Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 652: 652

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A clear sound, from around the forbidden barrier space. The heavy and powerful forbidden barrier was covered with dense fine lines in a moment, and a trace of horrible dark force rushed into the forbidden barrier space without any sign.

"Suddenly In a flash, the Yin cold air became more and more violent, and the forbidden barrier space began to make a strange noise. The invisible afterwave of yin and cold Qi surged up and beat on the emperor's body. In the field, no trace body shape suddenly trembled, as if the whole person would be frozen on the spot. His body in vain out of a fiery rising flame, natural fire instantly will be no trace of the whole person to firmly shrouded in it.

"Hoo The natural fire is burning fiercely, and the power of the surrounding Yin cold Qi is greatly reduced in vain. The silver sword firmly held in Wu Chen's hand shakes quietly again, and its bright eyes are even colder.

"Ha ha, elder, elder, help me Feeling the cold aftereffect of the invasion of the surrounding void, Baibian childe's eyes once again suffused with the essence of survival. The loud cries for help were particularly harsh. Naturally, the actions of Baibian childe also caused the powerful people outside the forbidden barrier space to frown unconsciously.

"Hum, boy, if you are smart, I can consider sparing your life!" In addition to the forbidden barrier space, the twelve disciples of the stiff evil road are big and the old dragon is big, and the whole person's body shape has been steadily standing on the outside of the forbidden barrier space. And the evil spirit of terror that permeated his body has completely destroyed the forbidden barrier in the void.

"Kill An idea flashed away in Wu trace's mind, and then Wu trace suddenly threw the silver sword out of his hand. A faint, indistinct and indecisive shadow of the sword came out. Without any pause, he went straight to kill the Baibian childe who was bound by death.

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"Oh, no!" A terrible cry came from the mouth of Baibian childe. Then he saw a white sword flash away, and directly cut it across Baibian's waist. The hazy white sword seemed to disappear in the eyes of everyone again.

"Lizi, how dare you be so presumptuous!" A low to almost roaring rebuke, strange and loud into the presence of all forces in the mind of each strong.

"Hum!" There was a continuous buzzing sound, and some of the stronger ones with lower accomplishments were shocked to fall to the ground in a daze.

"Click, click!" At the same time, the sound will be broken and the sound will be heard again and again, and the barriers in the forbidden space will all turn into fragments and fall suddenly. As soon as he stepped into the forbidden space, the fierce evil spirit of yin and cold filled the whole forbidden space.

"Poof!" One sword moves in one style, and one sword cuts without trace. He cuts Baibian into two pieces on the spot. A red and strange flame burns up on the body of Baibian childe, burning his whole person to ashes in an instant, and destroying all the spirits.

"Run away!" No trace in the mind, at the same time resound from two rough crazy loud sound. Immediately, he saw the Xuanli breath of the wind in Wuchen's body, and suddenly he was crazy. Willow catkins' ethereal skill was used to the extreme by no trace, and its body shape was turned into a white streamer, which rushed to the outskirts of the wild city in the distance.

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Gulu, Gulu

A series of tense gasps began to wriggle, and Chiyou, the leader of the Jiuli Dynasty, immediately chose to take the leader of all the major forces under his command, retreated one after another and fled like a gallop. And hidden in the crowd, the powerful members of each sect also appeared one after another, coerced the disciples of each sect to retreat quickly.

"Sha Feng!" A low voice, as if there were nothing, floated out like a quiet wave. In the endless void, a continuous stream of Yin cold evil Qi emerges out of thin air, completely blocking and freezing the realm of tens of miles in the forbidden barrier space.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

A series of continuous explosion sound, in front of the no trace body, which ran away at a high speed, left and right. No trace's whole body suddenly stops in the void. The flame of different fire and the evil spirit of yin and cold that emerge from the void collide with each other.


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In the void, two loud roars of terror, one after another deafening will enter the public ears. At the same time, they both shook their bodies and soared into the sky.

The terrible fire roared up, intertwined with the purple sky, thunder and shadow, and occupied on the traceless body. No trace stands on the void with a long silver sword in his hand. There are two fire flying and thunder flying around him, and the virtual shadow is occupying the left and right. The appearance of the whole person is still ordinary, but the temperament of the body gives people a kind of unfathomable atmosphere."Dong!" In the void, a strange and heavy footstep came again. Originally in the forbidden barrier space, the head of the twelve disciples of the rigid evil way, Da Chang Lao long Da, suddenly appeared in front of the place where Qian MI was standing out of thin air.

"Brush!" At the moment when elder long appeared, an invisible evil spirit rose out of thin air. The boundless Yin evil spirit is wrapped in endless chill, as if it turns into a prison light beam, which suddenly covers the traceless body.

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The sound of clear and crisp sound is endless, Yin cold evil spirit will be no trace of the body to firmly trapped in the void. The rising flames roared out, but they all retreated under the pressure of the chill of the evil spirit. However, the endless bombardment of the nine sky purple thunder in the prison of Yinsha's Qi seemed to hit the cotton pile without any effect.

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"Suddenly The flame of different fire and the nine sky purple thunder, as crazy, prevent the approaching of the surrounding Yinsha prison, while the boundless Yinsha Qi seems to be all pervasive, crashing and flowing towards the traceless body.

"Hoo For a moment, no trace felt as if he had fallen into the abyss. His whole body had been completely covered by the evil spirit, and the whole body of the emperor's realm was covered with layers of cold ice.

Not only that, Yin cold evil Qi seems to pass through the traceless body skin and start to invade into the traceless body.

These changes were so startled that my heart suddenly trembled again, and the universe in my body would never run like crazy.

A steady stream of pure and exuberant Xuanli Qi rushes out and completely envelops the Yin evil Qi that invades Wuchen's body. When Yin Sha's Qi meets the vigorous and pure Hongmeng's chaotic Qi, suddenly the original turbulent momentum begins to become inexplicably dispirited

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