Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 651: 651

Whoa, whoa, whoa

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The sound of blood dripping quietly spread from the forbidden barrier space. Outside the forbidden barrier space, countless people were stunned. Looking at the miserable and changeable childe in the mirror image of different methods, they all unconsciously swallowed their saliva.

"Keke, I'm a relative disciple of Daoism, and I'm also one of the favorite disciples of Daoism. You don't dare to kill me, otherwise the stiff evil way won't let you go... "A burst of quick and fierce cough, from the mouth of the changeable childe, one after another choked out. Baibian's face was as pale as paper, and even his voice became feeble. However, his fierce eyes are still full of hate. I wish I could tear the no trace in half and chop it into pieces on the spot.

"Ha ha, you say I dare not kill you? In that case, why don't we make a bet? " Hearing the threat of Baibian childe's words, Wuhen burst out laughing. The long silver sword in his hand was slowly raised horizontally again, and a pure and exuberant sense of Xiao shajian suddenly rose in his hand.

"You, what are you going to do?" Feeling the power of Xiao shajian's intention of the silver long sword in Wuchen's hand, Baibian, who was already in a state of depression, was even more confused at the moment. There was a flash of consternation in his vicious eyes, and his eyes were fixed on the traceless tongue not far in front of him.

"Hey, hey, let's make a bet on whether I dare to kill you! If I win, you die, and you win, I'll do what you say. How about that? " Traceless Lang chuckles and stares playfully at Baibian childe.

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"I bet you don't dare kill me!" Without thinking about it, Baibian suddenly blurted out that his life and death were in the hands of others. After that, Baibian swallowed his mouth hard.

"Oh, sorry, I won, you die!" There was still a bad smile on the traceless face, and he shook his head to the changeable childe. The silver sword in his hand is more and more powerful. It seems that he may gallop out at any time and cut away to Baibian, whose body shape is completely bound not far away from him.

"Cough, I bet you dare to kill me!" At this time, the fickle childe's mind has begun to short-circuit obviously. At the critical moment of life and death, the desire for survival has completely filled his mind.

"Ha ha, Congratulations, you won!" No trace once again light smile, to hundred change childe incomparably sympathize of nod.

"Ha ha, I've won, then you'd better hurry up and let me go as I say!" Baibian childe didn't seem to be joking when he saw Wuchen. His tense face was quietly relaxed. A smile gradually appeared on Baibian's face, and he pleaded to Wuhen.

"Well, if you win, I'll take what you say. Just now you said it yourself, I dare to kill you! Then I'll just take you on the road as you say! " No trace sighed gently, and the words seemed to be full of helplessness and entanglement, as if he didn't want to kill Baibian childe, but Baibian childe asked for his own death.

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"You, you dare to fool me?" Baibian childe's body bound by death trembles in vain, and his reason just blinded by the desire for survival comes back again. His eyes quickly burst open, like looking at the most hated person in his life, staring at the traceless face.

"Ha ha, just when you abused Zhuge and succeeded, you were so powerful that you didn't feel pity! Now it's your turn. Is that hard for you to accept? " Traceless smile can not be denied, bright eyes slightly closed, as a sharp line. Then, he saw no trace flick the silver sword in his hand in the void, with an extremely pure and terrifying Xiao's intention to kill the sword. In a flash, he locked the ferocious and struggling young master Baibian firmly on the spot.

Gulu, Gulu

Outside the forbidden barrier space, Chi you, the leader of the Jiuli Dynasty, led a group of powerful people from all sides of the Jiuli Dynasty, all of them quietly withdrew to both sides of the outer space. Hidden in the crowd, all the children of the eight sects flashed a different color in their eyes at the same time. They quietly gathered their eyes on Zhuge Gongcheng, who had already taken pills and fell into a state of lethargy, and gazed away.

From the brief dialogue between Wuhen and Baibian just now, people have clearly heard the profound meaning of Wuhen. It's obvious that Wu trace's move and his success are all due to his death to Zhuge Gongcheng.

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For a moment, the empty space of the outside world was in vain given up a large empty space by the other forces. On this empty space, the nine Temple elders of Tianyun sect and their nine Temple disciples formed two opposing camps against the twelve disciples of Gangsha road in the empty space. They were on guard against each other.

"Ha ha, elder Lengshan, is this man really from your Tianyun sect?" In the void of the outside world, the thin old man, led by the twelve disciples of the stiff evil way, sneered and looked directly at the astrology Hall of tianyunzong. This time, the elder asked coldly."Ha ha, long Da, what's the matter with you! Even if he is not a disciple of Tianyun sect, he has a close relationship with Tianyun sect! With your status as Taoist elder, I'm afraid you won't be able to have a bad life with a younger generation who hasn't stepped into the realm of soul transforming and Emperor Wu. " After hearing the question of long Da, the head of the twelve disciples of the rigid evil way, Leng Shan, the elder of the astrology hall, was slightly stunned. Then, a strange color flashed in Lengshan elder's eyes, and his tone was full of sarcasm and disdain. He swept coldly over the figure of the twelve Taoist disciples of the rigid evil way.

"Ha ha, since this son is not a disciple of Tianyun sect, I would advise Guizong not to interfere with me and resolve personal grievances!" A burst of wild laughter, resounding in the void of the outside world. Elder long, the head of the twelve disciples of the rigid evil way, turned his body in vain. His eyes went directly past the strong one of the temple elders of Tianyun sect. His cold eyes looked directly at the no trace in the forbidden barrier space.

"Hum, long Da, how can you, a middle emperor and a powerful emperor, be so reckless to a younger generation?" An angry cold hum came from the cold mountain elder in the astrology Hall of Tianyun sect. Lengshan elder's whole body was full of the power of law, and the other temple elders of Tianyun sect behind him also released the power of Xuanli.

Tengteng, Tengteng, Tengteng

At the same time, the other 11 disciples and elders of the stiff evil road stepped out together, and the momentum of the middle emperor of the 11 roads was released. The strong one of the temple elders of Tianyun sect was blocked in the void.

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"Hey, boy, I bet you don't dare to kill him!" A cold voice of scorn, full of fun, came from outside the forbidden barrier space. At the moment, the forbidden barrier space began to crumble under the pressure of the powerful emperor released by the rigid Taoist apprentice Lao Longda.

"Brush!" A strange red light and shadow flashed away, and the demon zunhuoxiao rushed into the traceless body as soon as he realized that something was wrong. However, the sword spirit squeezed by Wu Chen's hand had obviously accumulated to the limit. He didn't even look back. His eyes were still staring at the ferocious young master Bai Bian coldly.

"Ha ha, boy, please, I may spare you a dog's life later!" A burst of unrestrained wild laughter, from the breath of the original languid Baibian childe mouth repeatedly clamour. Seeing that Taoist elder long Da was ready to rescue himself, Baibian once again had the mental momentum on the spot.

"Hey, traceless boy, no matter what absolute you make, demon master, I will be with you firmly!" A rough and hearty laughter, quietly into the mind without trace.

"Ha ha, you old demon! You want to escape. You have to leave my body to survive! " Traceless mouth slightly up, in the brain to the demon respect fire Xiao disdain question way. At the moment, however, there was a warm current in his heart, and a strong and resolute color flashed through his just hesitant eyes

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