Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 660: 660

"Brush!" An enchanting and strange red awn passed away in a flash, and was engulfed by the vast Yellow sand.

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In the middle of entering the wasteland, the traceless land, which had recovered its original appearance, galloped past with its feet in the yellow sand. At this time, no trace body has been covered with a layer of majestic purple gold armor, and on the outside of the purple gold armor full of the breath of earthly Xuanli, there is a fierce fire of terror rising.

"Hoo A dull breath came from the endless desert. No trace's earth Xuanli, fire Xuanli and two kinds of Xuanli can protect his body, which is just enough to resist the pressure and invasion brought by the yellow sand and flying stones in the forbidden area.

"Keke, traceless boy, it's about a day's journey from the area where Yibao appears. The more you go into the barren land, the more dangerous the forbidden area will be. Maybe you will meet the demons of the level of soul realm. If you take your infant soul realm cultivation as your own, you may not be able to see it enough! " A burst of light cough voice slightly, demon zunhuoxiao into a strange red awn virtual shadow, then gallop appeared in the side of no trace.

"Well, the Third Elder martial brother is a real man. He agreed to escort me into the place of Yibao image. He's very good. He'll be gone as soon as he leaves the wild city! Fortunately, I'm smart, and I can help elder Lengshan to avoid the disaster by changing my appearance! " No trace walking in the momentum of the hot desert, God fully open awareness, vigilant observation of the surrounding blocking the sun, yellow sand in the rocks in the movement. In addition, as traceless goes deeper and deeper into the forbidden area of the wasteland, the pressure of heaven and earth on the whole person becomes more and more intense. Taking the peak cultivation level strength in the later period of traceless baby's soul realm as the level strength, sweat began to drip and surge on his forehead.

"Hey, no trace boy, don't talk about people behind. Maybe your Third Elder martial brother is hiding somewhere and staring at you secretly at the moment! " Yao Zun's fire sky is red, and the virtual shadow floats around quietly, and the rough and playful sound reverberates in his ears.

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"Damn it, the Third Elder martial brother is handsome and wise. He is a model Liu Wuhen has studied and emulated all his life!" No trace face in vain a surprise, can't help but burst out a rude words on the spot, then, no trace face in vain become extremely respectful, in front of the vast Yellow sand repeatedly shameless praise.

"Well, Demon Lord, I just said so casually, you are really serious!" Demon zunhuoxiao empty shadow in vain a Zheng, quite speechless toward no trace look.

"Hey, you old demon, you know nothing. Young master, I'd rather believe what I have than believe what I don't have. Take preventive measures and take preventive measures! " Traceless shameless burst out laughing, at the side of the suspended demon respect fire Xiao Xu shadow bad hit a wink.

Sasa, Sasa, Sasa

Just as he was galloping in the boundless sand covered desert, a strange sound came from the sand covered land not far ahead. Around the hot air waves suddenly become crazy disorder, in the void, there is a faint smell of terror of animals surging out.

"Ah, ah A series of bleak shouts, whistling with the wind, loomed in the yellow sand. No trace quickly regained his consciousness at the first time, stopped, and stopped fighting in the sandstorm of yellow sand. He quietly observed the front of the void with disordered and fluctuating breath.

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Whoa, whoa, whoa

I saw yellow sand all over the sky blocking out the sun one after another. At this time, several piles of yellow sand gathered together with the rolling of the storm heat wave. And the piles of yellow sand gathered in one place burst out dazzling yellow awn on the spot. With the dazzling yellow awn gradually burst out, a heavy force of the earth came into being on the spot.

The terrifying mysterious power of the earth was released without reservation, and all kinds of monsters and virtual shadows, just like the Sphinx, came out gradually after Huang mang faded away.

"Roar, roar!" A roar of terror and turbulence, earthshaking, generally resounding in the yellow sand roaring desert. Several monsters, which are equivalent to the later cultivation state of the baby's soul realm, burst into the sky and blow away the yellow sand storm within tens of miles.


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There are eight monsters like the Sphinx, which run in eight directions and occupy the empty space of tens of miles. As the yellow sand storm dissipated and retreated, everything around began to become clear and clear.

In this empty area, including Wu trace himself, dozens of human warriors were exposed. And the eight directions above the Sphinx monster, now is each monster's mouth are eating a bloody body.

Seeing this, the bodies of dozens of human warriors around them all trembled in vain, and there was a trace of panic in their eyes.

Dozens of human warriors quickly gathered together, and Qi Qi released the air of Xuanli in his body without reservation. Among the ten people present, only three of them were in the late stage of infant soul realm, and most of them were in the early stage, middle stage and cultivation realm of infant soul realm.At this time, dozens of powerful human beings were facing the eight monsters with such terrible Sphinx on their own, but from the momentum, they were obviously shorter than the monsters on both sides. In addition, the monsters just made a move, and they killed several human warriors who had the same cultivation level as the others. This blow down, is tantamount to making the human martial arts in the heart of the more no confidence.

"Roar!" There was another deafening roar, and the ground around the empty place for tens of miles suddenly trembled. Then, eight Sphinx monsters rose to the sky at the same time, and the eight monsters rushed into the gathering place of dozens of human warriors who were unprepared.

Tengteng, Tengteng, Tengteng

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All of a sudden, dozens of human warriors released the momentum of whole body cultivation with all their strength, and all the figures were galloping in all directions. During this period, the air of Xuanli burst out madly, and a series of colorful magic attacks were launched out of thin air.

The terrible momentum turbulence a void, a magic attack all without reservation fell on the body of the eight Sphinx.

Boom, boom, boom

Dozens of powerful human beings join hands to sacrifice their magic attacks, all of which bombard the body of the Sphinx. The fierce power of yellow sand in the void wantonly fell, and the Sphinx's defense, which was only made by the confusion of its own wind, earth, and two kinds of mysterious power, completely stopped the repeated terrorist attacks of the public.

"Roar, roar!" An angry roar came out of the mouth of a group of Sphinx beasts scattered in yellow sand. Then, he saw eight Sphinx monsters open their mouths at the same time, and the eight terrible heat waves suddenly spit out from their mouths without any sign.

"Boom, boom!" The terrible fireball flew by with the supremacy, and ignited the bodies of dozens of human warriors in the field at the same time. Among them, the three strong ones in the later cultivation state of the infant soul state, seeing that they were not good, immediately chose to run away. And the remaining dozens of junior high school cultivation masters in infant soul realm didn't even have time to react, so they were all engulfed by the terrible flame fireball power. Their bodies were quickly ignited by the fireball, and there was a continuous wail. Dozens of junior high school strongmen in infant soul realm were burned to death by the terrible flame fireball on the spot< br>

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