Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 661: 661

Poop, poop, poop, poop

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A series of strange stuffy noises quietly appeared on the empty ground of the fire. The flames all over the sky were extinguished in a flash, leaving only ashes scattered with the wind.

"Suddenly In the empty space of tens of miles, eight Sphinx beasts screamed wildly again. In the distance, the three powerful men of human martial arts run away without looking back. They are about to escape to the edge of the empty field.

In the distance, no trace had been standing in the same place, and his purple and gold armor was shining in the sun. The rising flame of different fire lingers around the body of no trace, and gradually turns into red, long and empty shadow. No trace vigilant stand in place, looking at the void in which eight crazy wandering with the lion face monster, dare not act rashly.

"Brush!" Above the void, eight sphinxes galloped out at the same time. They went straight over the head of Wuchen and rushed to the distance, facing the three strong human warriors who fled in different directions.

Roar, roar, roar

Another series of angry shouts came from the mouth of the eight Sphinx. Eight terrible rising flame fireballs swept out at the same time, carrying endless momentum of destruction, instantly spread and covered the whole empty area.

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"Brush!" At the same time, on the edge of the open area, in vain they burst out with the brilliance of the earth. The barriers formed by quicksand link up one after another, completely blocking the whole empty area and enveloping it.

"Bang bang!" Three huge muffled sounds rang out, and the three human warriors who had just fled all stopped in vain. The momentum and pressure released by the three men were all blocked by the sudden earth awn barrier without exception. And the three figures had to stay on the edge of the empty field.

"Suddenly There was a cold wind blowing, and the bodies of the three human warriors all trembled unconsciously. The red and hot rising waves rose like a raging sea of fire, and in an instant, they completely engulfed the bodies of the three human warriors.

"Ah, ah At the same time, a shrill scream resounded from the edge of the empty space. The terrible and hot flames of the sea of fire are surging and rushing, and the figure of hegemonism, like a murderous beast, is constantly passing through the vast sea of fire.

Tear, tear, tear

Every time the Sphinx flies by, it will carry the remains of flesh and blood in its mouth. And in this series of fighting trends, among the vast sea of fire, there was no scream.

Brush, brush, brush

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Eight huge Sphinx figures flashed out of the air again, occupying eight different positions in the empty space. And the fireball flame on the empty ground also began to recede gradually towards the two sides around. In the vast sea of flames, a strong figure was exposed out of time.

"Keke, I'm afraid you're still young when you play with me." The vast flame scattered away, no trace burning around the fire, the flame intact standing in place. His purple and gold armor is more dazzling, and his handsome face shows a faint evil smile, watching the movements around indifferently.



On both sides, above the void, eight Sphinx figures burst out their roars at the same time, and their eyes were full of fierce and fierce, staring at the place where no trace was.

"Suddenly A gust of hot air came from the outside of the empty field, and the eight Sphinx monsters who looked at each other for a long time finally couldn't restrain themselves.

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Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

At the same time, the eight sphinxes raised their heads and roared, as if they had suffered unprecedented provocation and humiliation. All the Sphinx were quickly surrounded by fierce yellow sand barriers, and their mouths were constantly spraying out terrible flames. Fireballs directly attacked and killed on the location where no trace was located.

Boom, boom, boom

The terrible hot fireball falls down all over the sky, and comes with endless gravity. No trace in the field only felt that his body was bound by an invisible pressure, and could only watch the fiery red fireballs smash towards his body.

"Ouch!" A loud dragon chant is high pitched and powerful. The fiery red shadow, which is formed from the body without trace, rises up in a flash. Its huge body moves at a high speed, and all of the fiery red fireballs that fall from the void are taken over.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

The terrible fireball of flame bombarded the body of the red and empty shadow which was changed by the different fire. As if to be red long ran virtual shadow, on the spot then jump smash broken general terror incomparable. Although the long and empty shadow of the red flame of different fire swayed and swayed for several times, it seemed to be on the verge of falling, but in fact, it always turned into a guard on the traceless body, completely resisting and blocking the red flames on the spot.Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu

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Just when the fireball magic attack failed, the eight Sphinx figures had come together in front of the traceless body within tens of meters. The yellow sand storm swept wildly, just like a sharp knife blowing towards the body without trace. The eight Sphinx figures breathed the breath of terror and blood, which made the air around the void become tense and solidified.

"Boom!" With the help of the mysterious force of the wind, the terrifying momentum of the earthly awn flies and turns into sharp blades, bombarding the traceless body.

The purple and gold armor on Wuchen's whole body glowed in an instant, and the thick air of the mysterious force of the earth instantly resisted the wind blade coming from the road.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

A series of terrible turbulence and muffled sound, on the traceless figure, resounded repeatedly. The invincible blades of the wind from the yellow sand were all bombarded on the purple and gold armour. However, no trace is still standing in the same place, and its rising flame power is more hot and violent, which will cover the violent yellow sand on its body one by one.

"Roar See no trace did not get the slightest damage, around eight huge Sphinx monster more violent fury. At the same time, the eight Sphinx monsters swayed their bodies and flew out, carrying eight terrible and bloody breath. They all went to kill on the traceless body in the field< br>

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