Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 659: 659

Sa Sa, Sa Sa

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Strange breath surged out, and the atmosphere outside the forbidden area of the ancient land was strange for a moment. Under the leadership of master Kaiyang, the strongmen of the square array of the sword Pavilion slowly moved towards the rear of the strongmen of Tianyun sect.

For a moment, the three powerful forces of tianyunzong took several actions, but the three powerful forces showed a trend of encirclement, and immediately surrounded the strong people of tianyunzong.

"Ha ha, it's not a day or two for Jiang Sha Dao to conspire with Zhen Baozhai and plan our tianyunzong. Now I can't help it, ready to tear my face with tianyunzong? " Lengshan elder's face was ironic, and his eyes swept coldly on the two main forces of Gangsha road and zhenbaozhai. Then, he saw his eyes fall on the body of the strong one of the sword Pavilion forces, and his voice was full of suspicion. He said again: "does the sword Pavilion, which boasts of its famous swordsman, want to join with you and other despicable people?"

"Keke, if tianyunzong withdraws from this secret exploration, my sword Pavilion is willing to be a middleman. As for the enmity between the three major sects, we can settle it by ourselves in the future." All the forces in the sword Pavilion stop slightly, and the sharp sword will flow on their bodies. The leader of Kaiyang peak, master Kaiyang, has a sly smile in his eyes. He looks at the figures of tianyunzong group and speaks lightly.

"Hum, you tianyunzong people, who killed my Jiansha disciples in the wild city. Don't you need blood to pay for this blood debt? " The only remaining eleven Taoist elders in the rigid evil way were all heavy faced, and their eyes fell on the bodies of the strong elders of Tianyun sect. The evil spirit of Yin rises out of thin air, and the power of the cold and strange laws of heaven and earth rises quietly from the figure of eleven Taoist elders.

"Hey, Leng Shan, blame your tianyunzong for being too strong. If you hadn't built a sutra collection Pavilion in the Academy, you would not have been scared by the major schools, and now you would have been left alone!" Mo Qianli, the deputy leader of the array treasure house, has a cold smile. In his eyes, there are flashes of cold light, looking coldly at the bodies of the strong members of the Tianyun sect.

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"Ha ha, what an authentic kendo. It's really high sounding. Have you ever bullied any of your clans? But I've heard an interesting story. It seems that Liu Wuhen, the new sixth disciple of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, once defeated two of your disciples personally. I don't know if you've heard of Chen Baozhai and Jiang Shadao! " Elder Lengshan burst out laughing in vain, and glanced at the powerful members of each major sect. Finally, his eyes fell on the figure of the stiff evil way and the elders of the array treasure house.

Gulu, Gulu

Smell speech, the atmosphere in the field suddenly became cold to the extreme, think at the beginning of the Zhen Bao Zhai Pro disciple Mo QingHan, is abandoned by no trace. Wan Shanhe, the inner disciple of Jiansha Taoist sect, died unexpectedly. Even Wan moti, the leader of the outer sect, died because of no trace and others.

Such a disgrace is a secret that has not been revealed among the major sects. Now the cold mountain has been pierced again. It is obvious that there is a heavy slap on the face of the strongmen of the two major sects.

Boom, boom, boom

As soon as elder Lengshan's voice came to the ground, a number of terrible Xuanli's air rose up. The eleven disciples of the stiff evil way released the momentum of cultivation in their bodies, and immediately locked the strong bodies of Tianyun Sect on the spot.

In the same way, the power of Xiaguang's treasures rose all over the sky, and all the strongmen of the array treasure house also jumped up one after another. They were all in the same place.

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"Brush!" Qi Qi, the elder of the nine holy halls of Tianyun sect, released the momentum and breath of Wu Huang's cultivation realm, and protected Qi Qi, the disciples of the nine holy halls of Tianyun sect. A series of invisible barriers containing the power of the law of heaven and earth came into being, which stiffly blocked the momentum and pressure released by the two powerful men in the void.

"Whoosh!" At this critical juncture, I saw a strong man wrapped in the air of earth Xuanli running from far and near from the position of the wild city.

