Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 633: 633

In the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy, the three of them step into the sixth floor of the Linglong pagoda together with sword nameless, aftershock and little fat Zhen Bucai.

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"Cough, elder martial brother, now younger martial brother has realized the power of the law of life and death, and his physical body has reached the realm of becoming emperor. I believe that if I enter the sixth floor of Linglong tower with my fighting power, I will not worry about my life!" No trace a burst of light cough, playful smile to the master brother flower not language shameless smile sigh way.

"Well, there seems to be some truth in what you said!" Hua speechless eyes flashed a look, while sipping the wine gourd in hand, while skimming the side of the traceless indifferent way back.

On both sides, the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's eyes were smiling, and she looked playfully at Wu Chen. The Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless is still indifferent to everything. Looking at the thirteen exquisite pagodas in the distance, he doesn't know what he is thinking about. On the contrary, although Ji Ruxue's face is still cold, her figure unconsciously stands side by side with traceless.

"Hey, elder martial brother, you see, Ruxue is not an outsider. You see, how about you do something good and let her practice in Linglong pagoda? My family is as smart as snow. Maybe I'll go in and train for a few days, and then I'll be the master of Wu Huang in the soul transforming realm! " No trace is still a pair of hippy smile appearance, quietly gathered to the master brother Hua silent ear whisper up.

Although it's whispering, all the people present are strong at the cultivation level above the soul level. Even Ji Ruxue is also the strength of the cultivation level at the peak of the baby's soul level. Why can't you hear the whispers of traceless and Hua Buyu.

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After listening to the words of no trace shameless, Ji Ruxue's cold face suddenly turned red thoroughly. Ji Ruxue gives a strange glance without trace. Due to the smile of Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, Ji Ruxue has no choice but to bow her head shyly and say nothing.

"Ha ha, your second sister has discussed this matter with me for a long time. Since you also have this heart, let the girl like Xue walk from the place of gathering mysteries! As for how far she can go in Linglong pagoda, it depends on her own fortune and fortune Master brother Hua Buyu seems to be in a very good mood today. It's surprising that he didn't open his mouth. On the contrary, Hua Buyu so readily agreed to let Ji Ruxue into the Linglong pagoda immediately, which made no trace. For a moment, he was still in a bit of a panic, but he couldn't come back.

"Cluck, sixth younger martial brother, what do you think? Thank you, elder martial brother The second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei flashed a smile in her eyes and quietly reminded Wu trace.

"Cough, elder martial brother, you are not inferior to yourself when you are young. You are wise and know how to advance and retreat. Younger martial brother, I really admire you now. It's like the continuous flow of the river, and like the Yellow River flooding out of control... "No trace gently cleared his throat, and then he launched a barrage of sugar coated shells around the elder martial brother Hua Buyu.

"Cluck!" After listening to a burst of nonsense without trace, Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, burst into laughter. Even the Third Elder martial brother water merciless face is also a spasm, staring at the traceless face, solemnly looked up again.

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"No trace..." Ji Ruxue face a burst of red a burst of white, gently with a pair of soft hands pulled no trace of the skirt. Its coquettish appearance is completely seen in the eyes of the people on one side, and the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei laughs at Lang qingqiyi's two people again.

"Damn, traceless boy, didn't you use your words to praise me?" A rough and sonorous voice, in the mind of no trace, resounded untimely. Demon respect fire Xiao speech tone is full of contempt, in the knowledge of the sea repeatedly will no trace of a meal.

"Hey, old demon, you are ten thousand times younger than you were, and you are a hundred streets wiser than him! You are the Yangtze River and Yellow River in my heart, and you are the south wall that I hit... "There is a evil smile on the traceless and handsome face, which is subconsciously perfunctory to the demon zunhuoxiao in my mind.

"Why, south wall?" Originally also elated demon zunhuoxiao, suddenly as if back to God in general. His rough and crazy voice exploded again in Wu trace's mind, as if he was extremely dissatisfied with Wu trace's answer.

"Cough, slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue, male god, I say you are the male God forever in my heart, OK, my demon lord!" No trace complexion a burst of embarrassment, again extremely helpless to the demon respect fire Xiao explain.

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"Ha ha, I'm young and promising. That's very nice. It seems that the sixth elder martial brother is still very accurate in judging people. In this way, I, a big elder martial brother, can relax when I go out to wander in the Jianghu in the future! " Silent for a long time, the flower does not speak, laughing in vain, looking back to no trace. During the period, Hua Buyu was obviously in a good mood. He even raised his oily hand and patted Wu trace symbolically.

"Hey, hey, it's all up to you, elder martial brother!" No trace rubbed his hands with a smile, and his body moved slightly, so he wanted to step back.

"Ha ha, go on, brother-in-law, now the master will let you into Linglong pagoda!" A loud smile resounded in traceless ear. No trace only felt that his whole body sank in vain. A pair of big hands as big as a palm fan and full of oil were pressed on no trace's shoulder. Then, no trace only felt an invisible pressure shrouded in his whole body, which made him unable to resist at all.Daddada, dada, dada

On the open space of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, there was an old man in untidy clothes, holding a shabby and shiny wine gourd in one hand, drinking a strong and pungent liquor in a big gulp, holding the shoulder of a handsome young man in one hand, and they were very intimate. They walked slowly forward, Not far away, the thirteen exquisite pagodas standing at the end of the clouds are walking away.

On both sides, the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei takes Ji Ruxue's jade hands and whispers in Ji Ruxue's ear. The Third Elder martial brother water follows the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei quietly. His indifferent eyes rarely reveal a touch of warmth at this time.

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"Brush!" A colorful glow starts from the thirteen sections of Linglong pagoda. A seven color light column suddenly appears on the ground of Linglong pagoda. The strange light column rushes to the sky and hits Ji Ruxue's body, slowly absorbing the whole person into the Linglong pagoda.

"No trace, when you become emperor, I will protect you!" Ji Ruxue's eyes flashed a touch of tenderness, in front of everyone's face, shyly whispered to traceless.

"Ha ha, silly girl, go and practice well. When we meet again, it's up to you to protect me!" Traceless Junlang's face showed a bright smile and waved to Ji Ruxue. Then, you can see that the seven colors of light on the Linglong pagoda flash away, and Ji Ruxue's whole figure disappears into the Linglong pagoda.

"Suddenly A strange breeze blows, and the smile on the traceless handsome face gradually solidifies. There was a helpless smile on the corner of his mouth. He turned around and looked at the elder master Hua Buyu. His eyes were full of dignified color.

On the other side, the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei and the Third Elder martial brother Shui merciless and their faces all gradually become serious. They stare at Wu trace, who is staring at Hua Buyu, and keep silent< br>

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