Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 647: 647

Boom, boom, boom

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Outside the forbidden barrier space, just after the arrival of a group of strong souls in the rigid evil way, a wave of mysterious force appeared again in the endless void, and nine old people in various robes appeared out of the air.

With the appearance of the nine old men, the power of each attribute law in the void fluctuates again. The nine old men's bodies are completely blocked in front of the disciples of tianyunzong Yigan temple, and their eyes are full of coldness. They stare at the bodies of the powerful people in the opposite void.

"Jie Jie, tianyunzong really made great efforts this time, and the nine Temple elders came out together. I think it must be the most precious treasure of this barren place. However, the disciples you selected don't seem to be very useful... "On the void, the strong man of Wu Huang, the soul transforming realm led by Jiang Sha, laughed loudly, and his eyes were full of disdain. He glanced at the forbidden barrier space for several times.

"Ha ha, how can the twelve Taoist disciples under the throne of Jiansha Taoist sect also play such a child's mouth power?" A very ironic sneer came from the mouth of the old man of astrology hall, who was the first among the nine powerful military emperors in the nine holy halls of tianyunzong.

"Jie Jie, if you want to break the rules, you can't be a disciple of the astrology hall in time!" In the void, the figure of twelve black robes standing side by side in the air ignored the sarcasm of the elders of the astrology hall. Instead, he was made one of the twelve Taoist disciples under the Taoist throne. The thin old man sneered coldly, looked straight at the strong members of tianyunzong with fierce eyes, and admonished them in a bad tone.

"Hum, that's natural. How can our tianyunzong be as mean and shameless as you The elder of the astrology hall snorted coldly and gave a wink to the other elders of the temple. Qi Qi, the leader of Tianyun sect, stepped back and quickly separated himself from the twelve strong men who stood in front of him.

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"Elder brother Zhuge, he..."

"Elder, let's go in!"

All the disciples in front of the holy halls of Tianyun sect were worried. They secretly whispered to the elders who led the procession to their holy halls.

"Shut up, isn't it humiliating enough?" The elder of the astrology hall gave a cold hum, which immediately stopped the secret voice of the disciples of the great hall. Then, his old eyes flashed a touch of heartache, and he couldn't bear to look back into the forbidden barrier space.

"Gulu!" All the disciples of the Great Hall of Tianyun sect were dumb, and everyone felt a sense of shame. At this time, all the disciples of Tianyun sect clenched their fists, and their eyes were red. They deeply engraved in their minds the faces of the twelve disciples of the stiff evil way, Wu Huang Qiang.

"Haha, it seems that you have become an abandoned son. What a poor fellow!" Inside the forbidden barrier, there was another burst of ridicule. Master Baibian was enveloped in dark evil spirit, and walked slowly towards Zhuge Gongcheng, who was in agony and was bound on the spot.

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"Keke..." there was a chill in Zhuge Gongcheng's eyes. He seemed to want to say something. But his body, which was imprisoned by black evil spirit, could not move. Even his neck was strangled by black evil spirit and could not utter any words.

"Hehe, it seems that you haven't recognized the current situation yet!" Once again, a strange smile appeared on Baibian's face, and his arms swung quietly again in vain. After counting, the black evil spirit floated out of the air and rushed to Zhuge Gongcheng's arms and legs.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

With a dull sound, Zhuge Gongcheng's arms and legs suddenly burst out with several strands of bright red blood. Red blood sprayed in the void, Zhuge Gongcheng's body bound by death could not stand a violent convulsion.

"Elder martial brother Zhuge!"


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Outside the forbidden barrier space, all the disciples of tianyunzong's holy temples were shocked. All the people looked at the miserable appearance of Zhuge's success, and they were all indignant and gnashing their teeth. Even a few Temple disciples could not bear to see Zhuge's success and suffering again. They slowly closed their eyes, which made them more determined. At this time, they could not bear it.

"Hum, open your eyes and look at everything in front of you. This is the reality. This is the world of martial arts. The weak eat the law of the jungle. If you don't want to end up like this in the future, please look at the pain you elder martial brother Zhuge have suffered! " The elder of the astrology Hall of Tianyun sect flashed a fierce look in his eyes, and rebuked the other disciples of the main halls in a cold voice.

Hearing the words, all the disciples of the great holy hall were stunned, and their hearts widened again, staring at the bloody scene in front of them.On both sides, the powerful people of all parties in the Jiuli Dynasty, as well as the other powerful disciples of the major sects, all silently swallowed their saliva and secretly remembered the admonition of the elder of the astrology Hall of Tianyun sect.

"Jie Jie, it's boring. Now that your clan has abandoned you, you can hang out with me in the future! Be my ghost, I promise you can be famous in mainland China Baibian laughs, looks at Zhuge Gongcheng with a faint breath, and his eyes are full of sarcasm. The spirit of yin and evil shrouded in his body slowly rolled and floated out, and he began to cover and devour Zhuge's body.

"Elder martial brother Zhuge!"

"Damn, no, that evil spirit will devour elder martial brother Zhuge!"

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"Ah, JIANGSHA is good at refining corpses with living people. It seems that elder martial brother Zhuge is doomed this time!"

I saw the spirit of Yin evil slowly peel off from Baibian childe, and gradually cover and devour Zhuge's body. The bodies of all the temple disciples of Tianyun sect suddenly trembled, and everyone's heart was covered with a layer of haze.

"Ha ha, master Baibian, I don't know if someone will turn your corpse into a ghost corpse after you die?" A burst of uncontrollable sneer, even quietly spread out in the silent forbidden barrier space. Then, in the Forbidden Space shrouded by the evil spirit of Yin, five colors of Xuanli light burst out in vain on a remote corner.

"You, you are still alive. How is that possible?" Feel the five elements of the force of the sky, the original elated hundred changes childe face suddenly changed. His eyes were fixed on the remote place, and towards Zhuge Gongcheng, the evil spirit that was enveloped in his body suddenly stopped and stayed in the same place.

"Brush!" The dazzling five colors of Xuanli's Qi burst into the sky. The heaven and earth contained the Qi of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and five elements of Xuanli rushed to that location with crazy joy. However, in that remote place, the Qi of Yinsha was full of fiery red in an instant.

"Teng!" The terrible flame became more and more fierce. In the blink of an eye, it completely burned the evil spirit covered by that remote place. Under the cover of the fiery rising flame, a strong and straight figure, with a bright silver sword in his hand, swaggered and stepped into the eyes of the public

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