by the other six peaks. Master, he can't bear to hurt each other in the sword Pavilion. That's why Yao lightsaber is handed down to me. But the master did not hesitate to burn his spirit and hurt the Lord of the sword Pavilion, so as to fight for my life! " Sword nameless eyes flashed a touch of anger to kill intention, the upper and lower emperor soul realm, Wu Huang momentum again involuntarily diffuse out.

In the void, Xiao Sha's cutting sword was so strong that he wrapped the whole body of the unknown sword in it. Sword nameless at this time like a just unyielding sword in general, its whole body is full of boundless noble righteousness.

"Ah, stop the killing by killing, it's more than killing!" A sigh came out from the mouth of Zhuge mountain people, the leader of Tianyun sect. Then, Zhuge mountain people, the leader of Tianyun sect, gave a deep look at Wuchen. They turned around and walked slowly towards the purple bamboo forest."Alas, the dead are gone, and the living rest in peace! As long as you are in tianyunzong for one day, no one in Jiange can come to capture you! That's what we can do for Yaoguang's hometown! " Zhen Shengcai, the master of the astrology hall, shakes his head and promises to the sword. Then he nodded to Hua Buyu beside him, turned around and strode away with the body shape of Zhuge mountain people.

"Ha ha, I've been annoyed by those respectable guys in the sword Pavilion for a long time! In this case, I'll give you a convenience to step into the Linglong pagoda as an exception! " A burst of arrogant laughter resounded in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy. Master brother Hua speechless suddenly swallowed a mouthful of liquor, shook the dilapidated wine gourd in his hand, and said to the sword nameless.

"Elder martial brother?" One side, two elder martial Sister Feng Feifei, three elder martial brother water ruthless, eyes all flash a color of consternation, one after another toward the elder martial brother Hua speechless body cast puzzled eyes.

"No name, thank you, elder martial brother!" No trace seems to be afraid of the master brother flower not language repentance in general, hasten to speak to the sword nameless anxiously remind way.

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"So, thank you, elder martial brother Hua!" On the other side, Jian Mingming was stunned by Hua Buyu's words. However, seeing Wu trace's anxious expression, he had to give a deep gift to Hua Buyu.

"Ha ha, go ahead, go ahead, by the way, call the little fat guy, and the aftershock guy, all three of you go to the sixth floor of Linglong pagoda for me to practice!" Hua Buyu laughs loudly and waves his hand to the nameless sword.

On the other hand, Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, immediately understood this and turned around to run outside the purple bamboo forest to find little fat Zhen Bucai. The Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless is still indifferent and waves to Jianming to follow him.

For a moment, on the open space of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, there are only Wu Chen and Ji Ruxue peeping into each other, and Hua Buyu, who is drinking a lot of liquor, staring at them with a bad smile... < br > in the meantime, Wu Chen and Ji Ruxue look at each other face to face

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