Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 634: 634

The Sutra Pavilion of the academy is silent on the empty space.

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The elder master Hua speechless swallowed a mouthful of liquor, turned his head and looked at the solemn crowd, and said slowly: "recently, the vision of the ancient land has been reborn. It is said that the auspicious omen of heaven is the omen of the opening of the forbidden area in the wasteland. Now, all the major sects have sent their disciples to the Jiuli Dynasty to seize the secret treasure opened in the wasteland! "

"Eh, in the territory of the Jiuli Dynasty, one of the nine forbidden areas in mainland China? The danger level in the forbidden area is comparable to that of Buzhou Shenshan, which is also one of the forbidden areas. There is a strange treasure coming out of the world... "Wu Chen's expression slightly coagulates, and completely remembers the words of the elder master Hua Buyu.

"Ha ha, when the wasteland is opened, the forbidden area has the air pressure realm of heaven and earth. Those who practice martial arts below the soul realm can freely enter and leave the forbidden area." Flower not language drunk eyes hazy, full of smile, staring at no trace if you point to the mouth again.

"Cough, elder martial brother, are you going to let me go to the wasteland? Elder martial brother, although you think that you can enter the realm of cultivation in this barren place, you don't know what's dangerous in it. Besides, with my cultivation strength, I'm not in the forbidden area of the wasteland. Even if you enter the wasteland, you will be slapped to death by the barbarians in the wasteland No trace a burst of fierce cough, complexion cut not some ugly look to master elder brother flower not language look.

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The reason why people have become one of the nine forbidden areas in mainland China is that the area has been completely occupied by barbarians. In the wasteland, there are bloody murders everywhere. The rules and regulations there are very simple, even simple and rough. The law of the jungle is the only law of survival in the wasteland.

The wasteland is also regarded as the paradise for the practitioners to refine their own martial arts, and the most ideal battlefield holy land for the practitioners to improve their cultivation and actual combat. At that time, there were countless martial arts strongmen in that area every year, and the fighting power of every martial arts strongman who stepped out of the wasteland would soar several times inexplicably. Although the wasteland was one of the nine forbidden areas, it constantly attracted countless martial arts strongmen to the Shura battlefield of refining and killing.

Nowadays, there must be a great treasure coming out of the world. However, in the area where the visions are widespread, there is the pressure of heaven and earth, which makes people deeply believe in the existence of the treasure, and is one of the fundamental reasons why the powerful men of various sects send their disciples to the area.

"Wasteland, the name seems to be a little familiar..." a strange red awn flashes slightly in the body of no trace, and the shadow of demon zunhuoxiao lurks in the body of no trace, on its old face. At the moment, it's full of meditation. I don't know what it's thinking.

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"Ha ha, some Tianjiao disciples will also be sent to the inner gate of Tianyun sect. This trip will be accompanied by your three elder martial brothers. It must be enough to ensure that you can enter the forbidden area safely. " The elder martial brother Hua speechless, laughing loudly, his turbid eyes shining, gently nodded to the Third Elder martial brother Shui mercilessly, then turned his face and stared at the indisputable words.

"Cough, elder martial brother, how about entering the forbidden area?" Traceless complexion a burst of embarrassment, with a bad smile on his face, he asked the elder master Hua speechless.

"Hey, hey, it depends on your luck to enter the forbidden area! If you can come out alive, it's a great chance. If you die, your family members, elder martial brothers and sisters will take good care of you. You won't have to worry about such trivial matters! " The elder master Hua Buyu burst out laughing, and seemed to see through his thoughtlessness. I saw its free and easy to no trace waved his hand, careless mouth solemn promise way.

"Damn, elder martial brother, when people send their disciples down the mountain, don't they all have to give away some secret treasures like body protection magic weapons? How come, younger martial brother, I'm going to the wasteland. You're not the eldest martial brother of dingmen at all... "Wuhen rolled his eyes and muttered to the elder martial brother Hua Buyu. Its appearance as if by the gas of the little daughter-in-law in general, provoked the side of the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei a strong pursed mouth snicker.

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"Well, I've made an exception to let your friend and that girl Ruxue step into the Linglong pagoda to practice. You don't have to work hard. If you dare to say one more word of nonsense, I'll put you in a five story prison and think about your mistakes on the wall... "The elder master Hua Buyu gave a cold snort, and no trace only felt that he shivered in vain. Immediately, the elder master Hua Buyu glanced at the fifth floor of Linglong Pagoda in front of him, and heard the cry of ghosts and wolves from the fifth floor of Linglong pagoda.

"Cough, no trace, I will obey you. No trace, I'll pack up. Everything is according to elder martial brother!" Traceless smile on his face, in front of the master brother Hua speechless and respectfully gave a gift. Then, no trace will flee, also like to rush to the thatched house where he lives, leaving huabuyu and others alone in the dust."Cluck, sixth younger martial brother, have you ever learned to change face?" Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, pursed a smile and looked at the ashen fleeing traceless. Her eyes were full of joy.

"Ha ha, merciless. If you go to the wasteland, you should be more careful. As for no trace, let him go. Of course, unless it's a matter of life or death, don't do it easily! " The elder martial brother Hua Buyu's eyes flashed a strange color, and he asked the Third Elder martial brother Shui mercilessly.

"Younger martial brother, take orders!" For Hua Buyu's command, water is merciless and has no hesitation. His indifferent face is full of respect. It is obvious that the elder master Hua Buyu has an irreplaceable position in his heart.

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"Elder martial brother, the Sutra collection Pavilion of our college has never been involved in the struggle among the major schools. Why did you send the sixth younger martial brother to explore the secret treasures in the wasteland this time?" Second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei flashed a strange color in her eyes, and asked the master brother Hua in a soft voice.

"Alas, justice, retribution cycle, destiny, all these are destiny. It's the destiny of the boy without trace, and it's also the destiny of our college's Sutra Pavilion and the whole Tianyun sect! Da Tianyan's skill can't go wrong, so we can follow the way of heaven... "Brother Hua Buyu sighed, and his turbid eyes were full of unwilling color. The art of Da Tian Yan mentioned in his mouth is the secret method of divination inherited from the astrology Hall of Tianyun sect. Obviously, this trip made Wu trace go to the ancient land to explore the secret treasures, not only for the elder master Hua Buyu, but also for the hope of Tian yunzong, and even for everyone to follow the guidance given by Da Tianyan's art.

"Gulu!" Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, and Shui, the Third Elder martial brother, were stunned. They both looked at the thatched cottage in the distance and sighed< br>

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