"No, no, it's the order of the barbarian emperor. There's something big happening in the wild city. As a result, the powerful of all parties in the Jiuli Dynasty quickly returned to the wild city. If there is any violation, the consequences will be borne by the violator, regardless of the death or injury! " A series of powerful and anxious shouts came from the mouth of the strong man who had just galloped. The strong men of the sanxiu forces on both sides of the scene were all trembling at the same time. All the people looked at the strong man with anxious face and sent a faint letter.

"Oh, my God, I can kill the Taoist elder. There must be a big man coming to the wild and ancient land. It seems that the secret treasure in this ancient wasteland is destined to have nothing to do with us! ""Since the manhuang ordered to return, it is obvious that the city is absolutely safe. So it's important for us to save our lives! "

"Cough, compared with life, it's safer for me to choose to live!"

"Yes, go away quickly. If that big man is crazy, I'm afraid we don't even know how to die!"

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"Get out, get out!"

Whispers came out of the mouths of the hidden forces around. Then, with some people taking the lead, all the forces of scattered cultivation sprang up one after another. Without even looking back, each of them rushed back, turned into a stream of light and shadow, and ran away towards the main city of the wild city in the rear.

"Boy, is that true?" In the void, the eleven Taoist elders of the rigid evil way all looked very cold, and the boundless and terrible evil spirit floated up and down in the void.

"You elders, I dare not lie about such a big event. It's really ordered by manhuang. I'd like to inform you that I hope you'll leave early so as not to encounter any accident. As for the specific circumstances of elder Long's death, you can go into the wild city and ask manhuang face to face The strong man gasped heavily and bowed to the eleven Taoist elders above.

"Hum, manhuang, I hope you can give us a satisfactory answer!" A cold hum came from one of the eleven Taoist elders. Immediately, the eleven Taoist elders gave a cold glance at the young man below. When they moved, the eleven black robes disappeared.

In the distance, the surging air of evil spirit surged up and rushed to the main city area of the wild city. Obviously, compared with the tianyunzong group, you are more concerned about the strange death of the elder long da.

"Ha ha, Longda is dead. It seems that heaven really helps me. Ladies and gentlemen, do you still want to join hands to fight against tianyunzong? " Seeing that the 11 Taoist elders of the rigid evil way disappeared, the pressure on the strong of Tianyun sect was reduced sharply. The elder of Lengshan in the astrology hall laughs in vain and looks coldly at the figures of the powerful men of Baozhai and Jiange.

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"Ha ha, people of the sword Pavilion, follow the heart of the sword. My sword Pavilion came to the wasteland to seek the secret treasure, so I won't be delayed any longer. Take care of yourself. I'll see you in the forbidden area! " In the square array of the sword Pavilion team, master Kaiyang gave a faint smile and hugged the elder Lengshan slightly. Then, master Kaiyang gave a wink at the strong swordsmen around him. They urged their swords to fight with their swords. All the figures rushed into the vast desert covered by yellow sand.

"Ha ha, boring, Lengshan, we'll settle our account later!" At the sight of the people in the sword Pavilion, Mo Qianli, the deputy leader of the array treasure house, retreated, and his eyes flashed in vain. Bursts of treasure power soared into the sky, and Mo Qianli walked into the wasteland with Chi Guoguo, one of the strong men in the treasure house.

Gulu, Gulu

At this time, with the departure of the strong sanxiu of the Jiuli Dynasty and the disappearance of the strong three major sects, all the temple elders of Tianyun sect were relieved, and the cold sweat on the forehead of the disciples who came to explore the secret place gradually stopped.

On the other side, seeing the departure of the major sects, the threat of tianyunzong was temporarily relieved. The young man, who had been informed of the news, had a bad smile on his fierce face, and his body was covered with a strange aura. The whole man nodded to the strong men of tianyunzong, and his body turned into a powerful wind, Rush into the front of the sand and stone flying in the middle of the wasteland, disappeared.

"Elder Leng, this guy..." aware of the strange behavior of the strong young man, all the elders of the main gate Temple looked at elder Lengshan with doubts.

"Go, go quickly!" Lengshan elder was slightly stunned, and countless possibilities occurred in his mind. Then Lengshan elder suddenly flashed a decisive color in his eyes, and with a wave of his hand, he took a group of strong people from the major temples of tianyunzong to step into the forbidden area of the barren land and the forbidden area of the ancient land

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