Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 662: 662

"Brush!" Thick and heavy earth Xuanli filled the air, completely enveloping and spreading the whole body shape of no trace. Eight Sphinx monster mouth all repeatedly breathed the terrible fireball, from eight directions above no dead angle will be no trace of the whole person to the blockade on the spot.

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Boom, boom, boom

All over the sky, the quicksand splashed around like a sharp blade, and the fiery flame was burning. No trace's position was immediately engulfed and covered by the terrible momentum of destruction. All the eight Sphinx monsters, with their mouths wide open, rushed into the center of the open field.

"Hum!" There was a loud sound of the sword, and the void of the empty place where no trace was before trembled violently in vain. The terrible heavy quicksand attack suspended and stopped, and even the blazing fire in the void was shaking and moving.

"Poof!" The blazing fire surged to the surrounding sides, and a simple and mysterious breath started slowly from the middle of the fire group.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

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All over the sky, the quicksand flies wildly, moves rapidly, and gathers in one place. Eight huge and fierce looking Sphinx monsters are transformed out of thin air again. The eyes of the eight Sphinx continued to twinkle with the cold light, which somehow opened a certain distance from the empty space in the center.

Brush, brush, brush

The atmosphere of simplicity and mystery burst out from the central empty space. The continuous ancient and simple sword spirit quickly covered the empty place, and pure and vigorous sword Qi flew freely out of the air.

In the void, the flame that blocks the sky and the sun is engulfed by the mysterious and simple atmosphere. However, the pure and vigorous sword Qi that flies wildly, together with the solidified storm yellow sand in the sky, all of them instantly become full of holes.

"Cough..." a faint cough came from the place where the ancient and mysterious atmosphere gathered. With the spread of the ancient and simple atmosphere in the void, a handsome and strong green robe figure is exposed.

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At the moment, no trace in a green robe standing in place, his handsome face faintly across a strange color. The nine ancient sword Qi around his body are slowly converging. The nine ancient characters of Lin, Bing, Dou, Zhe, Jun, Zhen, lie, Qian, Xing and Xing exude nine completely different Xuanli attribute breath between heaven and earth, which is compatible with the pure and vigorous sword Qi flying in the surrounding void.

"Eh, old demon, jiuxiao dragon Jue and Jiuzi sword Jue are the same place. Aren't all the eight monsters swallowed up by the simple sword Qi? Why are they still alive today? " The expression on the traceless and handsome face coagulates in vain, and the sword meaning of the nine color ancient characters hovers and revolves on its own. The whole person without trace seems to be the source of ancient simplicity. The pure and vigorous ancient simplicity is released continuously from his body and flows into the nine character sword meaning ancient characters.

"It's true that the eight monsters were killed by the nine character sword formula. However, the air of the earth's Xuanli attribute contained in the empty space has not dissipated, so they will gather and form again! Perhaps, in this empty area, these demon zuns can't be killed at all... "Demon Zun's fire sky is red, and the empty shadow floats repeatedly, looking at the sword Qi flying wantonly in the void around him, thinking about his way back.

At this time, the terrible flame has been extinguished, only the yellow sand still filled the air with the strong wind. And the eight Sphinx monsters, who were re transformed, all showed a trace of fear in their eyes, staring coldly at the no trace above the center of the empty space below.

"Hum!" Another loud and clear sound of the sword resounded like earth shaking. The silver jade belt around the waist of no trace flickered in vain. A slender silver soft sword shimmered and fell steadily in the palm of no trace's hand. The sky above the empty field covered by yellow sand made a silver flash inexplicably. All the ancient sword Qi in the surrounding void trembled with excitement and turned into a terrible Xiao Sha light and shadow, which went straight towards the eight Sphinx human faced monsters suspended in the void.

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Poop, poop, poop, poop

All over the sky, the silver sword rose up, and the body of the eight Sphinx monsters was quickly engulfed and covered by the terrible Xiao Sha sword. The eight Sphinx monsters didn't even have time to hum, so their huge posture turned into the fragments of Taoism, which were cut down by the fierce Xiao sword.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

In vain, all the eight Sphinx figures collapsed quickly, and a yellow sand turned into a terrible sand line burst out. The terrible yellow sand flying lines are like such terrible yellow sand water columns, weaving and joining into an invisible net in the void, wantonly flying and scattering on the traceless body shape above the lower central open area, killing and shuttling away."Formation Feel the terrible yellow sand and water column coming from all over the world, and the momentum and power is no less than that of the eight strong ones in the later cultivation of the infant soul realm. The momentum of Wu Chen's whole body suddenly reached the extreme, and an extremely indifferent voice slowly came out of his mouth.

"Brush!" In the void, the nine color ancient Chinese characters hovering in vain. Among them, the sword meaning of the ancient Chinese characters with the word "array" flew out madly.

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As soon as the meaning of the ancient word "array" came out, the temperature in the air around it suddenly dropped a lot. The yellow sand water column splashed and killed in the void was frozen by the cold breath of the ancient word "array". The crystal clear pieces of ice covered the dim yellow sand slowly scattered around.

"Hoo A dull turbid air, gently spit out from the traceless mouth. The other eight ancient Chinese characters hover around slowly again, while the ancient Chinese character "Zhen", which showed its power before, now the brilliant blue light of the ancient Chinese characters, has become a little bright and dark, and the power is weak. As the yellow sand, which lost all its power and power, fell down, the ancient blue word "Zhen", which was slightly dim in light, wandered to the side of traceless body again. It merged with the other eight gorgeous ancient words, and the sword meaning of the nine color ancient words wandered around on its own, which seemed to have an inexplicable connection with traceless, All the time, the guards are all around the body.

Bata, Bata, Bata

The sound of a slight fall will be heard in the middle of the open field. The crystal clear blue awn like treading on thin ice slowly dissipated, and the dull yellow sand wantonly spread all over the ground. The figure of the eight Sphinx had disappeared with the wind, and even a little vitality could not emerge“ Ha ha, it seems that these guys can't be killed at all! " No trace a light smile, looking at the dead pieces of sand a light smile. The sword Qi of the nine color ancient characters hovered slowly, among which the light of the "array" character, which was relatively dark, was shining rapidly. Unexpectedly, it began to absorb the air of Hongmeng chaos surging from the body of no trace.... < br > the sword Qi of the nine color ancient characters hovered slowly

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