Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 648: 648

Tengteng, Tengteng, Tengteng

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The fiery red flame rose up and became a long virtual shadow that swallowed the fiery red core. On the top of Changran Xuying's figure, no trace was holding a bright and sharp silver soft sword in his hand. After changing its appearance, the ordinary face, inadvertently across a touch of evil evil bad smile.


In the void, the evil spirit of darkness surges up and turns into dark smoke, which is separated between the changeable childe and no trace. At the same time, another stream of Yin evil Qi rushed to the back of Zhuge Gongcheng's chest.

"Hum!" A cold hum came from the silent forbidden barrier space. No trace the whole body suddenly move, a moment will be turned into a shadow, straight into the front of the black smoke evil spirit, will rush in.

"Ouch!" A loud and clear sound of the dragon's voice resounded through the heaven and earth, and the space within the forbidden barrier trembled in vain. Then, he saw a fire red long ran, virtual shadow swaying head and tail and galloping up, in the void as if in vain hit a fire flash.

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Poop, poop, poop, poop

In the turbulent forbidden barrier, you can see that one person and one sword are just like the people in the painting. They can wave the sword with ease, and they can even shuttle through the evil spirit group by themselves.

The strange and terrible spirit of Yin Sha was forced by the fierce sword Qi and could not get close to the body without trace. With a long silver sword, Wu trace made a series of eight Liu style and nine sword moves, and in an instant, he rushed to Baibian, less than ten meters in front of him.

"Ouch!" At the same time, there is a loud and clear sound of the dragon. The fiery red shadow of Zhang Yawu's fierce appearance flies to the edge of the forbidden barrier space. And the location of the red long virtual shadow appears is even more impartial between the success of Zhuge and the attack of the dark evil wind storm.

"Boom!" I saw the fire red long ran, the shadow suddenly put the big tail of the flame rising, even directly smashed the black evil spirit storm in front of him.

"Poof!" The dark and evil spirit of Taoism diffuses all over the sky, and the rising flame released from the whole body quickly ignites the broken evil spirit, and instantly burns the evil spirit completely on the spot.

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"Evil animal, dare you!" An angry low roar, cold spit out from the face ferocious hundred change childe mouth. The power of Yinsha Qi on Baibian's body has been obviously weakened. It's obvious that the burning of the fire has damaged the foundation of Baibian's practice.

"Roar!" In the void, the fiery long ran Xu Ying's eyes were full of disdain and disdain. He looked down at the figure of the changeable young master in the distance. Then, he saw the fire red long ran, and the empty shadow suddenly shook. All of a sudden, he took Zhuge Gongcheng, who had a weak breath in the rear, into his body.

"Brush!" The fiery, long and empty shadow rose all over his body, and the flame burned violently, completely burning the evil spirit covered by Zhuge's body. The fire is red and long, and the shadow head doesn't turn back, so it shakes its body and flies out. With Zhuge's success, it suddenly bumps against the back barrier.

"Boom!" The sound of a series of terrible turbulence is deafening. I saw the red long ran, empty shadow as if into the general uninhabited, suddenly jumped out of the forbidden barrier space.

"Poof!" At the moment when it comes into contact with the outside space, the flame on the body of Huohong Changran virtual shadow is extinguished. Zhuge Gongcheng, who has a very weak breath in the protection of Huohong Changran's shadow, flies to the place where the elder of Tianyun sect is located before the last trace of fire is burned up.

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Brush, brush, brush

Outside the forbidden barrier space, countless eyes flashed a touch of surprise and consternation at the same time. All of them followed Zhuge Gongcheng's body shape, and gazed on the body shape of the strong one who stood on the back void.

"Hum, anyone who moves in vain will be killed!" With a cold hum, the temperature in the void of the outside world has cooled down a lot in vain. The elder of the astrology Hall of Tianyun sect stood up in the air on the spot. He was in the middle of the whole body. The spirit and momentum of the emperor's soul and the emperor's spirit were released without reservation.

At the same time, the elders of the other holy halls of Tianyun sect who came to the forbidden area all released the aura of the emperor's realm without reservation.

For a moment, the terrifying realm of the soul and the realm of Emperor Wu rose up all over the sky, and locked up the twelve strong men of the rigid evil way who were walking in the air. If someone dares to act rashly, he will use the power of the law to kill him on the spot.

Gulu, GuluAt the scene of the Jiuli Dynasty, all the top powerful people of various forces were very pale at this time. Although the Xuanli power released by the temple elders of Tianyun sect was not from the array, it was only the aftereffect of Xuanli power at the level of Emperor Wu. It oppressed all the strong people in the cultivation realm below the spirit realm, panting for breath. For a moment, they were sweating, and their steps retreated unconsciously.

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Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

In the outer space, when the elders of the inner Temple of Tianyun sect confront with the elders of the twelve disciples of the inner Temple of Gangsha sect, all the remaining Tianjiao disciples of Tianyun sect fly out together and take over Zhuge Gongcheng, who is coming from the void.

"Hum!" In the void, the thin old man headed by the twelve disciples of the stiff evil way gave a cold hum, and then slowly gathered the Yin evil momentum released from his body into his body. His eyes are full of cold and fierce, and he stares coldly towards the forbidden barrier space again.

As you can see, the elders of the inner gate Temple of Tianyun sect and the other 11 disciples of Gangsha sect all took back the momentum released from their bodies at the same time. The tense situation, which had just been in full swing, suddenly calmed down again.

On both sides, Chiyou, the barbarian emperor of the Jiuli Dynasty, breathed heavily, and the cold sweat on his sophisticated face also flowed down quietly. The rest of the top powers of the Jiuli Dynasty also took a breath in their hearts, and the tense expressions on their faces relaxed at the same time.

Hiding in the crowd, the other Tianjiao disciples, who are exploring the wasteland, look at Zhuge Gongcheng, who has a weak breath and looks so ugly that he almost falls into a faint state. They all look grim and have a haze in their hearts< br>

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